Sunday, June 27, 2010

Tim Turner appears credible.

(Generally, thus far, Tim Turner appears credible. However, I find his portrayal of the US military naive at best. To think that the same disease infesting our society has not beset the military in spades is tosh. Kay Griggs appears to be the real deal in exposing what really happens in the military. Besides the blackmail info, there is lots of info about other conspiracies & involvement of people that may surprise even this select group).
Why was General McChrystal fired?
Reactions within the US establishment to the firing of Gen. Stanley McChrystal indicate that disparaging remarks by McChrystal and his aides concerning President Obama and other civilian officials published in a Rolling Stone article were not the principal cause of his dismissal.
Rather, the article brought to a head the deepening crisis arising from the failure of the US military to suppress the popular resistance in Afghanistan to Washingtons colonial-style war. Dissatisfaction with McChrystals leadership had been mounting within the Obama administration since the failure of the offensive in Marjah launched last February. The decision announced earlier this month to delay for at least three months the assault on Kandahar was widely seen as an embarrassing setback.
The article, written by Michael Hastings, deals relatively briefly with the remarks of McChrystal and his aides about US civilian officials in Afghanistan. They are predictably crude, and could hardly have come as a surprise to Obama, let alone to the Pentagon. They are familiar with the fascistic and debased character of McChrystals entourage. Hastings concisely describes the generals staff as a handpicked collection of killers, spies, geniuses, patriots, political operators and outright maniacs.
Kay Griggs: Sex & Blackmail in the Military-1
Kay Griggs: Homosexual Blackmail, Kissinger & Mind Control-2
Kay Griggs: Destroying America & US Military Tricked into Bombing Dresden-3
Kay Griggs: Catholic Priests & Pedophilia come to the USA the Mobs in Control-4
Kay Griggs: Griggs_part_5of5

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