Saturday, August 14, 2010

Comment by cmych on August 14, 2010 @ 11:18 pm

Hi guys,
Just a reminder to us all
Pro-actively Ignoring the Illuminasti into oblivion – the Third Way
Posted By: X_Hermes
Date: Saturday, 14-Aug-2010 06:41:50
The essence of this extraordinary time, and the transformation that is taking place, is the ending of the old duality. Duality consists of many opposites – light and dark, yin and yang, good and evil, male and female and so on. It is unstable, in that the light may come into the ascendancy for a while, but then the pendulum swings, and it is the turn of the dark, and so on – essentially a ‘forever’ process. The scenario is far more complicated than this statement, perhaps, because many aspects of duality are swinging back and forth, out of sync and in opposite directions to each other, simultaneously.
If the light should choose to fight the dark, two processes move forward in parallel – the dark element is slowly purged to move lightwards, while the light forces are corrupted by their own blind aggression and are twisted into darkness. And in all sorts of respects, this type of activity just keeps on churning as the whole constantly and endlessly morphs into its opposite.
That the turmoil of our world has been an engine for soul growth is clear to many, the constant churning delivering frequent challenges the like of which other realms of consciousness reportedly do not experience. But whatever the challenges being presented in the reality around us may be in this moment, I suggest that, in the context of our many past lives we have all ‘been there, done that’ – and got so many ‘T’ shirts in the process that there is now a storage problem. So, time to move on! A message which a very few have had for some considerable time, and which the majority is only now becoming consciously aware of.
The fact is that we cannot fight the dark, for in so doing, we pay attention to the negative, strengthening their position and threatening to roll us into their realm of negativity in the process. Neither can we simply ignore them, because, if we do, they simply take ever bigger liberties in their schemes of greed, avarice and control until they are completely out of control. Exactly like the global scene that is being rapidly being uncovered right now.
If we can’t fight, and we can’t ignore, do we have any other options? Is there a Third Way? Indeed, there is.
It is to walk away from the old, dysfunctional and dying reality, and start to create a new one at a higher level of enlightenment, and drawing upon universal consciousness as a third element alongside the (quite natural) light and dark to form Trinity – a stable new reality that has none of that churning and morphing associated with the old duality. The THIRD WAY is therefore the path to that New Reality, and its step-by-step establishment as we evolve, co-creating our own reality along the way.
Now you, the evolved reader, know this already, and I, as the scribe being nudged to write these words, am aware of having written them in various forms before. But – there is another element here. The question of how we cause, induce, resonate or just plain communicate so that the majority get to recognise, and want to take this third way.
The ‘New Age’ (a perfectly sound concept for these times – but one that has been corrupted by the dark as they seek the means to stop it from happening) is by now littered with un-truths. Many of these are so close to actual truths that it is hard to discern where one ends and the other starts. One of these untruths – at least, for me – is that ‘the New Reality is a done deal, the battle has been won at other levels of reality / consciousness, and it is just a matter of time before it sweeps all before it here’ – or some such. There are many sets of words conveying the same concept. I add into the same package any number of messiahs, space fleets, prosperity programs – all of which are apparently scheduled to sweep to our rescue in one form or another in the fifty ninth minute of the eleventh hour.
Don’t get me wrong – some or all of the above may well happen, and I for one will be delighted to greet the Ashtar Command, receive my ‘pakkie’ or whoever, when and if they do indeed arrive. But any such arrival is not the point. Even if they do, the context is unlikely to be one of rescue. The fact is that WE ARE THE ARCHITECTS OF WHAT HAPPENS NEXT! We are the ‘creators-in-training’ for this physical realm, and out rapidly accelerating consciousness is putting us firmly in the driving seat. Not a moment too soon – and still absolutely dependant on enough of us getting our act together. What act, I hear? The one about co-operation, co-creation, co-mmunity – each implying that we work in teams to operate, create, live – and that the consolidated power of being aligned in what we do is what carries us forward to the New Reality.
The point here is that we are at the critical moment when what we do together – and including the other people we are able to communicate with to join us – is of critical importance. We are beginning to see that the old powers are really desperate by now. They would love to see legions of us sit back and accept the ‘it’s a done deal’ theory. Just the opening they need – then it’s back to the duality carousel for another thirteen millennia! (and this not for the first time!). The implication of this is thousands more lives in duality for every one of us! Now, are any of us really up for that? Will we let it happen by default?
Or are we really, really ready to move on? And willing to act on it?
Over the next period of time there will be lots more spectacular collapses of banks, institutions, governments and nations. Many of the public agents of the dark will be hauled up in public to account for what they have done or attempted to do to humanity. But this scenario is also loaded with smoke-and-mirrors. Let us just recall that, twenty years ago, the Illuminati were openly bragging that they would cause a global banking collapse – exactly what we are seeing about us right now. Now, this may, indeed, not be the collapse they had in mind. They may, indeed, have collectively ‘swallowed the poisoned bait’ apparently set for them some years back. But this is the moment when our etheric ‘squares on the battlefield’, our attention and focus on clearing out that which no longer serves us, and working to bring forth the New Reality, absolutely must hold. The old powers would love us to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Give them the slightest opportunity, and they will see that we do precisely that. So, let’s not celebrate prematurely as the bastions start to collapse, but check, double check and triple check that we did not just buy into yet another level of smoke and mirrors.
But it remains the case that ignoring them is a powerful position – if applied correctly. ‘Head in the sand’ ignoring simply won’t do, what is needed is a kind of ‘proactive ignoring’. They rely on us to be their passive, manipulable sheep, and to respond to their manufactured crises in exactly the way they constantly design for us. This is what is to ignore, while we retain and, indeed, build upon the ability to expose them and hold them publicly accountable for their numerous horrendous attacks on humanity.
Also worth remembering that all their public figures are minions, and thus expendable. Just as Tony Blair has outlived his usefulness, and pretty much been publically exposed, so will many others. It’s a facade, just a side play – the real players are likely to remain hidden unless we keep on probing, keep peeling away the layers of onion skin that constitute the false reality. Until every last one of them is ‘outed’ we must remain on our guard.
An army is at its most dangerous in that period of panic just before it looses the battle. That’s where we are folks, facing old controllers who are very, very used to this game (when we are demonstrably not) and have their backs to the wall. So, we must keep moving and building THE THIRD WAY while simultaneously KEEPING OUR GUARD UP while we make sure that each element of the demise of the duality is real and not just another one of the old guard’s endless facades.
How can we ensure the message gets out there? Network, network, network! If you can pass this message (and others like it) to your e-mail list (and ask them to pass it on) then that is a real and pro-active help. If you have other places to post it, then please do. Every little bit of higher communication supports the great awakening. That is the crucial aspect of our desire to bring forward the New Reality, and finally be done with the old, completely dysfunctional one that is now so far past its ’sell-by’ date!
Xavier Hermes
Comment by cmych on August 14, 2010 @ 11:18 pm

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