Dear Executive Committee Members,
The phone call on Friday evening was quite enlightening. After my conversation with Mark W on Friday afternoon the impression was that we were going to try to find common ground on these issues. I guess I was wrong and must make an executive decision to protect our people. I told Mark as soon as I could talk ok I would join a call with you. It is clear that I was not invited to the call for obvious reasons. You would have had to be accountable to the truth if I had been. I feel that I have been wounded in the house of a friend. It appears that for whatever reasons you will walk away from the only plan that has a chance to save our country. God is with us in this plan and we will succeed because of him not because of anything that we do. Regan and Tom do not have God’s support and that is obvious from the lies and half truths that Regan spouted on this call. The ignorance you displayed about the Constitution how our nation was founded is appalling. They should not talk about things in public that they don’t understand. Regan should be ashamed in supporting a military coup and martial law for the American people. It is clear to me that this is your agenda and Tom admitted this on a private call with us. Regan was definitely using double speak on the call which is a mind control technique. Some of our jury members picked up on it and let me know.
It is obvious that you are not in control, don’t have a plan and you don’t want God’s plan to succeed. Military intelligence confirmed again yesterday that Tom and now Regan are working for the dark side and they have little or no authority. The higher level people came forward after they saw we did not agree with Tom and his agenda. They told me that they thought that I was involved in the military coup with them at first and later realized that I wasn’t. Tom admitted on the call two weeks ago that no threats had been made and emphatically denied saying that he had made mention of any threats to the Grand Jury members. For these and many other reasons I am compelled to officially accept the resignations of all of the executive committee members who resigned in our meeting about two weeks ago. Since the Grand Juries did not approve the Executive Committee I guess we will have to move on without you for now. I have many friends on the committee who are being mislead and I hope they will rejoin us when they realize it. They are good intelligent men that will see through this farce very soon and I wish them well.
James Timothy Turner
Comment by hutz on August 28, 2010 @ 11:19 am
rcg, I’d love to be able to help. Feel free to shoot me an email Saturday and let’s see what we can get done. cfree joined tonight with no problem, I’m sure we can get you squared away as well…. at least we can try.
Comment by jj59 on August 28, 2010 @ 11:42 am
Hello Food rules,It’s funny,…I was just talking with my son today about the Vitamin D thing & It’s importance in the body,many parts of the body,like white blood cells,have vitamin D receptors & what scientists had thought all along about dosages were way off,Peace to you,RCG
Comment by rcg335 on August 28, 2010 @ 11:45 am
Hutz, Part of that massive ufo tie-in post referrenced a guy named Joseph,who I believe is Joseph p Farrell.His research concerning Nazi tech,especially the Nazi Bell,is pretty amazing & probably one of the main reasons behind the US operation paperclip after WW 2.Really cool stuff,… Peace,RCG
Comment by rcg335 on August 28, 2010 @ 11:57 am
Find the truth here, too :
Comment by darylluke on August 28, 2010 @ 11:57 am
Brazil UFO Sightings To Be Documented, Made Public
[9:11:37 PM] Jayne59:
Comment by hutz on August 28, 2010 @ 12:09 pm
jtgun on August 28, 2010 @ 10:57 am
I find the oval office thing to be quite arousing.
Comment by hutz on August 28, 2010 @ 12:13 pm
Hi Ben and All Report on the usurper, the long legged mac daddy.He sleeps with the devil and other pigs.
Also for you enjoyment:
Comment by wbstreck on August 28, 2010 @ 12:47 pm
Thank you JJ,…so you & Cfree both went with RAP,..or the peoples free republic ??? Once again,thanks for the helpful hand,peace RCG
Comment by rcg335 on August 28, 2010 @ 12:53 pm
jtgun9:05 am
You might be right jt about that , but I feel the Russians had a big hand in it because their weather change (war) scalar stuff is far in advance of the US Corps’s, because of their huge dominance in reverse time spacial mathematics, which, so many, called thinkers in the west, abhor vehemently…stupid paid off or spineless threatened academics!
Truth is TRUTH…can’t hide it for long…can’t change it.
God Is…I Am when you find your strength within. This is what they are desperate to hide from us all.
I don’t know exactly why yet but I suspect that it is a ‘key’ something to do with a schism in the breakup of the Byzantine Empire, wherein the West/Jesuit went Materialistic…and the East/Orthodoxy went Mental, both hiding Spirituality.
I’mstill searching and watching.
Comment by cfree928 on August 28, 2010 @ 1:08 pm
hutz…I find nothing arousing about the offal office. LOL
Comment by cfree928 on August 28, 2010 @ 1:10 pm
a free speech nightmare
Comment by hutz on August 28, 2010 @ 1:21 pm
how can one watch Glenn Beck’s announcement tmrw without a TV? does anyone have a website to recommend?
He’ll be on facebook live –
Comment by hutz on August 28, 2010 @ 1:23 pm
Here’s the cspan set up page link. I think it’s different than the one above.
Comment by hutz on August 28, 2010 @ 1:24 pm
Hi rcg… I joined that RAP blog for same reason I joined this BFC blog, to study and learn. I’m a watcher/teacher and prefer being around real thinkers who work on mastering their ego bullshit.
You know, this whole internet thing is, to me, just an elaborate Counterfeit of our truly amazing powers as sovereign human becomings. We are All waking up moment by moment…free!
If or when PTW take down the internet…WE will all then shortly become truly telepathic in our knowing and expressions of being.
I hope we all here, hook-up well, before then. Some ETs (re: Alec Collier) say our next communication experience in IIID may be far far above even our current internet experience…telepathy with no technology involved! We will also not need $$$Money$$$ of any kind.
Think about the time line here, which is speeding up so much so that what took a century, back when, now takes 26 months …soon it will be 26 days, then 26 hours…so make your peace soonly and have all your loved ones do same.
In Revelations it speaks of the shift as happening “in the twinkling of an eye”. It is not the Rapture BS, but We together, finally climbing, however bloodied, up out of the belief in ‘life as matter’ into the Sahmadic understanding that we are Immortal Frequency Beings, here now, forever free wherein There Is No Light or Dark. Our current species-wide observable, evolving DNA is proof enough for me.
Comment by cfree928 on August 28, 2010 @ 1:57 pm
cfree, that’s an amazingly perceptive viewpoint.
Thank you!
Comment by kohala889 on August 28, 2010 @ 2:02 pm
cfree-rcg and all
lets start our own restore america list and join the new program as soon it needs us .
Here is my email I will store names and emails on a list and submit it to whoever we all agree is the best plan.
personally I like the split up and the talk of going public and need as many programs as we can get to restore our great nation to common law .
we can all have the list in case i die or something stupid like that . If i am murdered you can count on me emptying my 4 pistols and two semi auto assault rifles.several people have my email from in here . If you do not hear from me for 3 days and i didn’t say I would be gone . have my brother hire an investigator to check my place out and use me to rally people to the cause of freedom . Because I without a dought will die before I ever go back into that slavery .Have someone take blood samples at my home because I guarantee you I will spill some of theres. All costs will be refunded by my estate.
Comment by hutz on August 28, 2010 @ 2:37 pm
Oh yea if someone shoots my dogs (i have 5) I will be shooting back for the dogs .
Comment by hutz on August 28, 2010 @ 2:38 pm
I think a blogger on democraticunderground might have figured out where some of the gold stolen from the US is. Really wish I could cut and paste. Anyway..the post is by McCamy Taylor..Gold 2008 JP Morgan Fixes Prices. Saudis snag 180 tons cheap.
Lack of paper trail is what makes this transaction suspicious.
Comment by martha on August 28, 2010 @ 3:58 pm
Hi Ben & All
I’d like to thank you all for your suggestions re treating my Mum who has alzheimers. I am going to make notes and see she gets these supplements etc ASAP.
Hutz, I take it this list of names you are wanting are only people from within America? Our turn will come I’m sure in other countries, but before that happens I believe America must be sorted out. Am I correct here?
Comment by getem on August 28, 2010 @ 4:18 pm
absolutely getem
Comment by hutz on August 28, 2010 @ 4:22 pm
Hi everyone,
I finally figured out what the secret is to obtaining free energy, by analysing wat Edwin Gray and Stanley Meyer did.
Probably not many people are going to read this comment, but if you want to know how to make a free energy device, here’s all the information you need:
At your service!
Comment by lamare on August 28, 2010 @ 4:37 pm
on second thought other countries could petition there government to accept us as a republic under common law .
Comment by hutz on August 28, 2010 @ 4:51 pm
Thanks lamare but I don’t think anyone on this site can really follow your theory/instructions. Maybe if you build it…?
Comment by kohala889 on August 28, 2010 @ 4:54 pm
Dear JJ
As a retired educator, I must say… please do not worry so much about your spelling, here ‘on blog’ and especially not to correct, after the fact, unless it’s a truly horrible mistake – just flow with your expression. What you say is so very important lady! Time is vanishing as we know it! We will soon experience time in three dimensions and space in one dimension as a transitional part of our unavoidable expansion/ascension to fifth dimensional vibration.
I always, as a grader, looked for the heart-meaning of the writer and could put up with some misspellings, especially when I looked beyond the insipid syllabus, “be on page #348 on Feb 12{\” BS crap of the NEA . I quit that and went to private schools and lived happily ever
Comment by cfree928 on August 28, 2010 @ 5:04 pm
martha 3:58 pm
I’m so grateful for the healthy enlightenment you bring to all of us here. And I’m especially thankful for the cell salt information.
I so totally agree with you in that if we had had clean elections and clean primaries, Ron Paul would have been the republican nominee in ‘08. But then we could also have had that whole other President Gore time line, in a clean election, wherein we might not even be chatting here now.
Maybe the Ron Paul choice can happen soon…if he is still alive for the 2012 buy/in – buy/outs.
The Cabal is getting overtly nastily evil and not even bothering to hide their actions much. It’s Time to get the Big fly swatter out!
Comment by cfree928 on August 28, 2010 @ 5:48 pm

Mass arrests of bankers and politicians Hauge world court ( massad jews ,jesuits ,builderburg ,CFR trilateral commission,Zionists other terrorists ,and criminals ) Black opps News about satanists like in the picture above (FOLKS THE PICTURE THAT IS ABOVE IS THE PEOPLE RUNNING THE WORLD ) Welcome to my blog .We post a huge range of stuff here including any Republic news .Including global settlements .Gold and Silver and Dinars news. Email me or skype hutzie3

Saturday, August 28, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
This photo on this home page c. 1895 is a 12 foot mummy d
This photo on this home page c. 1895 is a 12 foot mummy
Explanations and resources for many of this 3D matrix world's "unexplained" things are provided here. Tptb(the powers that be) have been lying to us for centuries. The results of the conspiracy are all around us, yet we do not recognize them because of conditioning & other insidious causes. The so-called "Illuminati" are clearly behind much of remolding reality documentable to at least the late 1700's via internet research & due diligence on your part. But, who or more clearly what is behind them? They are/were all shells controlled by something else. This photo on this home page c. 1895 is a 12 foot mummy dug up in the SW-US. All evidence, but this picture, gone to posterity. Made to disappear by whom? Why? To cover up the truth of this planets history is the conclusion. It is just one example & represents a tiny area of the massive conspiracy to control the perception of reality by the general public. This group is meant to be a place to share information about all the aspects of this massive conspiracy and to share solutions which empower individuals. Knowledge is power, and in this case extreme power is needed to extricate oneself from the dilema of mind-control & wage-slavery we find ourselves in now. Have you not said to yourself sometime in your life, "There is something wrong with this picture..."? If so, you may very well find something here of use to you. Enforced rule: NO flaming, direct, implied or otherwise. NO SPAM. Avail yourself of the free information in the files section upon joining. And post freely.
Explanations and resources for many of this 3D matrix world's "unexplained" things are provided here. Tptb(the powers that be) have been lying to us for centuries. The results of the conspiracy are all around us, yet we do not recognize them because of conditioning & other insidious causes. The so-called "Illuminati" are clearly behind much of remolding reality documentable to at least the late 1700's via internet research & due diligence on your part. But, who or more clearly what is behind them? They are/were all shells controlled by something else. This photo on this home page c. 1895 is a 12 foot mummy dug up in the SW-US. All evidence, but this picture, gone to posterity. Made to disappear by whom? Why? To cover up the truth of this planets history is the conclusion. It is just one example & represents a tiny area of the massive conspiracy to control the perception of reality by the general public. This group is meant to be a place to share information about all the aspects of this massive conspiracy and to share solutions which empower individuals. Knowledge is power, and in this case extreme power is needed to extricate oneself from the dilema of mind-control & wage-slavery we find ourselves in now. Have you not said to yourself sometime in your life, "There is something wrong with this picture..."? If so, you may very well find something here of use to you. Enforced rule: NO flaming, direct, implied or otherwise. NO SPAM. Avail yourself of the free information in the files section upon joining. And post freely.
republic, global settlements, dark cabal
Thursday, August 26, 2010
more from the fulford blog happy reading!
Axing the Bankers’ Money Tree: Homeowners’ Rebellion against Wall Street
Recent Rulings Could Shield 62 Million Homes from Foreclosure
By Ellen Brown
URL of this article:
Global Research, August 19, 2010 – 2010-08-18
Comment by hutz on August 26, 2010 @ 7:59 am
MEXICO CITY—Gunmen from a drug cartel appear to have massacred 72 migrants from Central and South America who were on their way to the U.S., a grisly event that marks the single biggest killing in Mexico’s war on organized crime.
Comment by hutz on August 26, 2010 @ 8:14 am
Foodrules…Just the behind the scenes information on Glen Beck is not very encouraging. Some call him a satanist also so I wonder really what is going on but others have made the trip to see Beck from as far away as florida to hear him say nothing. Foodrules, were you hearing good or bad news????? Here we are again in a world of confusion. MK has my address and so does Paladin or Lew but lew is out of touch.
Comment by chrisb on August 26, 2010 @ 9:29 am
Hello to all,John Mccain has introduced a couple of Senate bills that are interesting,…..S 3002 & S 3081,3002 allows the FED to detain American citizens indefinitely,without trial,more than likely tied into HS & 3081 would allow the FED to regulate all health & natural foods,along with vitamins,supplements,& minerals,…I do not know if this ties in or over rides the S 510 bill proposed,which is quite nasty as well,….Gee I wonder if Monsanto has been lobbying anywhere Mr Mccain,…Peace to all,RCG
Comment by rcg335 on August 26, 2010 @ 9:56 am
Patriotkate, hope you are right. It’s about time. Still need an explanation from Foodrules. Can you send me that message.
Comment by chrisb on August 26, 2010 @ 10:00 am
What makes you think that Glenn Beck would be announcing someting to do with RAP or its successor? I’m going to be in D.C. at his event Saturday, so is that what you’re thinking?
I do watch Glenn Beck nearly every day. I don’t watch any of the rest of them anymore. I see lots of negative things about him, but they all come from people who spout what they read that is usually a fabrication of what they presumed he said or did in his show like there isn’t video to dispute their outrageous claims? And, they obviously don’t watch his show, so there’s not credibility to their claims. The comments are not based on watching his show or hearing him on the radio.
I have had my issues with him, just like the rest of the media but we know that they are all controlled. I maintain that the Fox owners had no idea how popular Beck would become and by the time they tried to reign him him, he was too popular and Beck is thus in a better position to call some of the shots. So, he pushes the envelope and exposes all the Communist stuff about Obama, but follows the government lies of 911. I think all of them are under orders to steer clear of 911, the Eligibility issue, things like the supposed FEMA camps. (If you read his book Overton Window, it’s clear he knows much of what all of us know, because much of it is part of the story, including a character that appears to be the real life Alex Jones.)
The service that he has done though it to educate a hungry public about our country’s founding, the history that has been re-written and vital history eliminated – like, we have Black Founders who fought side by side with everyone else in the Revolutionary War. He’s inspired and encouraged the formation of independent 912 groups all over the country that are now doing tremendous good in their local communities. If you are inspiring people to take action, can you be a bad guy?
Did you know that we had a Black Speaker of the House of Representatives in the late 1700’s???? I didn’t until I learned it on Beck’s Black Founding Fathers show.
I think he is mostly a Libertarian and I have a tough time thinking he has evil intentions.He’s done too good a job of helping Americans rediscover their history which is contributing to the grassroots success in changing things.
I’ll be in D.C. on Saturday and will do a report next week.
Comment by patriotkate on August 26, 2010 @ 10:55 am
Media Pushes BRAIN Eating Vaccine… Nano Tech Injection Lobotomy LIVE please watch
[8:11:49 PM] tweetybird194: U.S. government panel now pushing “vaccinations for all!” No exceptions
Comment by hutz on August 26, 2010 @ 11:04 am
I agree with you about beck.
Comment by hutz on August 26, 2010 @ 11:09 am
Brawls at the Fed, as the System Comes Down
August 25, 2010 • 7:15AM
A senior Washington intelligence source reported this morning that a serious fight has erupted inside the Federal Reserve over hyperinflation, and that people close to the Fed are going to be leaking details, which means the fight will intensify and become more public. He added that that fight is now erupting inside this week’s annual Jackson Hole economic summit of the Fed, whose host, Thomas Hoenig of the Kansas City Fed, has publicly dissented from Bernanke’s hyperinflationary decisions at each of the last eight meetings of the Federal Open Market Committee. And indeed, sources at that Jackson Hole gathering report that it is an extremely interesting one, especially its off-the-record discussions.
Lyndon LaRouche responded, “I’m not surprised about the brawl in the Fed; for me it’s not commentary. I know what’s going on. If we don’t get rid of this President, you’re not going to have a country. We’re talking about very short term. I think interpreting events is a mistake, because you’re not interpreting the non-events, or the events which are happening but which are not being reported or not being referred to.”
Returning to this topic, he added, later: “The break actually happened several weeks ago, and what you’re seeing with this Jackson Hole meeting of the Fed, and things like that, is you’re seeing reflections of the fact that anybody on the inside knows, without any statistical mumbo-jumbo, that this system is coming down fast.”
Similarly, today’s Wall St Journal reports that the Aug 10 meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee, whose decision to purchase hundreds of billions of Treasuries was part of the Weimar-hyperinflationary turn in policy that LaRouche had forecast, was the “most contentious” such meeting in “bubbles” Ben Bernanke’s four-plus-year tenure as Chairman. Although Hoenig was the only dissenter on the final vote, the Journal reports that no fewer than seven of the seventeen committee members expressed serious reservations concerning that insane decision.
On Monday, Aug 23, Hoenig testified before a field hearing of the House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations. In his testimony, available at the website of the Kansas City Fed, Hoenig showed that it is the community banks which are still providing credit to American businesses, while the bailed-out Wall Street banks have ceased to do so for practical purposes. But that the great danger to these community banks is the “too-big-to-fail” giants of Wall Street. The Kansas City Fed website also features Hoenig’s address to a Lincoln, Nebraska, Town Hall Meeting of Aug. 13, where he detailed his arguments against Bernanke’s zero-interest rate policy. Sources around the Fed report that Hoenig feels obligated to publicize his opposition the more, because of the large numbers of other opponents who are unable to go public as of now.
Additionally, on Tuesday, Aug. 24, Dallas Federal Reserve President Richard Fisher gave a Fox Business News interview expressing cautious reservations about the Bernanke policies in diplomatic language. Both Hoenig and Fisher are Glass-Steagall supporters who also supported the Sen. Blanche Lincoln efforts to limit bank derivatives trading.
Posted by John MacHaffie begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting at 4:32 PM 0 comments
Comment by hutz on August 26, 2010 @ 11:16 am
Well at least there are a couple of level headed ones at the fed. Actually it might be well if they give Bernanke free rein as that will lead to its demise so much faster.
Any duck hunters here? Hutz, I know you must be one.
Duck truck:
Comment by kohala889 on August 26, 2010 @ 11:29 am
Support Americans not Wars: Gerald Celente – 20 August 2010
Web bot report from August 2010. 1 of 6
Comment by g7enn on August 26, 2010 @ 11:31 am
floyd, im not sure what your asking,the yields on gmo corn are by far greater than non gmo,if you reread my post you will find that i said nothing about gmo being nutritionally better.iknow that isnt true.what i said was it is less expensive to put in the ground and to get to maturity. I understand that it is bad.if it were less yield and more expensive no farmer would use.I know i have both gmo and non gmo in ground now.And have had since gmo corn has been on the market.
Comment by jtgun on August 26, 2010 @ 11:49 am
I was just wondering where hutz got that info; if that was his feelings on the subject or someone else’s statement. I am just sitting on the fence watching the wierd world go by. We are part of a peaceful group; who knows what to call ourselves at this point. RAP, no RAP, RAP, no RAP. Not part of Tim Turner’s though; just watching. Glenn Beck doesn’t interest me.
I’m still working on making TB’s. Finally got the resin. Tomorrow I’m going to the thrift shop to get teflon muffin tins and scout for pyramid shape ideas. Those pyramids look just so neat! We have lots of metal filings of different kinds, and copper. I can see how this would be very satisfying to do in one’s community. We have a cell tower in sight of our house. Ugh!
Sorry, chrisb, if you were expecting something profound. I am not a profound person!
Comment by foodrules on August 26, 2010 @ 1:06 pm
Ben and Ya’ALL
What is the Food and Drug Administration for, alerting us that there is a problem,or preventing problems that threaten our food supplies ,medicines, potable water, soil & water contamination, watershed protection, and other health concerns regarding pecticides, herbicides, industrial contaminates, and application by farmers and municipal governments ?????
It seems that big business is far more successful in attaining their objectives , than the consumers and the public concerns and interests regarding these matters.
Do we have any recommendations to give them ?
They have a job to do and they don’t do it very well. Maybe we need to create an health oversight committee to advocate for the citizens,a pro-active defense of human enviormental concerns.
enviormental conflicts of interests
Comment by wbstreck on August 26, 2010 @ 1:21 pm
Klaatu, Hope, Hope
(John Woloschuk)
Hope is like a lighthouse keeper’s beam
Hope the master cobbler of our dreams
For Hope believes in desert streams
The mightiest of stars
The microcosm in a jar
Vast or small they all revolve on Hope
Hope the guardian angel of the dove
Hope a gift of guidance from above
For Hope is the heart in mother’s love
No plans could be conceived
No ships could fare the seas
For there would be no courage were it not for Hope
Now the path before us lies before our very eyes
Don’t you see
And it leads up to the gateway
Lead me through
Don’t you see
Then come and take my hand
Raise up your head
And dry your eyes
For up ahead I see
Woh woh yeah
A ray of peace
A-shining on me
So let us feel Hope
And feel the sunrise in our minds
To give Hope is to enlighten all mankind
Ah but lose Hope and life seems black as blind
When faith gives way to fear
When motivation disappears
All is lost if one abandons Hope
All is lost
If one abandons Hope
Comment by hutz on August 26, 2010 @ 1:41 pm
Calling Occupants Of Interplanetary Craft (The Recognized Anthem of World Contact Day)
(John Woloschuk / Terry Draper)
In your mind you have abilities you know
To telepath messages through the vast unknown
Please close your eyes and concentrate
With every thought you think
Upon the recitation we’re about to sing
Calling occupants of interplanetary craft
Calling occupants of interplanetary, most extraordinary craft
Calling occupants of interplanetary craft
Calling occupants of interplanetary craft
Calling occupants of interplanetary, most extraordinary craft
You’ve been observing our earth
And we’d like to make a contact with you
We are your friends
Calling occupants of interplanetary craft
Calling occupants and interplanetary ultra-emissaries
We’ve been observing your earth
And one night we’ll make a contact with you
We are your friends
Calling occupants of interplanetary craft
Calling occupants of interplanetary, quite extraordinary craft
Please come in peace we beseech you
Only a landing will teach them
Our earth may never survive
So do come we beg you
Please interstellar policemen
Won’t you give us a sign
Give us a sign that we’ve reached you
With your mind you have ability to form
And transmit thought energy far beyond the norm
You close your eyes
You concentrate
Together that’s the way
To send the message
We declare World Contact Day
Calling occupants of interplanetary craft
Calling occupants of interplanetary craft
Calling occupants of interplanetary, most extraordinary craft
Calling occupants
Calling occupants
Calling occupants
Calling occupants
Calling occupants of interplanetary, most extraordinary craft
Comment by hutz on August 26, 2010 @ 1:44 pm
Carpenters – Calling Occupants Of Enterprise
Comment by hutz on August 26, 2010 @ 1:50 pm
this totally off topic but i just found this video and i thought it was hilarious
Comment by hutz on August 26, 2010 @ 1:55 pm
ALERT – Tim Turner declares he’s President of United States – Restore America Plan RAP
Comment by hutz on August 26, 2010 @ 2:02 pm
The Enquirer: Michelle Is Angry At Barack For Going On A Date With Oprah
Comment by hutz on August 26, 2010 @ 2:23 pm
The Enquirer: Michelle Is Angry At Barack For Going On A Date With Oprah h
Comment by hutz on August 26, 2010 @ 2:24 pm
bama administration indicts America–State Department reports on U.S. human right violations It describes how the United States discriminates against the disabled, homosexuals, women, Native Americans, blacks, Hispanics and those who don’t speak English. There is the expected pandering to Muslims
Comment by hutz on August 26, 2010 @ 2:25 pm
POPS FROM TEXAS×5q4/cds/media/23937/episodes/246084/prepareradio-246084-08-25-2010_pshow_406379.mp3?
Comment by hutz on August 26, 2010 @ 2:26 pm
This was taken from skype .========================================
tom was the one who lied to Tim about the military. Tom was the liason to the milirary – he is a liar
[12:18:17 AM] bonnie-bernard: bull
[12:18:20 AM] bonnie-bernard: he is a fake
[12:18:29 AM] bonnie-bernard: read the link for the truth
[12:18:38 AM] bonnie-bernard:
[12:18:52 AM] bonnie-bernard: he has a restraining ordetr on him
[12:19:20 AM] bonnie-bernard: tom is a liar – he stung along tim about the military all this time
[12:19:47 AM] bonnie-bernard: The military won’t work with tom – they are now with tim
[12:20:17 AM] bonnie-bernard: don’t worry – the deception will come out in the wash
[12:20:34 AM] bonnie-bernard: did you listen to /tim’s call?
[12:22:12 AM] bonnie-bernard: Militias are going to get that movement stopped – dangerous
Comment by hutz on August 26, 2010 @ 2:36 pm
taken from skype
Yesterday I was having one enlightenment after another. I heard God telling/showing me all sorts of things. I finally sat down and put it all on paper and sent Tim an email tonight. Here are some excerpts from that email. . . .for what it’s worth.
1. God showed me that He is absolutely overshadowing and endorsing the Restored American Republic with Tim as our President. He made that super clear.
2. God showed me that He is heavily testing us all right now. He is aware of those that are passing this heavy testing and choosing the Light and staying with it. Many have not passed these tests, and it appears they have made a “Y” in the road, and they are choosing this new path (Livingston, Tom, Regan, etc). He showed me that He is not endorsing or blessing this other path (this path is creating confusion and arguments and dissention, which are not attributes of God).
3. God also showed me that these heavy testings are similar to when Lucifer fell from Heaven and took 1/3 of the heavenly hosts with him (a choice between dark and light . . .a choice between truth and lies). He showed me that, because of these testings, we may lose many people from this path.
4. He showed me that this “house cleaning” so to speak was absolutely necessary Before the funding of the Republic can happen. Those that can pass these tests and remain “calm in the midst of the storms” and stay unwaivered and centered in His Light will be the ones that He wants guiding His Ship, the Republic of America. He said the cream will rise to the top. He made that clear to me.
5. He said this “house cleaning” has to be done now because once the funding comes through, things will start to move very quickly and we can’t have unlighted ones with important titles in important positions. It would be much harder to clean house and get rid of them then. When the funding opens up, God wants those who have passed these tests today and have aligned with His plan to be the ones to carry out His important next steps.
Really, I think God is speaking to all of us right now and telling us all these same things. And those with eyes to see and ears to hear with know it.
He also reminded me of these things from the Bible:
“Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did.”
With all the disinformation and attacking going, I think that many are feeling like they are being crucified, but remember that you are in great company!
Another thing God reminded me of too:
“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”
It’s the road less traveled!! It’s the hardest road to travel, but it brings with it the greatest outcome. Everyone is choosing which road they will travel right now.
Comment by hutz on August 26, 2010 @ 2:39 pm
[1:37:00 AM] songsofpeace: OPops Aug 23rd-
This link works better for the above
Comment by hutz on August 26, 2010 @ 2:41 pm
Comment by hutz on August 26, 2010 @ 2:43 pm
[8/24/2010 10:01:30 AM] J Smith- Outlaw:
Comment by hutz on August 26, 2010 @ 2:44 pm
more from skype
The real deal is the REAL leadership is continuing to bring this country to Freedom.
America has been restored.
The housecleaning is done. The tree has been pruned.
Many who “were” a part of RAP and left were there for selfish and greedy reasons.
They have been exposed.
Those exposed will even continue to lie and attempt to divide, but it will be a worthless
endeavor. They have fallen.
Those who have chosen the path of division will walk in deception unless they repent and turn from
their evil ways. Their choice.
God cleaned house. The signature of God is all over the house cleaning of RAP.
This had to happen so God could continue His plan and use those who are WHOLE!
Kennedy, Davis, Reegan and Tom had to go because of their own sin.
I and others never heard Kennedy end his prayers in the name of Christ. As for the
others it is pretty easy to see.
It is obvious WHO instigated this division, WHO has chosen to follow those instigators
and WHO on this page continue to create confusion, as confusion is a tool used by satan.
Those on this RAP 1 page who will continue to slander TT are exposed for who they really are.
Those who choose to stay on the fence are useless feeders who have little to no decision making
capabilities. Period. So be it. You have chosen.
Anyone who has chosen to walk in line with leaders who insist martial law is necessary in every state
to restore this republic, or those who believe violence, revenge, and division is the only way to Freedom are
in for a rude awakening.
It is laughable that the ego’s who thought they could destroy RAP and that most
of the juries would follow them have egg on their faces right now.
Reagan and Tom want martial law and think they can create their own plan. It has failed!
Livingston has a devils heart and that is obvious by his own writings here: (thank you Rose)
Any person who quotes scripture in one verse and writes the above is a heathen, no matter what the
rest of his site says. It is filled with demonic hate and he is an unfit leader. Not a leader at all.
Livingston is one of the people deeply involved in the separation of RAP and his true colors are shown.
God has exposed him. So be it!
Please read that document. If you still do not see the evil in those words and continue to sit on the mindless fence
then you have scales over your eyes. You cannot see the truth and sometimes GOD will put those scales over
your eyes because your heart is not pure.
The above people and those who pick up disinfo and run with it or those who have blatantly slandered Tim Turner
will probably continue to do so.
The decisions these people make are for who? Ask yourself that question.
Ask yourself WHAT ARE THEIR INTENTIONS? Ask yourself who has a foul mouths. Ask yourself WHO wants
martial law. Friday nights call with Reagan said it all. His words, “mute that “F###$%” Why did he want
that person muted. Perhaps that person was telling the truth.
I know who Tim Turner is, and I know WHO guides him, and I know how much Turner loves this country,
and the light of Christ is all over him.
The office building in place will have a 24 hour prayer team day in and day out to be a witness
and protector of the Republic. That is the America I want.
Now turn your hearts around an repent to our Father in Heaven and lets move on with freeing the enslaved.
Comment by hutz on August 26, 2010 @ 2:46 pm
Bohemian Grove: a collective list of visitors A-K
Recent Rulings Could Shield 62 Million Homes from Foreclosure
By Ellen Brown
URL of this article:
Global Research, August 19, 2010 – 2010-08-18
Comment by hutz on August 26, 2010 @ 7:59 am
MEXICO CITY—Gunmen from a drug cartel appear to have massacred 72 migrants from Central and South America who were on their way to the U.S., a grisly event that marks the single biggest killing in Mexico’s war on organized crime.
Comment by hutz on August 26, 2010 @ 8:14 am
Foodrules…Just the behind the scenes information on Glen Beck is not very encouraging. Some call him a satanist also so I wonder really what is going on but others have made the trip to see Beck from as far away as florida to hear him say nothing. Foodrules, were you hearing good or bad news????? Here we are again in a world of confusion. MK has my address and so does Paladin or Lew but lew is out of touch.
Comment by chrisb on August 26, 2010 @ 9:29 am
Hello to all,John Mccain has introduced a couple of Senate bills that are interesting,…..S 3002 & S 3081,3002 allows the FED to detain American citizens indefinitely,without trial,more than likely tied into HS & 3081 would allow the FED to regulate all health & natural foods,along with vitamins,supplements,& minerals,…I do not know if this ties in or over rides the S 510 bill proposed,which is quite nasty as well,….Gee I wonder if Monsanto has been lobbying anywhere Mr Mccain,…Peace to all,RCG
Comment by rcg335 on August 26, 2010 @ 9:56 am
Patriotkate, hope you are right. It’s about time. Still need an explanation from Foodrules. Can you send me that message.
Comment by chrisb on August 26, 2010 @ 10:00 am
What makes you think that Glenn Beck would be announcing someting to do with RAP or its successor? I’m going to be in D.C. at his event Saturday, so is that what you’re thinking?
I do watch Glenn Beck nearly every day. I don’t watch any of the rest of them anymore. I see lots of negative things about him, but they all come from people who spout what they read that is usually a fabrication of what they presumed he said or did in his show like there isn’t video to dispute their outrageous claims? And, they obviously don’t watch his show, so there’s not credibility to their claims. The comments are not based on watching his show or hearing him on the radio.
I have had my issues with him, just like the rest of the media but we know that they are all controlled. I maintain that the Fox owners had no idea how popular Beck would become and by the time they tried to reign him him, he was too popular and Beck is thus in a better position to call some of the shots. So, he pushes the envelope and exposes all the Communist stuff about Obama, but follows the government lies of 911. I think all of them are under orders to steer clear of 911, the Eligibility issue, things like the supposed FEMA camps. (If you read his book Overton Window, it’s clear he knows much of what all of us know, because much of it is part of the story, including a character that appears to be the real life Alex Jones.)
The service that he has done though it to educate a hungry public about our country’s founding, the history that has been re-written and vital history eliminated – like, we have Black Founders who fought side by side with everyone else in the Revolutionary War. He’s inspired and encouraged the formation of independent 912 groups all over the country that are now doing tremendous good in their local communities. If you are inspiring people to take action, can you be a bad guy?
Did you know that we had a Black Speaker of the House of Representatives in the late 1700’s???? I didn’t until I learned it on Beck’s Black Founding Fathers show.
I think he is mostly a Libertarian and I have a tough time thinking he has evil intentions.He’s done too good a job of helping Americans rediscover their history which is contributing to the grassroots success in changing things.
I’ll be in D.C. on Saturday and will do a report next week.
Comment by patriotkate on August 26, 2010 @ 10:55 am
Media Pushes BRAIN Eating Vaccine… Nano Tech Injection Lobotomy LIVE please watch
[8:11:49 PM] tweetybird194: U.S. government panel now pushing “vaccinations for all!” No exceptions
Comment by hutz on August 26, 2010 @ 11:04 am
I agree with you about beck.
Comment by hutz on August 26, 2010 @ 11:09 am
Brawls at the Fed, as the System Comes Down
August 25, 2010 • 7:15AM
A senior Washington intelligence source reported this morning that a serious fight has erupted inside the Federal Reserve over hyperinflation, and that people close to the Fed are going to be leaking details, which means the fight will intensify and become more public. He added that that fight is now erupting inside this week’s annual Jackson Hole economic summit of the Fed, whose host, Thomas Hoenig of the Kansas City Fed, has publicly dissented from Bernanke’s hyperinflationary decisions at each of the last eight meetings of the Federal Open Market Committee. And indeed, sources at that Jackson Hole gathering report that it is an extremely interesting one, especially its off-the-record discussions.
Lyndon LaRouche responded, “I’m not surprised about the brawl in the Fed; for me it’s not commentary. I know what’s going on. If we don’t get rid of this President, you’re not going to have a country. We’re talking about very short term. I think interpreting events is a mistake, because you’re not interpreting the non-events, or the events which are happening but which are not being reported or not being referred to.”
Returning to this topic, he added, later: “The break actually happened several weeks ago, and what you’re seeing with this Jackson Hole meeting of the Fed, and things like that, is you’re seeing reflections of the fact that anybody on the inside knows, without any statistical mumbo-jumbo, that this system is coming down fast.”
Similarly, today’s Wall St Journal reports that the Aug 10 meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee, whose decision to purchase hundreds of billions of Treasuries was part of the Weimar-hyperinflationary turn in policy that LaRouche had forecast, was the “most contentious” such meeting in “bubbles” Ben Bernanke’s four-plus-year tenure as Chairman. Although Hoenig was the only dissenter on the final vote, the Journal reports that no fewer than seven of the seventeen committee members expressed serious reservations concerning that insane decision.
On Monday, Aug 23, Hoenig testified before a field hearing of the House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations. In his testimony, available at the website of the Kansas City Fed, Hoenig showed that it is the community banks which are still providing credit to American businesses, while the bailed-out Wall Street banks have ceased to do so for practical purposes. But that the great danger to these community banks is the “too-big-to-fail” giants of Wall Street. The Kansas City Fed website also features Hoenig’s address to a Lincoln, Nebraska, Town Hall Meeting of Aug. 13, where he detailed his arguments against Bernanke’s zero-interest rate policy. Sources around the Fed report that Hoenig feels obligated to publicize his opposition the more, because of the large numbers of other opponents who are unable to go public as of now.
Additionally, on Tuesday, Aug. 24, Dallas Federal Reserve President Richard Fisher gave a Fox Business News interview expressing cautious reservations about the Bernanke policies in diplomatic language. Both Hoenig and Fisher are Glass-Steagall supporters who also supported the Sen. Blanche Lincoln efforts to limit bank derivatives trading.
Posted by John MacHaffie begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting at 4:32 PM 0 comments
Comment by hutz on August 26, 2010 @ 11:16 am
Well at least there are a couple of level headed ones at the fed. Actually it might be well if they give Bernanke free rein as that will lead to its demise so much faster.
Any duck hunters here? Hutz, I know you must be one.
Duck truck:
Comment by kohala889 on August 26, 2010 @ 11:29 am
Support Americans not Wars: Gerald Celente – 20 August 2010
Web bot report from August 2010. 1 of 6
Comment by g7enn on August 26, 2010 @ 11:31 am
floyd, im not sure what your asking,the yields on gmo corn are by far greater than non gmo,if you reread my post you will find that i said nothing about gmo being nutritionally better.iknow that isnt true.what i said was it is less expensive to put in the ground and to get to maturity. I understand that it is bad.if it were less yield and more expensive no farmer would use.I know i have both gmo and non gmo in ground now.And have had since gmo corn has been on the market.
Comment by jtgun on August 26, 2010 @ 11:49 am
I was just wondering where hutz got that info; if that was his feelings on the subject or someone else’s statement. I am just sitting on the fence watching the wierd world go by. We are part of a peaceful group; who knows what to call ourselves at this point. RAP, no RAP, RAP, no RAP. Not part of Tim Turner’s though; just watching. Glenn Beck doesn’t interest me.
I’m still working on making TB’s. Finally got the resin. Tomorrow I’m going to the thrift shop to get teflon muffin tins and scout for pyramid shape ideas. Those pyramids look just so neat! We have lots of metal filings of different kinds, and copper. I can see how this would be very satisfying to do in one’s community. We have a cell tower in sight of our house. Ugh!
Sorry, chrisb, if you were expecting something profound. I am not a profound person!
Comment by foodrules on August 26, 2010 @ 1:06 pm
Ben and Ya’ALL
What is the Food and Drug Administration for, alerting us that there is a problem,or preventing problems that threaten our food supplies ,medicines, potable water, soil & water contamination, watershed protection, and other health concerns regarding pecticides, herbicides, industrial contaminates, and application by farmers and municipal governments ?????
It seems that big business is far more successful in attaining their objectives , than the consumers and the public concerns and interests regarding these matters.
Do we have any recommendations to give them ?
They have a job to do and they don’t do it very well. Maybe we need to create an health oversight committee to advocate for the citizens,a pro-active defense of human enviormental concerns.
enviormental conflicts of interests
Comment by wbstreck on August 26, 2010 @ 1:21 pm
Klaatu, Hope, Hope
(John Woloschuk)
Hope is like a lighthouse keeper’s beam
Hope the master cobbler of our dreams
For Hope believes in desert streams
The mightiest of stars
The microcosm in a jar
Vast or small they all revolve on Hope
Hope the guardian angel of the dove
Hope a gift of guidance from above
For Hope is the heart in mother’s love
No plans could be conceived
No ships could fare the seas
For there would be no courage were it not for Hope
Now the path before us lies before our very eyes
Don’t you see
And it leads up to the gateway
Lead me through
Don’t you see
Then come and take my hand
Raise up your head
And dry your eyes
For up ahead I see
Woh woh yeah
A ray of peace
A-shining on me
So let us feel Hope
And feel the sunrise in our minds
To give Hope is to enlighten all mankind
Ah but lose Hope and life seems black as blind
When faith gives way to fear
When motivation disappears
All is lost if one abandons Hope
All is lost
If one abandons Hope
Comment by hutz on August 26, 2010 @ 1:41 pm
Calling Occupants Of Interplanetary Craft (The Recognized Anthem of World Contact Day)
(John Woloschuk / Terry Draper)
In your mind you have abilities you know
To telepath messages through the vast unknown
Please close your eyes and concentrate
With every thought you think
Upon the recitation we’re about to sing
Calling occupants of interplanetary craft
Calling occupants of interplanetary, most extraordinary craft
Calling occupants of interplanetary craft
Calling occupants of interplanetary craft
Calling occupants of interplanetary, most extraordinary craft
You’ve been observing our earth
And we’d like to make a contact with you
We are your friends
Calling occupants of interplanetary craft
Calling occupants and interplanetary ultra-emissaries
We’ve been observing your earth
And one night we’ll make a contact with you
We are your friends
Calling occupants of interplanetary craft
Calling occupants of interplanetary, quite extraordinary craft
Please come in peace we beseech you
Only a landing will teach them
Our earth may never survive
So do come we beg you
Please interstellar policemen
Won’t you give us a sign
Give us a sign that we’ve reached you
With your mind you have ability to form
And transmit thought energy far beyond the norm
You close your eyes
You concentrate
Together that’s the way
To send the message
We declare World Contact Day
Calling occupants of interplanetary craft
Calling occupants of interplanetary craft
Calling occupants of interplanetary, most extraordinary craft
Calling occupants
Calling occupants
Calling occupants
Calling occupants
Calling occupants of interplanetary, most extraordinary craft
Comment by hutz on August 26, 2010 @ 1:44 pm
Carpenters – Calling Occupants Of Enterprise
Comment by hutz on August 26, 2010 @ 1:50 pm
this totally off topic but i just found this video and i thought it was hilarious
Comment by hutz on August 26, 2010 @ 1:55 pm
ALERT – Tim Turner declares he’s President of United States – Restore America Plan RAP
Comment by hutz on August 26, 2010 @ 2:02 pm
The Enquirer: Michelle Is Angry At Barack For Going On A Date With Oprah
Comment by hutz on August 26, 2010 @ 2:23 pm
The Enquirer: Michelle Is Angry At Barack For Going On A Date With Oprah h
Comment by hutz on August 26, 2010 @ 2:24 pm
bama administration indicts America–State Department reports on U.S. human right violations It describes how the United States discriminates against the disabled, homosexuals, women, Native Americans, blacks, Hispanics and those who don’t speak English. There is the expected pandering to Muslims
Comment by hutz on August 26, 2010 @ 2:25 pm
POPS FROM TEXAS×5q4/cds/media/23937/episodes/246084/prepareradio-246084-08-25-2010_pshow_406379.mp3?
Comment by hutz on August 26, 2010 @ 2:26 pm
This was taken from skype .========================================
tom was the one who lied to Tim about the military. Tom was the liason to the milirary – he is a liar
[12:18:17 AM] bonnie-bernard: bull
[12:18:20 AM] bonnie-bernard: he is a fake
[12:18:29 AM] bonnie-bernard: read the link for the truth
[12:18:38 AM] bonnie-bernard:
[12:18:52 AM] bonnie-bernard: he has a restraining ordetr on him
[12:19:20 AM] bonnie-bernard: tom is a liar – he stung along tim about the military all this time
[12:19:47 AM] bonnie-bernard: The military won’t work with tom – they are now with tim
[12:20:17 AM] bonnie-bernard: don’t worry – the deception will come out in the wash
[12:20:34 AM] bonnie-bernard: did you listen to /tim’s call?
[12:22:12 AM] bonnie-bernard: Militias are going to get that movement stopped – dangerous
Comment by hutz on August 26, 2010 @ 2:36 pm
taken from skype
Yesterday I was having one enlightenment after another. I heard God telling/showing me all sorts of things. I finally sat down and put it all on paper and sent Tim an email tonight. Here are some excerpts from that email. . . .for what it’s worth.
1. God showed me that He is absolutely overshadowing and endorsing the Restored American Republic with Tim as our President. He made that super clear.
2. God showed me that He is heavily testing us all right now. He is aware of those that are passing this heavy testing and choosing the Light and staying with it. Many have not passed these tests, and it appears they have made a “Y” in the road, and they are choosing this new path (Livingston, Tom, Regan, etc). He showed me that He is not endorsing or blessing this other path (this path is creating confusion and arguments and dissention, which are not attributes of God).
3. God also showed me that these heavy testings are similar to when Lucifer fell from Heaven and took 1/3 of the heavenly hosts with him (a choice between dark and light . . .a choice between truth and lies). He showed me that, because of these testings, we may lose many people from this path.
4. He showed me that this “house cleaning” so to speak was absolutely necessary Before the funding of the Republic can happen. Those that can pass these tests and remain “calm in the midst of the storms” and stay unwaivered and centered in His Light will be the ones that He wants guiding His Ship, the Republic of America. He said the cream will rise to the top. He made that clear to me.
5. He said this “house cleaning” has to be done now because once the funding comes through, things will start to move very quickly and we can’t have unlighted ones with important titles in important positions. It would be much harder to clean house and get rid of them then. When the funding opens up, God wants those who have passed these tests today and have aligned with His plan to be the ones to carry out His important next steps.
Really, I think God is speaking to all of us right now and telling us all these same things. And those with eyes to see and ears to hear with know it.
He also reminded me of these things from the Bible:
“Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did.”
With all the disinformation and attacking going, I think that many are feeling like they are being crucified, but remember that you are in great company!
Another thing God reminded me of too:
“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”
It’s the road less traveled!! It’s the hardest road to travel, but it brings with it the greatest outcome. Everyone is choosing which road they will travel right now.
Comment by hutz on August 26, 2010 @ 2:39 pm
[1:37:00 AM] songsofpeace: OPops Aug 23rd-
This link works better for the above
Comment by hutz on August 26, 2010 @ 2:41 pm
Comment by hutz on August 26, 2010 @ 2:43 pm
[8/24/2010 10:01:30 AM] J Smith- Outlaw:
Comment by hutz on August 26, 2010 @ 2:44 pm
more from skype
The real deal is the REAL leadership is continuing to bring this country to Freedom.
America has been restored.
The housecleaning is done. The tree has been pruned.
Many who “were” a part of RAP and left were there for selfish and greedy reasons.
They have been exposed.
Those exposed will even continue to lie and attempt to divide, but it will be a worthless
endeavor. They have fallen.
Those who have chosen the path of division will walk in deception unless they repent and turn from
their evil ways. Their choice.
God cleaned house. The signature of God is all over the house cleaning of RAP.
This had to happen so God could continue His plan and use those who are WHOLE!
Kennedy, Davis, Reegan and Tom had to go because of their own sin.
I and others never heard Kennedy end his prayers in the name of Christ. As for the
others it is pretty easy to see.
It is obvious WHO instigated this division, WHO has chosen to follow those instigators
and WHO on this page continue to create confusion, as confusion is a tool used by satan.
Those on this RAP 1 page who will continue to slander TT are exposed for who they really are.
Those who choose to stay on the fence are useless feeders who have little to no decision making
capabilities. Period. So be it. You have chosen.
Anyone who has chosen to walk in line with leaders who insist martial law is necessary in every state
to restore this republic, or those who believe violence, revenge, and division is the only way to Freedom are
in for a rude awakening.
It is laughable that the ego’s who thought they could destroy RAP and that most
of the juries would follow them have egg on their faces right now.
Reagan and Tom want martial law and think they can create their own plan. It has failed!
Livingston has a devils heart and that is obvious by his own writings here: (thank you Rose)
Any person who quotes scripture in one verse and writes the above is a heathen, no matter what the
rest of his site says. It is filled with demonic hate and he is an unfit leader. Not a leader at all.
Livingston is one of the people deeply involved in the separation of RAP and his true colors are shown.
God has exposed him. So be it!
Please read that document. If you still do not see the evil in those words and continue to sit on the mindless fence
then you have scales over your eyes. You cannot see the truth and sometimes GOD will put those scales over
your eyes because your heart is not pure.
The above people and those who pick up disinfo and run with it or those who have blatantly slandered Tim Turner
will probably continue to do so.
The decisions these people make are for who? Ask yourself that question.
Ask yourself WHAT ARE THEIR INTENTIONS? Ask yourself who has a foul mouths. Ask yourself WHO wants
martial law. Friday nights call with Reagan said it all. His words, “mute that “F###$%” Why did he want
that person muted. Perhaps that person was telling the truth.
I know who Tim Turner is, and I know WHO guides him, and I know how much Turner loves this country,
and the light of Christ is all over him.
The office building in place will have a 24 hour prayer team day in and day out to be a witness
and protector of the Republic. That is the America I want.
Now turn your hearts around an repent to our Father in Heaven and lets move on with freeing the enslaved.
Comment by hutz on August 26, 2010 @ 2:46 pm
Bohemian Grove: a collective list of visitors A-K
more posts from fulford blog
Hi Ben and All
Regarding the PTB. We have revealed and explained our desire that ‘We The People’ seek for TPTB, to realease us from their ongoing victimization and the stalking of our fortunes, our health and our very lives.
They show no signs of recanting from their evil ways, and continue all manners of exploitation against ‘We The People’ of the world.
The “Fiat FED” can no longer support the United States Corporation. We ‘The People’ are taking a pro-active initiative , peacefully,and purposely, to end their authority and influence over us, and to that effort do we avail our energies.
Comment by wbstreck on August 26, 2010 @ 1:53 am
MORE from skype about RAP and its future . =========The real deal is the REAL leadership is continuing to bring this country to Freedom.
America has been restored.
The housecleaning is done. The tree has been pruned.
Many who “were” a part of RAP and left were there for selfish and greedy reasons.
They have been exposed.
Those exposed will even continue to lie and attempt to divide, but it will be a worthless
endeavor. They have fallen.
Those who have chosen the path of division will walk in deception unless they repent and turn from
their evil ways. Their choice.
God cleaned house. The signature of God is all over the house cleaning of RAP.
This had to happen so God could continue His plan and use those who are WHOLE!
Kennedy, Davis, Reegan and Tom had to go because of their own sin.
I and others never heard Kennedy end his prayers in the name of Christ. As for the
others it is pretty easy to see.
It is obvious WHO instigated this division, WHO has chosen to follow those instigators
and WHO on this page continue to create confusion, as confusion is a tool used by satan.
Those on this RAP 1 page who will continue to slander TT are exposed for who they really are.
Those who choose to stay on the fence are useless feeders who have little to no decision making
capabilities. Period. So be it. You have chosen.
Anyone who has chosen to walk in line with leaders who insist martial law is necessary in every state
to restore this republic, or those who believe violence, revenge, and division is the only way to Freedom are
in for a rude awakening.
It is laughable that the ego’s who thought they could destroy RAP and that most
of the juries would follow them have egg on their faces right now.
Reagan and Tom want martial law and think they can create their own plan. It has failed!
Livingston has a devils heart and that is obvious by his own writings here: (thank you Rose)
Any person who quotes scripture in one verse and writes the above is a heathen, no matter what the
rest of his site says. It is filled with demonic hate and he is an unfit leader. Not a leader at all.
Livingston is one of the people deeply involved in the separation of RAP and his true colors are shown.
God has exposed him. So be it!
Please read that document. If you still do not see the evil in those words and continue to sit on the mindless fence
then you have scales over your eyes. You cannot see the truth and sometimes GOD will put those scales over
your eyes because your heart is not pure.
The above people and those who pick up disinfo and run with it or those who have blatantly slandered Tim Turner
will probably continue to do so.
The decisions these people make are for who? Ask yourself that question.
Ask yourself WHAT ARE THEIR INTENTIONS? Ask yourself who has a foul mouths. Ask yourself WHO wants
martial law. Friday nights call with Reagan said it all. His words, “mute that “F###$%” Why did he want
that person muted. Perhaps that person was telling the truth.
I know who Tim Turner is, and I know WHO guides him, and I know how much Turner loves this country,
and the light of Christ is all over him.
The office building in place will have a 24 hour prayer team day in and day out to be a witness
and protector of the Republic. That is the America I want.
Now turn your hearts around an repent to our Father in Heaven and lets move on with freeing the enslaved.============================================
Comment by hutz on August 26, 2010 @ 1:55 am
The story the news media is not telling you
about the massive egg recall.
Video and text commentary:
Comment by hutz on August 26, 2010 @ 1:55 am
Revewing Ben’s latest information regarding Nakasone’s Trilat potential population gleening program.
the addition of feminizing and sterilizing chemicals being mixed into the Japanese food and supply made me recall a recent article( can’t recall the source) about 6-9 year old in the US and Europe going into early puberty.
Not being a scientist I wonder about the huge amounts of
antibiotics put into our Meat,eggs and poultry supplies, with the approval of the FDA, and we wonder why we have infections resistant to all treatments breaking out all over the Continent.
Dr Louis Streckler MD broke the story of the infections (HIV)of Blacks and Homosexuals being trageted and infected via the Hep B vaccinations in the 70tys and 80tys.
The continued expouser of our fighting men and women to the insideous affects of Depleted Uranium weapons during their repeated tours in the Middle East. There has also been internal US contamination via training centers and Livermore Labs surface tests just south of Berkely California. a couple of years ago I spoke with returning
National Guard Enlisted men and their NCO’s and Jr Officers, And none even knew of the dangers that they were being exposed to.
The use of “Coreexit” on the recent climate changing oil disaster knowing full well that it’s usage would cause to medical and agriculture effects on populations throught the 5 most affected southern states.
Should you be interested in following the most important
effects of the coordinated war on humankind by the PTB
You should order and read:
“Our Toxic World, A Wake Up Call,Chemical Damage your body ,brain, behavior and sex.” by Doris J. Rapp MD
Notice I haven’t mentioned other pressing medical disasters
we face by the use of cell phones and living in proxsimity (1 mile or less) to the broadcast towers. and the many cancers and brain tumors linked to our use ,the greatest dangers are to the young and elderly who might have compromised immune systems .
I am sure you all can add to this list ,rampant pollution
ect. ect.
We must reform the government Agencies charged with our
protection and end corporate lobbyist control of the self same.
As It Always Was
Comment by merek on August 26, 2010 @ 1:56 am
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Main Illuminati swag bag uncovered by auditors. $200 quadrillion of élite-stolen funds now sequestered and neutralised.
John’s Comments – Good news even if from Casper (he must get some info right!)
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Alcuin Bramerton Twitter
Alcuin Bramerton profile ….. Index of blog contents ….. Home
Main Illuminati swag bag uncovered by auditors. $200 quadrillion of élite-stolen funds now sequestered and neutralised. Western Heads of State, Vatican Satanists, US politicians all fingered. Major figures and nations changing sides in behind-the-scenes geopolitical alliance-shifts. Ongoing problem with personnel selection and jurisdictional bona fides of Hague Arbitral Tribunal.
Comment by hutz on August 26, 2010 @ 1:57 am
When this thing falls.everything will stop.How many will perish because of no income.No social security,no healthcare,no retirement and no way of food.How will the elderly as a whole have a chance?TPTB WILL HAVE THEIR POPULATION REDUCTION.
Comment by jtgun on August 26, 2010 @ 2:06 am
And blame it on your and my stupidity
Comment by jtgun on August 26, 2010 @ 2:07 am
Hutz is glad he has better things to do than count others post to see who is posting the most .
Thanks again God .
Comment by hutz on August 26, 2010 @ 2:11 am
Interesting topic…food! Its comical how different foods are demonized by the media, on again, off again. And, in the same way, this humancompost/fertilizer is as well. IF the fertilizer was pure human waste, I don’t think it would be bad. The Asians, I believe, have been using it for milennia. The problem in the u.s. is that it is full of pharm. toxins from all the pills people take, and chemical toxins from all the horrible food products they eat, and all the sprays that are added to the sewage ponds. Oh, and all those lovely household cleansers that strip soap off our bath tile and kill bugs from 40 yards away.
Its the same thing with a lot of foods that are demonized. There’s nothing wrong with milk, contrary to some’s beliefs. The problem is that the milk has been killed by pasturization and homogenation, and the poor cow has been living with hormone implants and addicted to incompatible grain mixtures. Personally, I don’t eat many milk products but if I chose to, it would be a challenge to find original quality milk.
And, as to the H1N1, we just heard (heresay perhaps) that it was being carried by mosquitos in Eastern OR. That came from a neighbor farmer who listens carefully to whats going on. So we are preparing to up our immune system.
But back to food; its good to be aware of the hold the food industry can have on us. Becoming self-sufficient as soon as possible will help. Bartering, establishing a network now, may be helpful. The local family farmers, those who sell to the farmer’s markets, are a valuable source. The farmer’s markets have lots of fed red tape connected so to deal with those farmers without that middleman may help them have a direct market plan set up in the near future, Starting a food co-op without govt intervention, of community members or just neighbors, may work.
I don’t know about those living where all the food gets trucked in, but I think even in those areas there may be hidden jewels of backyard gardeners who may be helpful. When we lived in the southwest I got so I rarely ate “fresh” (store-bought) vegies and fruit because it was just horrible, unless I grew it myself. I learned of gardeners in the area though who had desert gardening techniques that worked. It wasn’t easy and greenhouses really helped.
Yes, meat produced commercially is just horrible when you consider what the critter was raised and fattened on, and in what living conditions. To eat home-grown chickens, one must change their beliefs in what poultry tastes like. Homegrown tastes so real that a person having lived on factory chicken is often taken aback by all the flavor, plus the smaller meat amount per chicken. Its still hard for me. We have a free-range poultry producer close by and the meat is wonderful but my family is still not used to these leggy stream-lined carcasses, which a natural chicken should look like. We have been trained to expect chicken that got so heavy it could no longer walk, and was only 2 months old. Sad! But, belief systems take conscious work to change. That’s my lot in life, but it’s all good in the end!
Oops, long ramble…
Comment by foodrules on August 26, 2010 @ 2:13 am
Everything comes from the dirt in one form or another.When they started poisoning the dirt then all from the dirt becomes poison.ENTER MONSANTO GMO CROPS
Comment by jtgun on August 26, 2010 @ 2:20 am
Have heard this whole salmonella hoax is so they can start pastuerizing eggs.
Guess all the antibiotics and GMO food they feed the chickens isn’t enough, now they need to figure out a way to poison the eggs, too.
Comment by paladin on August 26, 2010 @ 2:26 am
Whoa! Hutz, where did that RAP thing come from? (1:55 a.m.)
Comment by foodrules on August 26, 2010 @ 2:26 am
Comment by jtgun on August 26, 2010 @ 2:29 am
1934 Film “The House of Rothschild”
“Hollywood Propaganda That Is All Too Clear Now”
Comment by abetterlife on August 26, 2010 @ 2:33 am
************ Star Child DNA results ********************
Comment by ksa711 on August 26, 2010 @ 2:47 am
By next year this time and through the end of 2011 by the sign of the pyramid.We will be in a time what is known as total illumination.What will that mean?That everyone will know who tptb are?And after they know what will they or we do.
Comment by jtgun on August 26, 2010 @ 2:49 am
Hutz 1:55 AM, say old buddy ,you throw Gods name around like a recent graduate of a fundamentalist bible school ,
Since Jesus told us to go in to the privacy of our rooms to pray it stands to reason that too much preaching and beseeching,besides alienating those on this board of other religeous persuasions, cannot be proved period.
Remember the German Nazi’s belt buckles said
“Gott mit uns” God with us!
this is a board interested in political ,economic, History,science,health and extraterrestial matters,
Our special American history refelects the attempts by religious persecuted, and free thinkers to escape the muderous experiences of old Europe ,those who insist that we are a christian nation fail to understand that many are christians but the government is not and those who insist it is better take a history course or two and not while attending a fundamentalist diploma mill,
Religious freedom means exactly that ,you may practice all forms here but should you try to dominate others with your
particular faith you are contrary to the intent of the founding fathers quest for freedom and independance!
Hutz ,did you ever check out the :
Mystery of Isis and Osiris by the Sybil of Tarquin,
this is the document that John of Patmos plagerized for the book of Revelation we are trying to open up our minds to new realms untaught or undisclosed by the PTB.
Anthropomorphising God Head to conform to ones present beliefs or human qualities is pure superstition, as we can never be sure . So Hutz ,check it out and keep the non religious information that you have uncovered coming and save to religious lectures for Sunday and your house of worship. Thanks for your consideration. .
As It Always Was
Comment by merek on August 26, 2010 @ 3:08 am
Comment by jtgun on August 26, 2010 @ 3:21 am
True, the factory farm prouduced eggs are already poisoned but the “pastuerization” is for free range chicken eggs.
Comment by paladin on August 26, 2010 @ 3:29 am
Larry Becraft, in the below response to the accusation that “a lot of people believe he is a government plant,” scathes Patriot Myth Mongers like Tim Turner for REALLY acting like government plants . Turner encourages people to file maritime liens against judges and others in government to punish them for alleged wrong-doing, and then to sell the bogus liens to foreign investors. Only an idiot would buy such a bogus, uncollectable lien.
Larry attached the excerpt from 121 SAL, an Act of Congress making fraudulent liens against judges punishable by up to 10 years in prison. It also made exposure of restricted information (home contact and phone numbers) for purpose of harm or intimidation about a federal judge a criminal offense.
Of course if you want to encourage others to reveal such info to send the judge a candy-gram or get well card, well you do not violate that law, do you?
My point: same as Larry’s: SHUN PATRIOT MYTH MONGERS – they will con you and cause you loss of property, liberty, and maybe even life.
Comment by chrisb on August 26, 2010 @ 3:33 am
Paladin, Foodrules, I am strictly on a virgin olive oil diet. That is all I eat ( or drink I should say). I think it is the only food left that is not detrimental to our health. The dog is still eating the purina crap but their life expectancy is not as long anyhow. I have noticed he blinks alot though.
Comment by chrisb on August 26, 2010 @ 3:38 am
I have maybe 30 chickens that for the most part get fed gmo corn so they are already poisoned.Any corn you buy at feed n seed will come from local farmers and will be gmo.Farmers cannot afford to plant regular hybrid or non hybrid it has been phased out.Also yield production is much higher on gmo,which gives reason for planting.
Comment by jtgun on August 26, 2010 @ 3:49 am
I’m not so sure about the olive oil part.
Comment by paladin on August 26, 2010 @ 4:30 am
Paladin, it is virgin olive oil. There’s a difference.
Every morning over the past two weeks I’ve read newspaper articles related to the current take down of the banking cabal. It is very clear that the Good Guys are taking the battle directly to them. As for when they will “break” is any body’s guess but you can expect HUGE FIREWORKS in the weeks ahead.
Here are some examples out of today’s headlines:
Allen Stanford’s Execs Knew He Was Bilking Investors
Goldman Sachs Conspiracy Book Hits Bestseller List in China
US Judge To Seek HSBC Fraud Reports
Failure of Liberal Economic Experiment
Bank Default Swaps Rise On US Housing Slowdown
There are no more engineered rosy comments coming from the Obama “Behavioral Economics” team of Giethner, Summers and Goolsby as they were likely TOLD by the Good Guys to stand down to allow for the collapse.
What’s that famous line from the movie “Rosemary’s Baby”?
This is not a dream…THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING!
Be prepared for anything and follow the TIME LINE for clues.
Comment by chrisb on August 26, 2010 @ 4:42 am
I have to agree that I think we are very close to the collapse because of the timing of a few things.
RAP – The only thing I have known about RAP is what I have read that’s posted here and the links to some of the sites who updated RAP information. I was always skeptical, because some things just did not sound right. However, I did try and keep informed on the written posts.
Casper updates – If you can believe Casper,just yesterday he reported finding the 200 Quadrillions secreted away from Cabal and his last comment was this may be his last update with indications it may nearly be over.
Alcuin-Bramerton also reported the Quadrillions found and secreted away, although I’m not sure if that was independent reporting or basing it on Casper.
I wondered if the reason that RAP fell apart is because it was infiltrated by the Cabal and all the “talk” was about the money the Cabal intended to use to finance the completion of their NWO takeover by usurping a Patriot Movement. Therefore, when they reported that the money that was supposed to be there is not.
The timing of these three things over the weekend primarily makes me think that maybe it’s about finally ready to explode.
Comment by patriotkate on August 26, 2010 @ 5:59 am
I agree with you re “maybe it’s finally ready to explode.”
Comment by martha on August 26, 2010 @ 6:28 am
Ben’s last paragraph this week that the major global news organizations have to report the truth or else be charged with racketeering.
I am seeing that on the internet and magazines..don’t have a TV.
Comment by martha on August 26, 2010 @ 6:32 am
you may want to re check the facts on the GMO production statement. That is one of the biggest lies in existence and is pushed by monsanto and their ilk. GMO crops are notorious underachievers in addition to having far fewer nutrients in the resulting crop. This has been proven over and over again, and in fact animals given the choice- will absolutely NEVER eat GMO grains. This particular little science project- literally- was made public and repeated over and over again by numerous grades of school children doing science projects- repeated at the professional level again and the results are the same. By the way those mice/test animals who had no choice but to eat the the GMO grain? they developed numerous forms of cancer and tumors at a much higher rate that should have happened,exhibited lack of energy and became obese- leading to yet more health problems in the test population.
Before Robert Rodale died in the 1990’s- The rodale institute (organic gardening magazine) had projects going in AFrica to help the farmers get better yields from their crops and teach them organic gardening principles. THis is at the time that Monsanto was trying to shove down the throats of the African farmers a special GMO seed that of course would not reproduce true for the farmers to save seed
and its reason for existing was that it was supposed to be drought tolerant.(but needed twice the toxic pesticides) Well- this was proposed in order to sell poor african farmers corn seed at * $1.00 * per seed! The Rodale institute ’s trial showed the farmers they could use their traditional seed- suited for their environment- and get more yield using organic soil building principles, mulching and water saving techniques.
GMO crops are the worst nightmare ever foisted upon humanity- for no reason other than control and profit.
Comment by hfloyd on August 26, 2010 @ 6:32 am
Regarding the PTB. We have revealed and explained our desire that ‘We The People’ seek for TPTB, to realease us from their ongoing victimization and the stalking of our fortunes, our health and our very lives.
They show no signs of recanting from their evil ways, and continue all manners of exploitation against ‘We The People’ of the world.
The “Fiat FED” can no longer support the United States Corporation. We ‘The People’ are taking a pro-active initiative , peacefully,and purposely, to end their authority and influence over us, and to that effort do we avail our energies.
Comment by wbstreck on August 26, 2010 @ 1:53 am
MORE from skype about RAP and its future . =========The real deal is the REAL leadership is continuing to bring this country to Freedom.
America has been restored.
The housecleaning is done. The tree has been pruned.
Many who “were” a part of RAP and left were there for selfish and greedy reasons.
They have been exposed.
Those exposed will even continue to lie and attempt to divide, but it will be a worthless
endeavor. They have fallen.
Those who have chosen the path of division will walk in deception unless they repent and turn from
their evil ways. Their choice.
God cleaned house. The signature of God is all over the house cleaning of RAP.
This had to happen so God could continue His plan and use those who are WHOLE!
Kennedy, Davis, Reegan and Tom had to go because of their own sin.
I and others never heard Kennedy end his prayers in the name of Christ. As for the
others it is pretty easy to see.
It is obvious WHO instigated this division, WHO has chosen to follow those instigators
and WHO on this page continue to create confusion, as confusion is a tool used by satan.
Those on this RAP 1 page who will continue to slander TT are exposed for who they really are.
Those who choose to stay on the fence are useless feeders who have little to no decision making
capabilities. Period. So be it. You have chosen.
Anyone who has chosen to walk in line with leaders who insist martial law is necessary in every state
to restore this republic, or those who believe violence, revenge, and division is the only way to Freedom are
in for a rude awakening.
It is laughable that the ego’s who thought they could destroy RAP and that most
of the juries would follow them have egg on their faces right now.
Reagan and Tom want martial law and think they can create their own plan. It has failed!
Livingston has a devils heart and that is obvious by his own writings here: (thank you Rose)
Any person who quotes scripture in one verse and writes the above is a heathen, no matter what the
rest of his site says. It is filled with demonic hate and he is an unfit leader. Not a leader at all.
Livingston is one of the people deeply involved in the separation of RAP and his true colors are shown.
God has exposed him. So be it!
Please read that document. If you still do not see the evil in those words and continue to sit on the mindless fence
then you have scales over your eyes. You cannot see the truth and sometimes GOD will put those scales over
your eyes because your heart is not pure.
The above people and those who pick up disinfo and run with it or those who have blatantly slandered Tim Turner
will probably continue to do so.
The decisions these people make are for who? Ask yourself that question.
Ask yourself WHAT ARE THEIR INTENTIONS? Ask yourself who has a foul mouths. Ask yourself WHO wants
martial law. Friday nights call with Reagan said it all. His words, “mute that “F###$%” Why did he want
that person muted. Perhaps that person was telling the truth.
I know who Tim Turner is, and I know WHO guides him, and I know how much Turner loves this country,
and the light of Christ is all over him.
The office building in place will have a 24 hour prayer team day in and day out to be a witness
and protector of the Republic. That is the America I want.
Now turn your hearts around an repent to our Father in Heaven and lets move on with freeing the enslaved.============================================
Comment by hutz on August 26, 2010 @ 1:55 am
The story the news media is not telling you
about the massive egg recall.
Video and text commentary:
Comment by hutz on August 26, 2010 @ 1:55 am
Revewing Ben’s latest information regarding Nakasone’s Trilat potential population gleening program.
the addition of feminizing and sterilizing chemicals being mixed into the Japanese food and supply made me recall a recent article( can’t recall the source) about 6-9 year old in the US and Europe going into early puberty.
Not being a scientist I wonder about the huge amounts of
antibiotics put into our Meat,eggs and poultry supplies, with the approval of the FDA, and we wonder why we have infections resistant to all treatments breaking out all over the Continent.
Dr Louis Streckler MD broke the story of the infections (HIV)of Blacks and Homosexuals being trageted and infected via the Hep B vaccinations in the 70tys and 80tys.
The continued expouser of our fighting men and women to the insideous affects of Depleted Uranium weapons during their repeated tours in the Middle East. There has also been internal US contamination via training centers and Livermore Labs surface tests just south of Berkely California. a couple of years ago I spoke with returning
National Guard Enlisted men and their NCO’s and Jr Officers, And none even knew of the dangers that they were being exposed to.
The use of “Coreexit” on the recent climate changing oil disaster knowing full well that it’s usage would cause to medical and agriculture effects on populations throught the 5 most affected southern states.
Should you be interested in following the most important
effects of the coordinated war on humankind by the PTB
You should order and read:
“Our Toxic World, A Wake Up Call,Chemical Damage your body ,brain, behavior and sex.” by Doris J. Rapp MD
Notice I haven’t mentioned other pressing medical disasters
we face by the use of cell phones and living in proxsimity (1 mile or less) to the broadcast towers. and the many cancers and brain tumors linked to our use ,the greatest dangers are to the young and elderly who might have compromised immune systems .
I am sure you all can add to this list ,rampant pollution
ect. ect.
We must reform the government Agencies charged with our
protection and end corporate lobbyist control of the self same.
As It Always Was
Comment by merek on August 26, 2010 @ 1:56 am
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Main Illuminati swag bag uncovered by auditors. $200 quadrillion of élite-stolen funds now sequestered and neutralised.
John’s Comments – Good news even if from Casper (he must get some info right!)
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Alcuin Bramerton Twitter
Alcuin Bramerton profile ….. Index of blog contents ….. Home
Main Illuminati swag bag uncovered by auditors. $200 quadrillion of élite-stolen funds now sequestered and neutralised. Western Heads of State, Vatican Satanists, US politicians all fingered. Major figures and nations changing sides in behind-the-scenes geopolitical alliance-shifts. Ongoing problem with personnel selection and jurisdictional bona fides of Hague Arbitral Tribunal.
Comment by hutz on August 26, 2010 @ 1:57 am
When this thing falls.everything will stop.How many will perish because of no income.No social security,no healthcare,no retirement and no way of food.How will the elderly as a whole have a chance?TPTB WILL HAVE THEIR POPULATION REDUCTION.
Comment by jtgun on August 26, 2010 @ 2:06 am
And blame it on your and my stupidity
Comment by jtgun on August 26, 2010 @ 2:07 am
Hutz is glad he has better things to do than count others post to see who is posting the most .
Thanks again God .
Comment by hutz on August 26, 2010 @ 2:11 am
Interesting topic…food! Its comical how different foods are demonized by the media, on again, off again. And, in the same way, this humancompost/fertilizer is as well. IF the fertilizer was pure human waste, I don’t think it would be bad. The Asians, I believe, have been using it for milennia. The problem in the u.s. is that it is full of pharm. toxins from all the pills people take, and chemical toxins from all the horrible food products they eat, and all the sprays that are added to the sewage ponds. Oh, and all those lovely household cleansers that strip soap off our bath tile and kill bugs from 40 yards away.
Its the same thing with a lot of foods that are demonized. There’s nothing wrong with milk, contrary to some’s beliefs. The problem is that the milk has been killed by pasturization and homogenation, and the poor cow has been living with hormone implants and addicted to incompatible grain mixtures. Personally, I don’t eat many milk products but if I chose to, it would be a challenge to find original quality milk.
And, as to the H1N1, we just heard (heresay perhaps) that it was being carried by mosquitos in Eastern OR. That came from a neighbor farmer who listens carefully to whats going on. So we are preparing to up our immune system.
But back to food; its good to be aware of the hold the food industry can have on us. Becoming self-sufficient as soon as possible will help. Bartering, establishing a network now, may be helpful. The local family farmers, those who sell to the farmer’s markets, are a valuable source. The farmer’s markets have lots of fed red tape connected so to deal with those farmers without that middleman may help them have a direct market plan set up in the near future, Starting a food co-op without govt intervention, of community members or just neighbors, may work.
I don’t know about those living where all the food gets trucked in, but I think even in those areas there may be hidden jewels of backyard gardeners who may be helpful. When we lived in the southwest I got so I rarely ate “fresh” (store-bought) vegies and fruit because it was just horrible, unless I grew it myself. I learned of gardeners in the area though who had desert gardening techniques that worked. It wasn’t easy and greenhouses really helped.
Yes, meat produced commercially is just horrible when you consider what the critter was raised and fattened on, and in what living conditions. To eat home-grown chickens, one must change their beliefs in what poultry tastes like. Homegrown tastes so real that a person having lived on factory chicken is often taken aback by all the flavor, plus the smaller meat amount per chicken. Its still hard for me. We have a free-range poultry producer close by and the meat is wonderful but my family is still not used to these leggy stream-lined carcasses, which a natural chicken should look like. We have been trained to expect chicken that got so heavy it could no longer walk, and was only 2 months old. Sad! But, belief systems take conscious work to change. That’s my lot in life, but it’s all good in the end!
Oops, long ramble…
Comment by foodrules on August 26, 2010 @ 2:13 am
Everything comes from the dirt in one form or another.When they started poisoning the dirt then all from the dirt becomes poison.ENTER MONSANTO GMO CROPS
Comment by jtgun on August 26, 2010 @ 2:20 am
Have heard this whole salmonella hoax is so they can start pastuerizing eggs.
Guess all the antibiotics and GMO food they feed the chickens isn’t enough, now they need to figure out a way to poison the eggs, too.
Comment by paladin on August 26, 2010 @ 2:26 am
Whoa! Hutz, where did that RAP thing come from? (1:55 a.m.)
Comment by foodrules on August 26, 2010 @ 2:26 am
Comment by jtgun on August 26, 2010 @ 2:29 am
1934 Film “The House of Rothschild”
“Hollywood Propaganda That Is All Too Clear Now”
Comment by abetterlife on August 26, 2010 @ 2:33 am
************ Star Child DNA results ********************
Comment by ksa711 on August 26, 2010 @ 2:47 am
By next year this time and through the end of 2011 by the sign of the pyramid.We will be in a time what is known as total illumination.What will that mean?That everyone will know who tptb are?And after they know what will they or we do.
Comment by jtgun on August 26, 2010 @ 2:49 am
Hutz 1:55 AM, say old buddy ,you throw Gods name around like a recent graduate of a fundamentalist bible school ,
Since Jesus told us to go in to the privacy of our rooms to pray it stands to reason that too much preaching and beseeching,besides alienating those on this board of other religeous persuasions, cannot be proved period.
Remember the German Nazi’s belt buckles said
“Gott mit uns” God with us!
this is a board interested in political ,economic, History,science,health and extraterrestial matters,
Our special American history refelects the attempts by religious persecuted, and free thinkers to escape the muderous experiences of old Europe ,those who insist that we are a christian nation fail to understand that many are christians but the government is not and those who insist it is better take a history course or two and not while attending a fundamentalist diploma mill,
Religious freedom means exactly that ,you may practice all forms here but should you try to dominate others with your
particular faith you are contrary to the intent of the founding fathers quest for freedom and independance!
Hutz ,did you ever check out the :
Mystery of Isis and Osiris by the Sybil of Tarquin,
this is the document that John of Patmos plagerized for the book of Revelation we are trying to open up our minds to new realms untaught or undisclosed by the PTB.
Anthropomorphising God Head to conform to ones present beliefs or human qualities is pure superstition, as we can never be sure . So Hutz ,check it out and keep the non religious information that you have uncovered coming and save to religious lectures for Sunday and your house of worship. Thanks for your consideration. .
As It Always Was
Comment by merek on August 26, 2010 @ 3:08 am
Comment by jtgun on August 26, 2010 @ 3:21 am
True, the factory farm prouduced eggs are already poisoned but the “pastuerization” is for free range chicken eggs.
Comment by paladin on August 26, 2010 @ 3:29 am
Larry Becraft, in the below response to the accusation that “a lot of people believe he is a government plant,” scathes Patriot Myth Mongers like Tim Turner for REALLY acting like government plants . Turner encourages people to file maritime liens against judges and others in government to punish them for alleged wrong-doing, and then to sell the bogus liens to foreign investors. Only an idiot would buy such a bogus, uncollectable lien.
Larry attached the excerpt from 121 SAL, an Act of Congress making fraudulent liens against judges punishable by up to 10 years in prison. It also made exposure of restricted information (home contact and phone numbers) for purpose of harm or intimidation about a federal judge a criminal offense.
Of course if you want to encourage others to reveal such info to send the judge a candy-gram or get well card, well you do not violate that law, do you?
My point: same as Larry’s: SHUN PATRIOT MYTH MONGERS – they will con you and cause you loss of property, liberty, and maybe even life.
Comment by chrisb on August 26, 2010 @ 3:33 am
Paladin, Foodrules, I am strictly on a virgin olive oil diet. That is all I eat ( or drink I should say). I think it is the only food left that is not detrimental to our health. The dog is still eating the purina crap but their life expectancy is not as long anyhow. I have noticed he blinks alot though.
Comment by chrisb on August 26, 2010 @ 3:38 am
I have maybe 30 chickens that for the most part get fed gmo corn so they are already poisoned.Any corn you buy at feed n seed will come from local farmers and will be gmo.Farmers cannot afford to plant regular hybrid or non hybrid it has been phased out.Also yield production is much higher on gmo,which gives reason for planting.
Comment by jtgun on August 26, 2010 @ 3:49 am
I’m not so sure about the olive oil part.
Comment by paladin on August 26, 2010 @ 4:30 am
Paladin, it is virgin olive oil. There’s a difference.
Every morning over the past two weeks I’ve read newspaper articles related to the current take down of the banking cabal. It is very clear that the Good Guys are taking the battle directly to them. As for when they will “break” is any body’s guess but you can expect HUGE FIREWORKS in the weeks ahead.
Here are some examples out of today’s headlines:
Allen Stanford’s Execs Knew He Was Bilking Investors
Goldman Sachs Conspiracy Book Hits Bestseller List in China
US Judge To Seek HSBC Fraud Reports
Failure of Liberal Economic Experiment
Bank Default Swaps Rise On US Housing Slowdown
There are no more engineered rosy comments coming from the Obama “Behavioral Economics” team of Giethner, Summers and Goolsby as they were likely TOLD by the Good Guys to stand down to allow for the collapse.
What’s that famous line from the movie “Rosemary’s Baby”?
This is not a dream…THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING!
Be prepared for anything and follow the TIME LINE for clues.
Comment by chrisb on August 26, 2010 @ 4:42 am
I have to agree that I think we are very close to the collapse because of the timing of a few things.
RAP – The only thing I have known about RAP is what I have read that’s posted here and the links to some of the sites who updated RAP information. I was always skeptical, because some things just did not sound right. However, I did try and keep informed on the written posts.
Casper updates – If you can believe Casper,just yesterday he reported finding the 200 Quadrillions secreted away from Cabal and his last comment was this may be his last update with indications it may nearly be over.
Alcuin-Bramerton also reported the Quadrillions found and secreted away, although I’m not sure if that was independent reporting or basing it on Casper.
I wondered if the reason that RAP fell apart is because it was infiltrated by the Cabal and all the “talk” was about the money the Cabal intended to use to finance the completion of their NWO takeover by usurping a Patriot Movement. Therefore, when they reported that the money that was supposed to be there is not.
The timing of these three things over the weekend primarily makes me think that maybe it’s about finally ready to explode.
Comment by patriotkate on August 26, 2010 @ 5:59 am
I agree with you re “maybe it’s finally ready to explode.”
Comment by martha on August 26, 2010 @ 6:28 am
Ben’s last paragraph this week that the major global news organizations have to report the truth or else be charged with racketeering.
I am seeing that on the internet and magazines..don’t have a TV.
Comment by martha on August 26, 2010 @ 6:32 am
you may want to re check the facts on the GMO production statement. That is one of the biggest lies in existence and is pushed by monsanto and their ilk. GMO crops are notorious underachievers in addition to having far fewer nutrients in the resulting crop. This has been proven over and over again, and in fact animals given the choice- will absolutely NEVER eat GMO grains. This particular little science project- literally- was made public and repeated over and over again by numerous grades of school children doing science projects- repeated at the professional level again and the results are the same. By the way those mice/test animals who had no choice but to eat the the GMO grain? they developed numerous forms of cancer and tumors at a much higher rate that should have happened,exhibited lack of energy and became obese- leading to yet more health problems in the test population.
Before Robert Rodale died in the 1990’s- The rodale institute (organic gardening magazine) had projects going in AFrica to help the farmers get better yields from their crops and teach them organic gardening principles. THis is at the time that Monsanto was trying to shove down the throats of the African farmers a special GMO seed that of course would not reproduce true for the farmers to save seed
and its reason for existing was that it was supposed to be drought tolerant.(but needed twice the toxic pesticides) Well- this was proposed in order to sell poor african farmers corn seed at * $1.00 * per seed! The Rodale institute ’s trial showed the farmers they could use their traditional seed- suited for their environment- and get more yield using organic soil building principles, mulching and water saving techniques.
GMO crops are the worst nightmare ever foisted upon humanity- for no reason other than control and profit.
Comment by hfloyd on August 26, 2010 @ 6:32 am
more post from fulford blog
New stuff from the BF’s free blog
G.T. Fulford’s Asia connection and links with Japanese freemasonry
Investigating a 110-year old mystery is always difficult, and it is more so when many important archives were destroyed in a fire. Nonetheless, I have come to the conclusion my industrialist great-grandfather was involved with Asian secret societies in a battle against what he called “Babylonian tyranny.”
G.T Fulford came from a poor background in Brockville, Ontario, Canada to become one of the richest men in the world by the time he died in 1905. He sold patent medicines in over 87 countries and was the largest single shareholder in General Electric at the time of his death.
He died in the first ever fatal car crash in North America when his car was side-swiped. After his death, according to my grandmother, most of his General Electric Shares were sold off by a corrupt trust fund and ended up in the hands of the Rockefeller syndicate.
G.T. Fulford visited Asia and set up extensive operations there, some of which run to this day.
Japanese dignitaries visited Fulford place and sent a representative to watch over the family after G.T. Fulford died. He went by the name of Mr. Rayburn (real name Suzuki) and stayed with the family until he was incarcerated during World War 2. His mind was destroyed during his stay at the Canadian concentration camp and he never recovered from that ordeal.
Here is a picture of G.T.’s daughter and some female acquaintances wearing kimonos sometime around 1900:
If any reader can identify them, please contact this website.
Members of the secret society G.T. Fulford belonged to now occupy senior positions in the Japanese government hierarchy.
Comment by beatbox151 on August 25, 2010 @ 12:16 pm
This next Document is not for the
faint of heart,
nor the squeamish,
For It represents a legal truth which
rises to an astounding degree of
Comment by hutz on August 25, 2010 @ 12:29 pm
When you are fishing for trolls the best way to get a bite is to call Obama the Antichrist. or something .Then you look back to see if same person supported known trolls in the past . And make your own judgment.
so be it.
Comment by hutz on August 25, 2010 @ 12:41 pm
Quotes from The Nature of Personal Reality
Fluoride Kills — The Dentist’s Tale
Ron Paul A Mason & John Bircher?
Obamas Mortgage Amelioration Program A Fraud-Webster Tarpley
Comment by g7enn on August 25, 2010 @ 1:07 pm
Amero??? OR Bancor???
IMF proposing a “global currency” …
A paper entitled “Reserve Accumulation and International Monetary Stability” by the Strategy, Policy and Review Department of the IMF recommends that the world adopt a global currency called the “Bancor” and that a global central bank be established to administer that currency. The report is dated April 13, 2010
Comment by sierra on August 25, 2010 @ 1:25 pm
kohala889 , you mentioned being fooled by Len Horowitz and Ron PAul. FIrst I am curious as to the evidence you read that concerned what he did. All I know about him is based on a friends attending the anti-ageing convention and exposing the Pharm companies and the CDC for their mercury and other tainted vaccines. In todays world that and discovering how to cure a disease and publicizing it normally gets one killed. Being on the firing line with public statements of large criminal enterprises is not the brightest thing to do if you want to survive but he did it. So what was it that fooled you about him. Ron Paul, while I have seen all the secret handshake pictures and videos, what stood out with him that brought his name into this venue of non trustworthy people. WHere’s Kevin Trudeau when you need him. Oh yeah shooting another video using someone elses information. LOL
Comment by chrisb on August 25, 2010 @ 1:39 pm
Comment by fixthefuture on August 25, 2010 @ 2:10 pm
To: Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, Nobody (left anyone out?)
I’m a numbers person, too. I like working with numbers.
82 comments ending with hutz on 8/24 @ 2:57PM
175 comments ending with sierra on 8/25 @ 1:25PM
Left the forum and re-entered at:
177 comments ending with fixthefuture on 8/25 @ 1:39PM
kohala and chrisb:
Regina Meredith of recently interviewed Len Horowitz this month. I’ll go check it out to see what’s the latest, and I PROMISE not to do the unspeakable and unmentionable.
Ran out of toothpaste and diligently searched for a fluoride-free brand, found one, it’s put out by Tom’s of Maine, a natural propolis & myrrh, antiplaque, spearmint. The cost was the same as the brand names Crest, Colgate, etc. Sold! Put the Crest Sensitive back on the shelf. Oh, I found this in a CVC (former Longs Drugs) store.
E Aloha Malama Pono on 8/24 @ 7:51PM
Comment by kuuleimomi on August 25, 2010 @ 2:53 pm
Chrisb, That was a quote from a comment made by g7enn. Probably should have put it in quotes. Sorry. Maybe he could clear that up for you. I attributed the quotes at the end of each paragraph.
Comment by kohala889 on August 25, 2010 @ 2:53 pm
The winner is 177 comments ending with fixthefuture on 8/25 @ 1:39PM
give that person a cigar!!!
Comment by hutz on August 25, 2010 @ 3:25 pm
For natural body stuff, search for stevia products because there is stevia toothpaste.
Also, the Ancient Indian ayurveda has a wealth of products for your own good, also toothpaste without fluoride which I use.
Comment by dingiem on August 25, 2010 @ 4:34 pm
Len Horowitz interview with Regina Meredith in August 2010.
Vaccination and The Love Frequency
“Dr. Horowitz can tell you more about the world’s most urgent problems, and who is creating them (illuminati cabal), than possibly anyone on earth. But he prefers to tell you about the suppressed solutions, and how “We The People” are manifesting them…
In this interview we get an update on the H5N1 flu virus that is anticipated to emerge at the end of 2010, as well as his views on big pharma. Over the past 30 years he has come full-circle, beginning and triumphing in natural healing. A “World Leading Intellectual”, christened “The King David of Natural Healing” for his BigPharma-indicting award-winning books, DVDs, CDs and documentary films exposing the drug cartel’s medical mischief, he is now focused on teaching “the world to sing in perfect harmony” in 528Hz frequency-the main music of LOVE and healing.”
Understanding understood as the questions now have answers, if not enlightment, because the spirit is neither male or female, black, yellow, brown, red or white or Avatar blue, (i.e. genderless and raceless)nor rich or poor. Can never be duplicated or altered and very highly intelligent. The spirit will always be subject to challenges, and can never be held captive. You cannot take the spirit out of the human being, it has the ability to leave on its own, does not need anyones approval or denial (i.e. I’m out of here and maybe I’ll come back if the human has learned to honor my presence , this my dear ones is the frightening part, being left behind without a spirit).
E Aloha Malama Pono!
Comment by kuuleimomi on August 25, 2010 @ 5:27 pm
Any way here were the topic of discussion between Len Horowitz and Regina Meredith. The video was 53:15 long.
+ H1N1 and H5N1
=genocidal de-population project/program via natural phenomena. Plan (not happening, yet) to kill 6 out of 7 individuals.
=H1N1 was used to start-up/introduce the upcoming H5N1 this fall.
=via natural phenomena. H1N1 castrophic numbers were never met, fizzled out.
=The Mexico Swine Flu is the prime example in April 2009.
=Being recombined.
=a billion dollar pharmaceutical winner.
=Russian Bio Cocktail Method
+ Oxi Silver
=double super conductor
=mineral water
=oxygen is healing (i.e. hyperbaric chamber)
=water and silver, the center chakra
=spirituality (not religion) is healing
=plants know the effects of water
+ A440Hz Frequency
=standard frequency tuning
=war technology, acoustic frequency to create mass hysteria
=affects your center chakra
=created for pharmaceutical business to deal with the mass hystera
=Military War Music
=A444Hz, natural frequency = C552A, musicians in the spirit took it up to this level, tuned it back to the center chakra frequency (i.e. do you feel the love?)
+ Col. Tom Parker and Elvis Presley
=Parker born in Netherlands, not American, yet joined the Army in 1928, illegally
=Army Special Services involvement, drew Elvis into joining
=Elvis’ audience was mass hysteria (yelling, screaming, crying)
=RCA contract was with the R & R cabal, Nazi propaganda.
=the throat chakra down is blocked, above is the ego, left brain, the god of technology
=need to optimize performance from the heart chakra (feel the love)
=A440 is suppression
=music is mathmatics, the universe is music/mathmatics.
=music coming out of water (center chakra)
=Go to
+ Love Frequency
=maximum spiritual repression
=A440Hz music rejected by the aboriginal.
=Horowitz: Can music save the world? Yes.
=Blade of grass is 528. Dogs eat grass for healing? Natural with dogs.
=Where is source of energy? Electrons, waters H+, vibrating, greenish, yellow.
=spirit is energy, indigenous
=water is the superconducter of sound.
+ Go to
+ Go to John Todd (musical industry, there are temples built within the studio, modern music)
Goodnight, Everybody, Somebody, Anybody or Nobody!
E Aloha Malama Pono!
Comment by kuuleimomi on August 25, 2010 @ 6:19 pm
Hello to all here,I was wondering if any of you had heard of, or had any thoughts / opinions on, the writings of Ashayana Deane.I have always been amazed & pleasently surprised at the diversity of knowledge & points of view being put forth here within many of your posts,hense the reason why I posed the question.In this world of veiled truths & blatant lies,it seems harder than ever to disern.Any replies or responses would be greatly appreciated.Peace to all of you on your journey,RCG
Comment by rcg335 on August 25, 2010 @ 6:34 pm
T.R.A.P. Insider Update-Pops
Comment by jj59 on August 25, 2010 @ 8:28 pm
This is a better link to the above
Comment by jj59 on August 25, 2010 @ 8:35 pm
Prepare Radio- Host: Jerry Adams, Miguel Espinal (Defender of Freedom), Pops (On the Front Lines)
Today the boys use a free forum style to discuss the paranormal issues on everyones mind. Miguel kicks off with stories of ancient Sumerian alien invasions. Does our government hide technology,from the people in-order to enslave them? Did Aliens seed the earth? We discuss the accuracy of the Holy Bible. We discuss Hitlers wonder weapons. Pops continues in his talk about multiple time lines. Jerry finishes off with a horrifying story about his real life demon encounter.
First half of the show:
Second half of the show:
Comment by jj59 on August 25, 2010 @ 8:56 pm
well, can all agree that what we have is a global masonic plan?On another note i used to farm around 600 acres,when the monsanto gmo roundup ready corn and soybeans came into view it didnt take long to see where it was going.If you consume any food that is cornfed such as beef,chicken it is GMO.All corn and soybeans that is fed to these animals are gmo.If you look back to the eighties and ninties,a lot of farms were foreclosed on.Look today and most are rolling in the hay.Why,because they are producing poison for the cabal..Do they know?Probably not.They are being paid heavy subsidies by the corporation to deliver the goods.When the time comes that the producer or farmer is no longer needed in the form as today,the cabal will start bankrupting again,and take over the farms.Farmers today run heavy debt but for most have almost endless lines of credit.The day will come in the near future when these notes will be called upon.
Comment by jtgun on August 25, 2010 @ 9:29 pm
jtgunn check out the Bankers Manifesto of 1892.
Planned victimization of the common people that hold property. They all should die. That is the Masons,Illuminati, are nothing less than Satanic, evil forces that must be eliminated immediately.It is us ,or, them!
Comment by wbstreck on August 25, 2010 @ 9:50 pm
What we have here is a failure to communicate.When you learn to see i mean really see the truth,learn to see things in everyday life and knowing that they are against you,to bring humanity to its knees and you try to enlighten people for which i have tried to do for a long time,with virtually no success,its tough.Anywhere or place that i go i see,its all in your face.Being able to see will cost you dearly and not neccessarly in monetary form but something much more than monetary wealth.As in the post by cfree on the secret covenet posted above,they will make you look like anutjob.
Comment by jtgun on August 25, 2010 @ 10:15 pm
With that said,not being able to see will also cost you dearly.
Comment by jtgun on August 25, 2010 @ 10:17 pm
jtgunn A lot of people now see them and want them gone.
Like the WDS,BDS, Red,Green gangs,and several powerful governments want to eject the cabal very badly. There are billions, and GOD, against 10,000 of ‘them’.
Comment by wbstreck on August 25, 2010 @ 10:40 pm
The above post also includes pork.99% of hogs and poultry are grown in confined housing.poulrty houses 500 feet in length,30,000in each house,at 5 weeks not being able to stand on there on feet.Easy money you ask for the producer?Sure,i came extremly close to building 8 grower poultry houses borrowing 1.8 was adone deal.At last minute i walked away.The profit for me and family per year would have been $250 to $280,000 per year with the debt payment taken out.In other words a yearly profit of at least $250,000 clear.Do you see how someone would have no trouble in producing poison for the corporation.All poultry on the store shelf come from these same houses,pork is grown in the same confining way.It would not have been a plesant venture opening the chicken house door,knowing that i would have been a part of producing poison for the population or the corporation.
Comment by jtgun on August 25, 2010 @ 10:53 pm
WBS,The leaders of all governments are in together worldwide,there is no question.
Comment by jtgun on August 25, 2010 @ 11:06 pm
I agree that once you see, you will look like a nut job from the perspective of those who are asleep. Once you see more you will realize that each person wakes up in his or her own time. Forcing it does not work and is akin to what the misguided ones do in that they use force to gain their ends. Focusing on those in the process of waking helps avoid some of this challenge. Timing and wisdom helps one avoid the nut job categorization and the frustration that goes with it. And, yes, some we will just have to let go. Fishing is a good analogy: the right bait, in the right place at the right time…
Comment by g7enn on August 25, 2010 @ 11:23 pm
Man yeah,hunting or fishing i do a lot of.As stated before i run a logging operation,am sitting now in timber beside a small lake, i would guess to be 3 acres in size while watching the feller buncher continue to lay the trees on the earths floor.Thats my life.As for time its running out FAST.
Comment by jtgun on August 25, 2010 @ 11:44 pm
I appreciate your putting people before profit.
Easy to do big agriculture. If you want to have a small organic family farm…not so much.
The govt. has already taken over the word organic. It belongs to them. In order to be certified, there are mountains of forms to fill out and file. You have to trace the seed from production to market..and keep up with it.You are inspected with stringent rules and regs.Big Ag gets all kinds of subsidies..even for not growing crops.
Yet food bought in the grocery store can come from Mexico , China and South America ,, fertilized with human manure.Even Canada is using treated human waste on their crops. Just as bad , fertilizer and pesticides that are banned in the US for toxicity are fine for the countries that really produce the food now. Last I heard Brazil was the world’s largest food exporter.
Wonder how Nikita Kruschev knew decades ago that the US would destroy itself from the inside. Noticed the greed factor? Alex D’Toqueville (sp?), the French sociologist toured America when we were an infant country…. He wondered if love of freedom or money would win out.
Comment by martha on August 26, 2010 @ 12:13 am
Human waste is and has been used here in the carolinas since 2006.The cost for the farmer is 0 nothing free.It is delivered to a farm free of charge.I know this for a fact.
Comment by jtgun on August 26, 2010 @ 12:23 am
Just read your post on farming.
A friend of mine lived on a tobacco farm when Jimmy Carter was president. The farmers were encouraged by the govt. to buy new equipment because of low interest rates. Then interest rates hit an all time high..gas became scarce for some reason. City people had to wait in lines for could not buy it ..with crops needing harvesting. Big Ag snapped up those family farms with equipment for pennies on the dollar. It wasn’t until Raygun (sp?) got in office that the SC deemed it all unlawful. The damage was done then. Jimmy Carter’s friends were Big Ag. He did not run a small family farm.The South went Republican.
TPTB did the same thing with housing. When gas prices went up , interest rates on credit cards and no jobs..Does the US have the most trusting population of govt in the history of the world?
Comment by martha on August 26, 2010 @ 12:24 am
I hadn’t hear about her earlier, but it is very interesting.
Here is a link for everyone:
There are 3 parts with about 2.5 hours each. I’ve just started and the information is very knowledgable. A lot of things that David Icke and others mention could originate from this group?
Comment by positivechange on August 26, 2010 @ 12:58 am
Take the egg recall going on right now.Salmanella in eggs(wrong spelling)gimme a break,watch how many egg companies will face bankruptcy.This will end up being a nationwide dilemmabased on what.NOTHING BUT LIES
Comment by jtgun on August 26, 2010 @ 1:21 am
Take the peanut butter fiasco a couple of years ago.Who ended up the winner JIMMY CARTER of course.
Comment by jtgun on August 26, 2010 @ 1:24 am
How the hell does that manufactured disese get insde the egg?Outside possible but i dont eat the shell.How bout you.Lies and takeover.Create a solution then the problem.
Comment by jtgun on August 26, 2010 @ 1:36 am
All goes back to the post of cfree SECRET COVENET.Read that post closly. every thing in it is in your face and more to come.
Comment by jtgun on August 26, 2010 @ 1:40 am
If it is inside the egg then it has to be inside the chicken
Comment by jtgun on August 26, 2010 @ 1:43 a
G.T. Fulford’s Asia connection and links with Japanese freemasonry
Investigating a 110-year old mystery is always difficult, and it is more so when many important archives were destroyed in a fire. Nonetheless, I have come to the conclusion my industrialist great-grandfather was involved with Asian secret societies in a battle against what he called “Babylonian tyranny.”
G.T Fulford came from a poor background in Brockville, Ontario, Canada to become one of the richest men in the world by the time he died in 1905. He sold patent medicines in over 87 countries and was the largest single shareholder in General Electric at the time of his death.
He died in the first ever fatal car crash in North America when his car was side-swiped. After his death, according to my grandmother, most of his General Electric Shares were sold off by a corrupt trust fund and ended up in the hands of the Rockefeller syndicate.
G.T. Fulford visited Asia and set up extensive operations there, some of which run to this day.
Japanese dignitaries visited Fulford place and sent a representative to watch over the family after G.T. Fulford died. He went by the name of Mr. Rayburn (real name Suzuki) and stayed with the family until he was incarcerated during World War 2. His mind was destroyed during his stay at the Canadian concentration camp and he never recovered from that ordeal.
Here is a picture of G.T.’s daughter and some female acquaintances wearing kimonos sometime around 1900:
If any reader can identify them, please contact this website.
Members of the secret society G.T. Fulford belonged to now occupy senior positions in the Japanese government hierarchy.
Comment by beatbox151 on August 25, 2010 @ 12:16 pm
This next Document is not for the
faint of heart,
nor the squeamish,
For It represents a legal truth which
rises to an astounding degree of
Comment by hutz on August 25, 2010 @ 12:29 pm
When you are fishing for trolls the best way to get a bite is to call Obama the Antichrist. or something .Then you look back to see if same person supported known trolls in the past . And make your own judgment.
so be it.
Comment by hutz on August 25, 2010 @ 12:41 pm
Quotes from The Nature of Personal Reality
Fluoride Kills — The Dentist’s Tale
Ron Paul A Mason & John Bircher?
Obamas Mortgage Amelioration Program A Fraud-Webster Tarpley
Comment by g7enn on August 25, 2010 @ 1:07 pm
Amero??? OR Bancor???
IMF proposing a “global currency” …
A paper entitled “Reserve Accumulation and International Monetary Stability” by the Strategy, Policy and Review Department of the IMF recommends that the world adopt a global currency called the “Bancor” and that a global central bank be established to administer that currency. The report is dated April 13, 2010
Comment by sierra on August 25, 2010 @ 1:25 pm
kohala889 , you mentioned being fooled by Len Horowitz and Ron PAul. FIrst I am curious as to the evidence you read that concerned what he did. All I know about him is based on a friends attending the anti-ageing convention and exposing the Pharm companies and the CDC for their mercury and other tainted vaccines. In todays world that and discovering how to cure a disease and publicizing it normally gets one killed. Being on the firing line with public statements of large criminal enterprises is not the brightest thing to do if you want to survive but he did it. So what was it that fooled you about him. Ron Paul, while I have seen all the secret handshake pictures and videos, what stood out with him that brought his name into this venue of non trustworthy people. WHere’s Kevin Trudeau when you need him. Oh yeah shooting another video using someone elses information. LOL
Comment by chrisb on August 25, 2010 @ 1:39 pm
Comment by fixthefuture on August 25, 2010 @ 2:10 pm
To: Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, Nobody (left anyone out?)
I’m a numbers person, too. I like working with numbers.
82 comments ending with hutz on 8/24 @ 2:57PM
175 comments ending with sierra on 8/25 @ 1:25PM
Left the forum and re-entered at:
177 comments ending with fixthefuture on 8/25 @ 1:39PM
kohala and chrisb:
Regina Meredith of recently interviewed Len Horowitz this month. I’ll go check it out to see what’s the latest, and I PROMISE not to do the unspeakable and unmentionable.
Ran out of toothpaste and diligently searched for a fluoride-free brand, found one, it’s put out by Tom’s of Maine, a natural propolis & myrrh, antiplaque, spearmint. The cost was the same as the brand names Crest, Colgate, etc. Sold! Put the Crest Sensitive back on the shelf. Oh, I found this in a CVC (former Longs Drugs) store.
E Aloha Malama Pono on 8/24 @ 7:51PM
Comment by kuuleimomi on August 25, 2010 @ 2:53 pm
Chrisb, That was a quote from a comment made by g7enn. Probably should have put it in quotes. Sorry. Maybe he could clear that up for you. I attributed the quotes at the end of each paragraph.
Comment by kohala889 on August 25, 2010 @ 2:53 pm
The winner is 177 comments ending with fixthefuture on 8/25 @ 1:39PM
give that person a cigar!!!
Comment by hutz on August 25, 2010 @ 3:25 pm
For natural body stuff, search for stevia products because there is stevia toothpaste.
Also, the Ancient Indian ayurveda has a wealth of products for your own good, also toothpaste without fluoride which I use.
Comment by dingiem on August 25, 2010 @ 4:34 pm
Len Horowitz interview with Regina Meredith in August 2010.
Vaccination and The Love Frequency
“Dr. Horowitz can tell you more about the world’s most urgent problems, and who is creating them (illuminati cabal), than possibly anyone on earth. But he prefers to tell you about the suppressed solutions, and how “We The People” are manifesting them…
In this interview we get an update on the H5N1 flu virus that is anticipated to emerge at the end of 2010, as well as his views on big pharma. Over the past 30 years he has come full-circle, beginning and triumphing in natural healing. A “World Leading Intellectual”, christened “The King David of Natural Healing” for his BigPharma-indicting award-winning books, DVDs, CDs and documentary films exposing the drug cartel’s medical mischief, he is now focused on teaching “the world to sing in perfect harmony” in 528Hz frequency-the main music of LOVE and healing.”
Understanding understood as the questions now have answers, if not enlightment, because the spirit is neither male or female, black, yellow, brown, red or white or Avatar blue, (i.e. genderless and raceless)nor rich or poor. Can never be duplicated or altered and very highly intelligent. The spirit will always be subject to challenges, and can never be held captive. You cannot take the spirit out of the human being, it has the ability to leave on its own, does not need anyones approval or denial (i.e. I’m out of here and maybe I’ll come back if the human has learned to honor my presence , this my dear ones is the frightening part, being left behind without a spirit).
E Aloha Malama Pono!
Comment by kuuleimomi on August 25, 2010 @ 5:27 pm
Any way here were the topic of discussion between Len Horowitz and Regina Meredith. The video was 53:15 long.
+ H1N1 and H5N1
=genocidal de-population project/program via natural phenomena. Plan (not happening, yet) to kill 6 out of 7 individuals.
=H1N1 was used to start-up/introduce the upcoming H5N1 this fall.
=via natural phenomena. H1N1 castrophic numbers were never met, fizzled out.
=The Mexico Swine Flu is the prime example in April 2009.
=Being recombined.
=a billion dollar pharmaceutical winner.
=Russian Bio Cocktail Method
+ Oxi Silver
=double super conductor
=mineral water
=oxygen is healing (i.e. hyperbaric chamber)
=water and silver, the center chakra
=spirituality (not religion) is healing
=plants know the effects of water
+ A440Hz Frequency
=standard frequency tuning
=war technology, acoustic frequency to create mass hysteria
=affects your center chakra
=created for pharmaceutical business to deal with the mass hystera
=Military War Music
=A444Hz, natural frequency = C552A, musicians in the spirit took it up to this level, tuned it back to the center chakra frequency (i.e. do you feel the love?)
+ Col. Tom Parker and Elvis Presley
=Parker born in Netherlands, not American, yet joined the Army in 1928, illegally
=Army Special Services involvement, drew Elvis into joining
=Elvis’ audience was mass hysteria (yelling, screaming, crying)
=RCA contract was with the R & R cabal, Nazi propaganda.
=the throat chakra down is blocked, above is the ego, left brain, the god of technology
=need to optimize performance from the heart chakra (feel the love)
=A440 is suppression
=music is mathmatics, the universe is music/mathmatics.
=music coming out of water (center chakra)
=Go to
+ Love Frequency
=maximum spiritual repression
=A440Hz music rejected by the aboriginal.
=Horowitz: Can music save the world? Yes.
=Blade of grass is 528. Dogs eat grass for healing? Natural with dogs.
=Where is source of energy? Electrons, waters H+, vibrating, greenish, yellow.
=spirit is energy, indigenous
=water is the superconducter of sound.
+ Go to
+ Go to John Todd (musical industry, there are temples built within the studio, modern music)
Goodnight, Everybody, Somebody, Anybody or Nobody!
E Aloha Malama Pono!
Comment by kuuleimomi on August 25, 2010 @ 6:19 pm
Hello to all here,I was wondering if any of you had heard of, or had any thoughts / opinions on, the writings of Ashayana Deane.I have always been amazed & pleasently surprised at the diversity of knowledge & points of view being put forth here within many of your posts,hense the reason why I posed the question.In this world of veiled truths & blatant lies,it seems harder than ever to disern.Any replies or responses would be greatly appreciated.Peace to all of you on your journey,RCG
Comment by rcg335 on August 25, 2010 @ 6:34 pm
T.R.A.P. Insider Update-Pops
Comment by jj59 on August 25, 2010 @ 8:28 pm
This is a better link to the above
Comment by jj59 on August 25, 2010 @ 8:35 pm
Prepare Radio- Host: Jerry Adams, Miguel Espinal (Defender of Freedom), Pops (On the Front Lines)
Today the boys use a free forum style to discuss the paranormal issues on everyones mind. Miguel kicks off with stories of ancient Sumerian alien invasions. Does our government hide technology,from the people in-order to enslave them? Did Aliens seed the earth? We discuss the accuracy of the Holy Bible. We discuss Hitlers wonder weapons. Pops continues in his talk about multiple time lines. Jerry finishes off with a horrifying story about his real life demon encounter.
First half of the show:
Second half of the show:
Comment by jj59 on August 25, 2010 @ 8:56 pm
well, can all agree that what we have is a global masonic plan?On another note i used to farm around 600 acres,when the monsanto gmo roundup ready corn and soybeans came into view it didnt take long to see where it was going.If you consume any food that is cornfed such as beef,chicken it is GMO.All corn and soybeans that is fed to these animals are gmo.If you look back to the eighties and ninties,a lot of farms were foreclosed on.Look today and most are rolling in the hay.Why,because they are producing poison for the cabal..Do they know?Probably not.They are being paid heavy subsidies by the corporation to deliver the goods.When the time comes that the producer or farmer is no longer needed in the form as today,the cabal will start bankrupting again,and take over the farms.Farmers today run heavy debt but for most have almost endless lines of credit.The day will come in the near future when these notes will be called upon.
Comment by jtgun on August 25, 2010 @ 9:29 pm
jtgunn check out the Bankers Manifesto of 1892.
Planned victimization of the common people that hold property. They all should die. That is the Masons,Illuminati, are nothing less than Satanic, evil forces that must be eliminated immediately.It is us ,or, them!
Comment by wbstreck on August 25, 2010 @ 9:50 pm
What we have here is a failure to communicate.When you learn to see i mean really see the truth,learn to see things in everyday life and knowing that they are against you,to bring humanity to its knees and you try to enlighten people for which i have tried to do for a long time,with virtually no success,its tough.Anywhere or place that i go i see,its all in your face.Being able to see will cost you dearly and not neccessarly in monetary form but something much more than monetary wealth.As in the post by cfree on the secret covenet posted above,they will make you look like anutjob.
Comment by jtgun on August 25, 2010 @ 10:15 pm
With that said,not being able to see will also cost you dearly.
Comment by jtgun on August 25, 2010 @ 10:17 pm
jtgunn A lot of people now see them and want them gone.
Like the WDS,BDS, Red,Green gangs,and several powerful governments want to eject the cabal very badly. There are billions, and GOD, against 10,000 of ‘them’.
Comment by wbstreck on August 25, 2010 @ 10:40 pm
The above post also includes pork.99% of hogs and poultry are grown in confined housing.poulrty houses 500 feet in length,30,000in each house,at 5 weeks not being able to stand on there on feet.Easy money you ask for the producer?Sure,i came extremly close to building 8 grower poultry houses borrowing 1.8 was adone deal.At last minute i walked away.The profit for me and family per year would have been $250 to $280,000 per year with the debt payment taken out.In other words a yearly profit of at least $250,000 clear.Do you see how someone would have no trouble in producing poison for the corporation.All poultry on the store shelf come from these same houses,pork is grown in the same confining way.It would not have been a plesant venture opening the chicken house door,knowing that i would have been a part of producing poison for the population or the corporation.
Comment by jtgun on August 25, 2010 @ 10:53 pm
WBS,The leaders of all governments are in together worldwide,there is no question.
Comment by jtgun on August 25, 2010 @ 11:06 pm
I agree that once you see, you will look like a nut job from the perspective of those who are asleep. Once you see more you will realize that each person wakes up in his or her own time. Forcing it does not work and is akin to what the misguided ones do in that they use force to gain their ends. Focusing on those in the process of waking helps avoid some of this challenge. Timing and wisdom helps one avoid the nut job categorization and the frustration that goes with it. And, yes, some we will just have to let go. Fishing is a good analogy: the right bait, in the right place at the right time…
Comment by g7enn on August 25, 2010 @ 11:23 pm
Man yeah,hunting or fishing i do a lot of.As stated before i run a logging operation,am sitting now in timber beside a small lake, i would guess to be 3 acres in size while watching the feller buncher continue to lay the trees on the earths floor.Thats my life.As for time its running out FAST.
Comment by jtgun on August 25, 2010 @ 11:44 pm
I appreciate your putting people before profit.
Easy to do big agriculture. If you want to have a small organic family farm…not so much.
The govt. has already taken over the word organic. It belongs to them. In order to be certified, there are mountains of forms to fill out and file. You have to trace the seed from production to market..and keep up with it.You are inspected with stringent rules and regs.Big Ag gets all kinds of subsidies..even for not growing crops.
Yet food bought in the grocery store can come from Mexico , China and South America ,, fertilized with human manure.Even Canada is using treated human waste on their crops. Just as bad , fertilizer and pesticides that are banned in the US for toxicity are fine for the countries that really produce the food now. Last I heard Brazil was the world’s largest food exporter.
Wonder how Nikita Kruschev knew decades ago that the US would destroy itself from the inside. Noticed the greed factor? Alex D’Toqueville (sp?), the French sociologist toured America when we were an infant country…. He wondered if love of freedom or money would win out.
Comment by martha on August 26, 2010 @ 12:13 am
Human waste is and has been used here in the carolinas since 2006.The cost for the farmer is 0 nothing free.It is delivered to a farm free of charge.I know this for a fact.
Comment by jtgun on August 26, 2010 @ 12:23 am
Just read your post on farming.
A friend of mine lived on a tobacco farm when Jimmy Carter was president. The farmers were encouraged by the govt. to buy new equipment because of low interest rates. Then interest rates hit an all time high..gas became scarce for some reason. City people had to wait in lines for could not buy it ..with crops needing harvesting. Big Ag snapped up those family farms with equipment for pennies on the dollar. It wasn’t until Raygun (sp?) got in office that the SC deemed it all unlawful. The damage was done then. Jimmy Carter’s friends were Big Ag. He did not run a small family farm.The South went Republican.
TPTB did the same thing with housing. When gas prices went up , interest rates on credit cards and no jobs..Does the US have the most trusting population of govt in the history of the world?
Comment by martha on August 26, 2010 @ 12:24 am
I hadn’t hear about her earlier, but it is very interesting.
Here is a link for everyone:
There are 3 parts with about 2.5 hours each. I’ve just started and the information is very knowledgable. A lot of things that David Icke and others mention could originate from this group?
Comment by positivechange on August 26, 2010 @ 12:58 am
Take the egg recall going on right now.Salmanella in eggs(wrong spelling)gimme a break,watch how many egg companies will face bankruptcy.This will end up being a nationwide dilemmabased on what.NOTHING BUT LIES
Comment by jtgun on August 26, 2010 @ 1:21 am
Take the peanut butter fiasco a couple of years ago.Who ended up the winner JIMMY CARTER of course.
Comment by jtgun on August 26, 2010 @ 1:24 am
How the hell does that manufactured disese get insde the egg?Outside possible but i dont eat the shell.How bout you.Lies and takeover.Create a solution then the problem.
Comment by jtgun on August 26, 2010 @ 1:36 am
All goes back to the post of cfree SECRET COVENET.Read that post closly. every thing in it is in your face and more to come.
Comment by jtgun on August 26, 2010 @ 1:40 am
If it is inside the egg then it has to be inside the chicken
Comment by jtgun on August 26, 2010 @ 1:43 a
more post from fulford blog
Restore America Plan – Unofficial Update 8/23/10
Rumormill News
Restore America Plan (RAP) Update 08/23/10 – Changes Big Time, Have Faith!
Executive Summary – Tim Turner the Interim president of the Republic of the united States has resigned from what we know. It appears that Regan Reedy and Tom Schulz have also resigned but for different reasons. The de jure grand juries have been told to go dormant and no longer function. There is a new plan being worked with a better lawful constitutional format in that RAP was actually defective legally although not really known to the RAP Guardian elders at the time. We will go through some of the points below.
The new structure will be bottom up managed and led. Those at the top will not be dictating. There will be no more secrets. It looks like there is military support transferring over. The military is in a bad way now with the unqualified muslim Kenyan president leading them to their deaths in wars for the bankers and industrialists.
The Defect – The original constitution was never really ratified correctly. Thus, one cannot have a de jure constitutional government. Oh, what a web they wove! That is why the freemason, Benjamin Franklin, said, “You have a constitutional government, if you can keep it.” Remember that the founding fathers were by and large members of secret societies, Masons. The secret society people have been tormenting the people of the country for centuries. Almost every president was a member of one of these secret societies. These secret society members are in numerous secret societies; the names of these societies are not important and many of the political leaders are members of several of these secret societies. This was a serious constitutional defect.
Members of secret societies have an allegiance to the society, and the members of that society, that supersedes any allegiance, or oath, taken to any other entity. Members of secret societies should not be allowed to hold public offices, or serve as jury members, due to these blood oaths they take that supersede any other allegiances. They are not trustworthy. This is where the problem was at onset, and is still there today. The people were led to believe that there is a Constitution in place when it was never really ratified; thus, just a piece of paper as George Bush said, since it is not ratified correctly by the Congress back then. Rather than try to explain this to you in great detail I will give you the link to hear Dr. Livingston discuss this on a talkshoe call:
RAP was told about the defect, but they did not all really grasp the fullness of it. RAP was told by a knowledgeable person in Australia that all they were doing was funding the de facto government. The legal basis of what they were doing was faulty. The de facto government would have had to take a few steps back, but was worth it to them to get funded for another run at trying to take over the world and bring doom and gloom on the world. Maybe a few years down the road, they would have eroded things back to the terrorist de facto government. The de facto government really has no lawful standing, but RAP did not either. The de facto government has no real power except de facto power.
Was RAP being used by the de facto Government? – This is possibly true. You should listen to the recording done by Regan, link follows:
Some interesting points Regan makes was that, he and Turner, were involved with getting funding from foreign sources. The sources were private parties, not official government sources. In some countries, the two are the same thing. Tim chose to say governments; Regan has no idea why since he negotiated with these sources for some six weeks. Tim said these sources wanted to see an interim government in place before funding. Regan said – in six weeks of negotiations he heard nothing of this? So, it seems Tim created this for some reason? Moving along, the theory is that they would use RAP to obtain funding for the de facto government. The only way to fix the de facto government is with an outside injection of many trillions of dollars, no other way. So along comes RAP. They create a faulty structure and then get funding. Remember, Tim was going to continue with the IRS, Homeland Security, Dept. of Education, etc. OK! Perhaps for transition sake, but now it appears he was trying to keep the de facto government around to some extent. HE talked on a continuing income tax and a transition of some eight years.
We ran an article about the illegality of the US Marshal Service since they usurp power from the States by giving their marshals the power of the sheriff in any county they happen to set foot in. Then Turner said something about incorporating the US Marshals Service into the de jure office. We tried to keep giving RAP the benefit of the doubt, because the alternative with Obama is really life-threatening for much of the world. We really bent over backwards to support RAP but enough is enough. We heard some of the Grand Juries were trying to indict Turner, and he broke up the Grand Juries. Then the Grand Jury members left, perhaps 30% to 40% of them, and started to organize on their own. I got reports of Turner promoting a government healthcare plan and was interested in a war on drugs. What, not legalizing drugs? We kept quiet hoping the Military would throw the bums out of office, and then there would be elections in six months and things could get better. We got a copy of a leaked Security Council document talking of lifetime appointments. Turner denied this was a real document; others offer differing positions. Not sure what to think, but looks more and more like the de facto government was trying to raise funding this way, or, at least, perverted Turner and were using him.
Maybe Turner was compromising too much to see RAP complete the job; I do not know for sure but suspect the dark side to be the case now. Perhaps, they grabbed onto RAP, which started innocently enough and perverted it. How? Well, they would need an agent loyal to them who would quash anyone who showed any ability to think for themselves, and not follow their man blindly. First, we saw Sam Kennedy go and he took one-third of the Grand Jurors with him. Then, State Coordinators, Grand Jurors, and others left. We heard of secret Executive Committees and knew not who was on them or where these people came from. Now, it has completely fallen apart as far as we can tell. I would be rather confident that the Military is not with any remnants of RAP at this point. The secrecy was the problem, which we said many times.
What About the Military – Well, the Military was involved. Regan says they were protected by the military, so there was military support. Regan was one of the Four Guardian Elders, by the way. Now, Regan goes on to say that the Military did not want RAP done the way it was done. They wanted State Militias to be formed. Well, there are about 13 States with State Militias, but they are barely populated, have little equipment, little training, etc., and they report to the de facto Governor of the State. These de facto Governors see fit to deploy the “other” State Militias (National Guard) overseas illegally. They are not talking about the National Guard here; they mean real State Militias reporting to a de jure Governor voted into office by the soon-to-come State Assemblies. We heard some about State Militias in the news some months ago, as RAP was just getting noticed by the people:
14 United State Governors : Reestablish State Militia Defense Forces
To Be Ready Against Federal Forces!
This was an atypical article explaining to us about the State Militias. There was a rumor that Obama was threatening to arrest any Governor using their State Militia powers.
So, they are scared of We The People.
The New Plan – The new plan really has no name yet. It is not RAP or Republic of united States. It is going to be with power coming from the bottom up. RAP was top-down dictatorial. We though the Military was imposing this on them. Not so. The new plan will have no secrecy. Gosh, we were screaming all along about the evils of secrecy that sadly proved true. Had we had full disclosure, most would have either forced RAP to change, or left it. Secrecy is evil, and never lend any support to any movement that is running dark with secrecy; in fact, run the other way. Tell them, “OK! Fine! When you have restored the Republic, let us know; until then, keep your secrets to yourself, we have no interest in you or your movement.
The idea is to form State Assemblies. Anyone in the nation that is a Sovereign can join the State Assembly for their State. The State Assemblies will then ratify the Constitution correctly in a de jure manner. The Sssemblies can be, and are expected to be, way the heck bigger than 27 people. Then, the State Assemblies will elect a de jure lawful Governor. Then the Governor will take control over the State Militia. People will apparently be recruited into the Militia. I expect the already-in-place Militias around the country will de jure, merge themselves into these State Militias, plus many others of a like mind and will to stand up for freedom, will join the Militias. The Military proper will then insert themselves under the State Militias; this means arms, equipment, training, communications, intel, etc. The State Militias will execute orders from the de jure Governors who the State Assemblies elected. Then Military will then operate under the State Militias to protect the country from enemies, within and without. This is how the Military originally wanted it to go with RAP under State Militias. Turner and RAP thought this would scare the de facto government, so they refrained from associating with the Militias. They also refrained from associating with any other groups, not good. So this should still have Military support plus Militia support. It will be massive in size compared to RAP.
Treason, Sedition, etc – It appears that Turner never recovered any assets of the bandits impersonating government. They are still running with trillions. If you want a quick look at where they probably have a lot of their money, look at Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia, being in the G-20, screaming for information-sharing for tax reasons through the OECD for other countries; Saudi Arabia itself chose to not allow any information-sharing regarding their bank accounts. Hmmm. One does not have to be a rocket scientist to figure out where their money is. See, they are stupid. The Queen of England bank accounts are, of course, another place to look, but slim chance one will ever get into those records. If they use her, then she controls their money; not all that likely, but entirely possible. Third choice is the Vatican Bank. I think this can be gotten into a lot easier than the Bank of England. As we said: the war with Iran is really to protect Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and other dictatorships from the war machine Iran has built. Iran can only provoke Israel into destroying her on many levels, and thus presents no strategic threat.
OK! So now we are being told that ONLY the State Militia can conduct trials for sedition and treason (that took place inside the country, I assume). This comes from the Military. Thus, the Military proper, wanted the State Militias there, to place themselves under. Turner wanted peace, love and never spoke about treason and sedition trials. Treason and sedition trials are an important ingredient to guard against others doing the same thing if it stays in the history books. Also, it provides a legal remedy to recover ill-gotten money. Imagine, if the kids learned about people hanged for putting the de facto government in place, instead of chopping down some stupid cherry tree. I was hoping Turner was avoiding prosecutions as a way of making it easy for the culprits to give up and surrender their ill-gotten gains. It was apparently just a ploy to keep these guys around to play again another day down the road. It appears that the Military is interested in trials. Look at 9/11, especially, the false flag attack on the Pentagon. What about an unqualified Commander in Chief from Kenya who is a Muslim with background full of lies that is so bad he could not pass a background investigation to be a toll taker.
Do We Think RAP Was a Ploy at Onset – No. RAP revealed too much vital damaging information about the de facto government, although we now see that much of it was wrong. In any event, the damage was done in that many people now see the errors. We think that the de facto government heard about it, and tried to alter the course to suit their needs. This was possibly when Tim Turner was brought in. The de facto government is running scared right now.
Do We Think this New State Assemblies Movement is a Ploy? – No, we do not. Sure, you can say we were wrong about RAP; and, on this, we admit we were wrong about RAP. The secrecy was the problem. With full, open disclosure, we would never have fallen for RAP. We want change badly, as you do. We are sorry about the error with RAP, and we are going to keep trying until freedom is attained. Doing nothing is a fatal error. The new movement is again establishing errors the de facto government made. Their findings are consistent with my thinking, regarding the founding fathers being members of secret societies. The fellow, Dr. Livingston, has been working this movement since the 1990’s. Now, combined with the former RAP people, it has legs. I expect these legs to grow hard and fast. It is said we will see the actual paperwork within one week. They know time is short. They are trying to blend this movement in with many other movements including the Militias, I understand. I would expect to see the county Grand Juries in this, as well as other groups. Remember, this is open, direct straight up.
Does This New Movement Have Military Support? – Possibly Military support will transfer over. I am not sure any of them emphatically knows where the Military is on this. RAP was a dismal failure, so they might be chomping at the bit to get a solution in place, or they might be running cautious. Time will tell, but there is going to be open disclosure. If there are any signs of running silent, the movement will be vacated by everyone in it now.
Will the New Plan Work Without Military? – We think so. We think this movement will have hundreds of thousands of sign-ups in days; eventually grow to the millions. Remember, they are going to use the State Militias big time. This will scare the de facto government people in a big way, right down to the county Court House.
Will the de facto Government Use Police and Military Against this Movement? – We, no doubt, think they would like to, but they have to be careful. There are 100 million gun owners in the USA, according to many. They say 3% of these people will do what happened in Paul Revere’s day; that is, 3,000,000. This estimate now could have tripled by now. Obama is the perfect storm, remember that. He is a gift in this regards, making it easy to get people mobilized and march down to city hall – angry, ready for fast changes.
Will the Military Attack We the People for this Movement? – Doubt it highly. The parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, brothers, sisters, children, grandchildren and spouses of the Military live in the country. Their friends live in the country. They are not going to attack the people for the sake of the banksters, especially with perfect-storm Obama at the helm. When confronted, they will procrastinate and do nothing; possibly saying they refuse, or want to investigate the legality of the circumstances. Do not buy all this nonsense about the Military using weapons of mass destruction on the populace. They would be killing their friends and families and for whom – Obama? Come on.
The mid-line officers refused to follow his deployment orders to the Middle East, preferring to stand Court Martial instead. The Federal Police Agencies should not be relied on to do the right thing for their employers, the corporation; I doubt they will. But they are not a Military. They have shotguns, pistols and a few machine guns in 9mm and 10mm, maybe an armored car or two here and there. They have no Military might. These are not valiant courageous fighters who will never stand down against overwhelming odds. They greatly outnumber and outgun their adversaries, or they wait for more forces before deploying. Bullies and, to some large extent, cowards who are afraid to get into a real fight. If they have overwhelming odds, they will bully. If say 500 of them had to confront say 60 Militia, I would lay 10-to-1 odds they disband before engaging; or; maybe; do a Mexican standoff. If there were 200 militia against 500 of them, they would probably surrender, if they could not retreat, but they would never, ever engage. They are bullies when they have the odds and think no one will resist them. When the worm turns, they will be unreliable defenders for their masters, just cashing their paychecks for as long as they can. Think of it as your tax dollars at rest. I expect few will defect.
Remember, they live in our communities. If they are going to engage the Assemblies and Militia, they will need to relocate their families to secure bases. Look for this as a warning sign. The state, county, city, sheriffs, marshals, troopers and police will probably never raise arms. They will first try to just sit tight on the sidelines and cash their paychecks. Many will defect from the de facto and come over. Many Agencies themselves may convert to de jure. They are not going to be a problem; and, expect them to be allies, maybe not the first day but very soon. They are also highly teachable, so consider outreach early on. You think the NYPD and NYFD is enjoying the Obama-endorsed mosque going up near 9/11 after all the guys they lost? Reach out to these folks early.
Do We Think This New Plan Will Lead to Fighting? – No. Resistance will be futile for them. Remember the Militias are in place already, just need to be organized under the State Assemblies-elected Governors. It is important the movement run at a very fast pace, extremely fast. Also, bear in mind numerous other organizations are joining in as a collective, so the size at onset will be massive compared to RAP. This will grow at an amazing pace. It should work with transparency, since this enables us to get people involved.
What About Funding? – OK! Let Regan and Tom deal with this, along with others. There are ways to attach the funds the de facto guys stole. Any offshore-asset-protection law firm could explain how. Basically, you get orders from a de jure court and serve them on the foreign country where their funds are kept. Cutting through anonymous corps, trusts, foundations can be done if you know how; and, it is driven by a national government on charges like treason, extortion, sedition, genocide, murder, terrorism, etc. If the country, where the money is, does not cooperate, then you break relations with them, sue them for conspiracy, start blocking their wire transfers, and even grab funds and assets they have in other nations. If the gloves are off, there is no resistance, rest assured. Instead of giving money to the de facto government, we can all contribute what we can to jumpstart the government; others will want to contribute. Let’s worry about this as we go. Let’s go from A to B before we worry about J and K.
Do We Think RAP is Over? – We do. We have not heard from RAP. We used to be contacted numerous times per week by RAP people at various levels, which has stopped. We contacted RAP for answers on things in this article – got nothing back. We are hearing Turner resigned. We think RAP has had its day. If anyone in RAP has contrary information, we wish to hear it.
Do We Think That RAP People Will Be Arrested? – Emphatically, no! If there was no new movement, this would be a strong possible. Arrests would drive a new movement fast and hard, not the opposite. Remember, merging with the Militia is not just them coming into the fold, it is many others showing support and need of them. If you think the de facto government is not afraid of you, you are wrong. They are extremely afraid of you, as evidenced by their unrelenting desire to take your guns away. They are stupid. They are lazy. They like to consume alcohol and drugs. They seem to be unfaithful in their marriages, and like to have sex with children. They like statues, secrets and symbolism. This is your enemy. Respect the propensity for extreme violence. They are cruel, and will press hard; and, be very slow to give up, but they will give up. Do not believe they are smart. Also there are very few of them, maybe two or three thousand; some say two or three hundred.
What to Do? – Don’t mourn RAP. Don’t feel sorry for yourselves as if all is lost. Regroup immediately into the new movement, and keeping pressing on for a Constitutional Government. The founding fathers sure had their struggles, until they got free, if they ever really got free, which is now the topic. March on and keep you eye on freedom.
A Word to Those in the New Movement – Contact us so we can make people aware of the movement. We tried reaching out already, and got no answer. Talk to us.
Talk Shows – If any of you wish to get updates via internet talk shows send us an email to this address. We will add your name and email you as we do voice updates.
We are seeking knowledgeable guests to appear on our talk shows. Please send us an email
Comment by hutz on August 25, 2010 @ 5:53 am
Libertarians have the right outlook for America
[5:02:08 PM] Rob: Their only protection came from operating in secrecy until measures were in place
[5:02:39 PM] Rob: Very immature outlook
[5:03:10 PM] Rob: You don’t warn the enemy before taking them down
[5:04:30 PM] Rob: This is a Plan designed by God, the world is not ready until the fields are plowed under of evil
[5:05:22 PM] Rob: Corruption runs through all of government
[5:05:33 PM] Rob: Down to the county level
[5:05:47 PM] Rob: Yep
[5:06:01 PM] Rob: Police are corrupt
[5:06:36 PM] Rob: Until they are exposed and managed the playing field cannot be leveled
[5:07:31 PM] Rob: If you unlawfully arrest someone, you are corrupt
[5:07:58 PM] Rob: Courts are completely corrupted
[5:08:16 PM] Rob: All theway up to the Supreme Court
[5:09:09 PM] Rob: Guns are why America is still free
[5:09:53 PM] Rob: Yes indeed
Comment by hutz on August 25, 2010 @ 6:14 am
Hi All
Ben posted this on his free site.
G.T. Fulford’s Asia connection and links with Japanese freemasonry
Investigating a 110-year old mystery is always difficult, and it is more so when many important archives were destroyed in a fire. Nonetheless, I have come to the conclusion my industrialist great-grandfather was involved with Asian secret societies in a battle against what he called “Babylonian tyranny.”
G.T Fulford came from a poor background in Brockville, Ontario, Canada to become one of the richest men in the world by the time he died in 1905. He sold patent medicines in over 87 countries and was the largest single shareholder in General Electric at the time of his death.
He died in the first ever fatal car crash in North America when his car was side-swiped. After his death, according to my grandmother, most of his General Electric Shares were sold off by a corrupt trust fund and ended up in the hands of the Rockefeller syndicate.
G.T. Fulford visited Asia and set up extensive operations there, some of which run to this day.
Japanese dignitaries visited Fulford place and sent a representative to watch over the family after G.T. Fulford died. He went by the name of Mr. Rayburn (real name Suzuki) and stayed with the family until he was incarcerated during World War 2. His mind was destroyed during his stay at the Canadian concentration camp and he never recovered from that ordeal.
Here is a picture of G.T.’s daughter and some female acquaintances wearing kimonos sometime around 1900:
If any reader can identify them, please contact this website.
Members of the secret society G.T. Fulford belonged to now occupy senior positions in the Japanese government hierarchy.
Comment by getem on August 25, 2010 @ 6:42 am
We would definitely know that things are on the mend if some of the Free Energy were to developed and released in mass. Unfortunately, until now, it seems as though anyone that’s been successful at developing free and/or inexpensive forms of energy have either been bought off or offed.
That’s what makes so much of this so maddening is the fact that we know this technology exists and they have purposely kept it from us.
Comment by patriotkate on August 25, 2010 @ 6:44 am
Hi All
Ben’s post refers to a picture and asks us to help identify some people. Unfortunately Ben has not included this picture in his post. Maybe he will post this later, possibly an oversite on his part?
Comment by getem on August 25, 2010 @ 6:47 am
Honeybees seem to be making a comeback where we live (near Santa Rosa, CA). In fact, there have been so many around lately that my wife thought we had a hive near our house. I’ve never seen so many in the past 5 years. I have no idea why. They just seemed to show up the last few months.
During the Bohemian Grove party not a chemtrail in the sky.
Comment by g7enn on August 25, 2010 @ 7:01 am
wbstreck, inre BEES!!!
from EW:
A friend of mine is a beekeeper. Last year he had a lot of problems with his bees and only one colony survived the winter.
In the spring of this year he bought some new bee colonies and I gave him a handful of TBs. He placed them under the hives and in the area around.
This year all the bees are very well and active and he got fine honey.
Yesterday this friend visited me and told me that he and another beekeeper who is living in the neighborhood had received an honor for the taste and quality of their honey.
it is quite a difference, if you remember that last year most of his bees died.
He is also convinced that this positive development is the result of orgonite.
(Anna and I gifted the whole area intensively during the last 9 months.)
Another gifter said he placed cone-shaped TBs under some of his hives and the bees made their own cone shape, flying around above the hives!
Comment by suncrystal on August 25, 2010 @ 7:21 am
[6:10:59 PM] Riddle Mountain Man: I woke up this morning to an absurd post on NESARA, needless to say it made my blood boil and as you might predict, I set out to rebut it via the comment function. However my comment was too long for the software to accept. Since I was not willing to shorten it and the only part of it I would have liked to change is the term “intestinal fortitude” in favor of “testicular fortitude” but couldn’t do that and remain a lady, I sent it to John MacHaffie via email and asked him to post it. The rebuttal I authored is below and I hope it is acceptable. I did not however identify myself as a juror and used my initials instead of my whole name…………………
Ok, let’s just nip this one in the bud. First, Tim Turner has not resigned. Has he left RAP? Yes, RAP was a plan, a means to an end if you will. The plan is no longer needed because the Republic has been Restored. It is now the Republic of the united States of America. The Grand Juries will not “go dormant.” The two elders who resigned have decided to go forth with their own “Revised Version” of RAP and they have every right to do that even though it is not needed the education they wish to provide is. There are some serious problems as to the basis of that education though.
While Dr. Livingston believes himself to be right he is not, there is solid documentation to prove that the original constitution was indeed ratified properly however that is a moot point. The Law of the land was not based on the Constitution but rather the Declaration of Independence. The Constitution is to that Declaration what “by laws” are to modern corporations, a set of “Rules of Engagement” or a guide to how the mutual needs of the states in commerce and defense would be carried out. I won’t go into detailed history on that point at this time but leave it to all of you to do your own due diligence and look it up.
Has there been change at the top, absolutely as it appears two of the elders did not possess the intestinal fortitude to go the distance. They have succumbed instead to the fear the elite so artfully instill in the hearts of men. They have also been successful in taking some of the executive committee with them and that too is just as well, they can certainly be replaced. For those who do not accept that there exists by default a certain level of danger in any plan to restore this nation to her people and cannot accept the reality of how that danger will affect them on a personal level, there is no place of comfort save that of retreat.
The claim that the funding will not be completed is false. The claim that the corporation is gearing up to attack is yet to be seen but I ask you, did you think they wouldn’t? Did you think that an elite group of megalomaniac criminals who have carefully crafted a decades long plan to control the world, reduce its population, collapse nations and reap the wealth of the world unto themselves would simply stand down when the people rise up and object? I highly doubt they would or will but for those who are restoring this mighty nation once again to the people, a rock solid resolve is necessary.
I listened carefully to the call referenced above and found much of it to be poppycock to put it mildly. It is pure unadulterated insanity to entertain the notion even for a moment that the elite will sit on their thumbs and afford the people the time it would take to become re-educated and empowered enough to take their country back. This nation as we know it is on the brink of destruction. The corporation is broke, flat broke and they are in the throes of panic in their frantic search for refunding in order to complete the agenda. We are being pushed from every direction to take the bait and react in violence to give them the necessary excuse for declaring martial law. That has not worked and I contend the hand of God is the only reason it hasn’t. Failing that, they go on to plan B, to incite and promote WWIII and if you think that isn’t in the works at this very moment you are indeed comatose.
The preparation for pre-determined martial law has been going on for years. This is but one illustration… That is disturbing to be sure but it’s also mild compared to some of the other measures they are prepared to take against the people of this country. The twisted groups of self styled elite at the heart of the agenda are utterly and completely morally bankrupt. They place no value on human life, human condition or divine guidance; indeed those concepts are repugnant to them. They will kill you just as easily as you might step on an ant. They will enslave you just as easily as you will bow down to their wishes out of fear. They will dictate your every action in every minute of every day for the rest of your lives and for the lifetimes of your children. This folks is the ultimate war between good and evil which has existed since time began and it is without doubt the “End Game” for the elite.
So, with the evidence everywhere you look and in every aspect of your daily lives what will you choose? For it is a choice; one that our founders also had to make, will you choose liberty and your rightful place in this great nation? Or will you bow down to fear as those who hold the leash around your neck desire? It’s that simple.
This woman will stand! Stand with the restored Republic of the united States of America!
Again, I hope this wasn’t too combative.
Comment by hutz on August 25, 2010 @ 7:37 am
Yes- on the chemtrails I agree with you on that being a factor in addition to all the other things going on.
Suncrystal- I’ve been working with the bees using some of the co-creative science principles pioneered by Machaelle Wright, Reiki energy , and in building a relationship where they are respected and “listened to” .
we’ve just started looking into the CB and TB construction principles in order to test what the results might be. I just made contact with a local crystal supplier who digs them in Arkansas, so that was a nice find! I’ll be interested to hear from the bees once we make some of the organite to spread a round.
Comment by hfloyd on August 25, 2010 @ 7:54 am
Some l-o-n-g posts are valuable.
Comment by foodrules on August 25, 2010 @ 7:55 am
To All , a great rebuttal, even more than a rebuttal, a valiant stand, and a insspiration to disclose the real truths ,and to go forth with courage and dignity.
Comment by wbstreck on August 25, 2010 @ 8:03 am
hutzman 5:53 and 7:37 am Good posts! Thanks
Comment by cfree928 on August 25, 2010 @ 8:12 am
go restored republics!!!!
Comment by hutz on August 25, 2010 @ 8:37 am
God bless an protect the grand jurors
to the highest of high we pray
Comment by hutz on August 25, 2010 @ 8:39 am
Hey there
[7:13:48 PM] Rob: I’m listening
[7:17:04 PM] Rob: Tim is the AntiChrist LOL
[7:17:32 PM] Rob: Tim was not the compromised one
[7:17:58 PM] Rob: No I avoid the RAP 1 room
[7:18:19 PM] Rob: To much conjecture and disinformation
[7:19:58 PM] Rob: RAP served honorably and well, now they need to move on and learn something
[7:20:43 PM] Rob: They issued lawful orders to the military
[7:20:48 PM] Rob: STAGE II
[7:20:58 PM] Rob: Right
[7:21:22 PM] Rob: The battlefield is being conditioned
[7:22:00 PM] Rob: White Knights are in the lead
[7:22:47 PM] Rob: Each Jury is severly compromised
[7:23:08 PM] Rob: Pray
[7:23:55 PM] Rob: Read your bible and it will all be revealed
[7:24:11 PM] Rob: This is the end times plan
[7:24:25 PM] Rob: Yes indeed
[7:25:10 PM] Rob: Trust in the Lord and the head of the White Knights St. Germaine
[7:25:43 PM] Rob: Think of the scope of ridding the earth of evil
[7:26:06 PM] Rob: No it is an illusion
[7:27:50 PM] Rob: You find yourself in a room full of mirrors waiting for a spiritual guide to lead you out
Comment by hutz on August 25, 2010 @ 8:43 am
Greg – I’ll give you my 2 cents worth on RAP – I can’t say that RAP has officially split – but Tim has removed himself with a plan only he signed and took to the state coordinators to vote on – including voting on him to be president. This happened the week of July 15th and all happened basically over the weekend of Jiuly 16-19. Tom was extremely unhappy about this – Regan tried to be a peace maker as he has been between Tim and Sam Kennedy, and between Tim and Sam Davis, then between Tom Shaultz and Tim – do you see a pattern here??? Hmmm. Tim continued to move ahead with his plan once voted in as President – not called the Republic of the United States. On the other hand, Tom Schaultz and Regan, were very quiet for weeks and weeks – meeting with the FBI to cool things down with them over the turn Tim took and the organization he was planning (offices) and accusations of jury tampering and bribery. They had to meet with the FBI numerous times in person and on the phone to try to appease them and keep the GJ members that voted out of a possible big problem for themselves. Some even signed a Writ of Divorce when they found out they’d voted for a plan not sanctioned by ALL the elders some felt deceived and very angry and are to this day. Until Sunday night we’d heard almost nothing from Tom and Regan and wondered where they were in all this. Suddenly came the message from Regan, posted on John’s blog that there would be a call and that we were all invited to attend and we’d hear from Dale Livingston. Dale is extremely well -educated in the law, our history and the constitution and did a surperb job (my opinion) in presenting his thoughts of what needed to be done to put the people back in power the way the original constitution meant it to be. Dale has a charter he wrote in the 90’s – what he shared Sunday night as part of the charter was very impressive (my opinion) I presume Tom and Regan are intending to implement the plan Dale shared – it is a bottom’s up plan — not a top down plan. Regan shared that there were publically washing their hands of anything that “might” happen to folks under Tim’s plan. The GJ members have been asked to “stand down” – as unintentional mistakes were made from the beginning with RAP and we need to go back to the roots of the constitutution and get it ratified by the states lawfully (which was never done) -and then go from there. This nation, the congress, the presidency ALL are defacto because the continental congress set these things up ignoring the law and the constitution so there are many “holes” that have to be mended and until they are – ANYTHING that is done aside from doing it correctly will only BENEFIT the current defacto government. Every thing this “new” endeavor (under Regan, Tom and Jed and ????? and Dale do will be upfront and in the open – Dale’s documents (written in the 90’s) have to be updated to 2010 and then they will be ready for ALL to view. I hope this helps. I’m not sure that any of them have officially “resigned” from RAP on paper – but I don’t know that the name RAP will continue to be associated with any of them. It is up to us to listen and decide which group we think is the one that will prevail. Right now I believe they have military “protection” – but that’s not the same as “military” support. I don’t believe either one of them have any “funds” they can lay their hands on. If anyone disagrees with what I’ve shared here – you are welcome to make it known – I can only share the knowledge I have.
Comment by hutz on August 25, 2010 @ 8:48 am
Submitted by JS – thanks
Comment by hutz on August 25, 2010 @ 8:49 am
Masterminds, Mosques and Mass Insanity: “War on Terrorism” Propaganda Ratcheted up Ahead of War Escalation
By Larry Chin
URL of this article:
Global Research, August 20, 2010
Comment by hutz on August 25, 2010 @ 8:54 am
The Long Road to The Hague: Prosecuting Former Prime Minister Tony Blair
Part I
By Lesley Docksey
URL of this article:
Global Research, August 23, 2010
Comment by hutz on August 25, 2010 @ 8:55 am
Hfloyd, thank you. I learned more about the bee situation from your post than all the articles I’ve read over the past 3 years. Good recommendation on the raw honey. I assumed most honey is pasteurized, probably unnecessarily.
For those of you who haven’t heard of Royal Bee Honey, it’s more of a health supplement. I understand it is created by the worker bees for the nourishment of the Queen Bee. Benefits of taking it are associated with energy, longevity and immune system protection. Containing 35% protein, it is a highly concentrated source of essential nutrients containing all the B vitamins, vitamins C, D, E and K, more than 12 minerals, 18 amino acids, collagen and lecithin. One tablespoon a day. It’s delicious!
Comment by joann on August 25, 2010 @ 9:00 am
[7:55:26 PM] Greatvoice: Also there was a great Article on “Did Andrew Breitbart Lay A Trap For Sherrod’s Fraud… Unbelievable!! Where there was Fraud on the part of Ms. Sherod: here is the Article. Where somehow Mistyeriously some 39,697 Black/ Negro farmers changed to 86,000 claims… How could that happen: Read ON: Did Andrew Breitbart Lay A Trap For Sherrod’s Fraud… Unbelievable!!
He proved it originally with his brilliant handling of the ACORN ‘hooker’ scandal which he skillfully manipulated so that the corrupt media was forced, against its will, to broadcast corruption in one of Obama’s most powerful political support groups. But Breitbart’s handing of that affair is nothing compared to his brilliant manipulation of the Shirley Sherrod ‘white farmer’ scandal.
Comment by hutz on August 25, 2010 @ 9:01 am
A vast solar system of seven planets orbiting a sun-like star has been discovered 127 light years from Earth.
The planetary system is believed to be the largest ever detected beyond the sun.
Astronomers have confirmed the presence of five planets and have tantalising evidence of two more.
Comment by beatbox151 on August 25, 2010 @ 9:24 am
Comment by fixthefuture on August 25, 2010 @ 9:43 am
Jordan Maxwell — Jeff Rense Interview 08-16-10 Part 1/3
Comment by beatbox151 on August 25, 2010 @ 9:44 am
[8:45:03 PM] songsofpeace:
[8:53:06 PM] J Smith- Outlaw:
Comment by hutz on August 25, 2010 @ 9:56 am
Obama’s Approval Hits All-Time Low of 39 Percent Among Men, Says Gallup
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Comment by hutz on August 25, 2010 @ 10:00 am
Message from SaLuSa from the Galactic Federation
Submitted by BM – Thanks
Messenger Mike Quinsey
Dear Ones, let it be said that before you dropped down into the lower vibrations, you were fully aware of your origin as a Spark of God. That was so long ago that it cannot be spoken of in linear terms, as initially you were not in a physical body such as you have now. However, intelligent life forms have been on Earth for millions of years during which the Earth has become a prison planet, where for various reasons souls have been sent to it. As a result you have become quite a mixture of souls, from the unmanageable who exploited the dark energies, to those who have brought the Light with them. What has ensued for millennia of time is constant battles between the dark and Light to control the Earth. Each have had periods when they have been the dominant force, and gradually the Light has emerged as the victor. However, this was not before the dark Ones virtually achieved their plan for total world control, and the slavery of Mankind.
Comment by hutz on August 25, 2010 @ 10:18 am
Vince Vance’s Musical Video Called I am New Orleans
Comment by hutz on August 25, 2010 @ 10:19 am
I think thje needs groups are being funded by the farm claims and thats different then the nasara bill
[8:58:05 PM]
David A Blodgett:
here’s another nesara link
[8:59:21 PM] David A Blodgett:
[9:13:50 PM] David A Blodgett: this was an interesting article to read and you can form your own opinion
[9:13:56 PM] David A Blodgett:
Comment by hutz on August 25, 2010 @ 10:25 am
Ray Stevens – God Save Arizona
this is an excellent song
Comment by hutz on August 25, 2010 @ 10:27 am
The Face Of Evil: BANNED INTERVIEW with George Bush Jr. Former US President
Comment by hutz on August 25, 2010 @ 10:39 am ~ Abu Ghraib Abuse Photos ~ ABU GHRAIB Torture & Prisoner Abuse ~ The Bush Administration’s Response To ABU GHRAIB ~ GEORGE SR-NEW WORLD ORDER ~ Bush Gets Caught In His Own Lie
Finding The Humor ~ 8 Years Of ‘Bushisms’ ~ george bush is funny ~Must See Hilarious Bush Bloopers! ~ George W Bush – American Idiot ~ George W. Bush screw ups
Comment by hutz on August 25, 2010 @ 10:43 am
Comment by hutz on August 25, 2010 @ 10:48 am
Hi BEN and Ya’all
We rally have it going on on this blog. Great insights, reporting and encouraging comments made by all.
But we really have to ‘take out’ the TPTB and their Assasins and genocidal projects that the NWO-cabal, PTB, Sociopathic Illuminati-Nazi Satanists have in store for four billion of us.There has been break in the various attcks on our humanity, maybe they are hard at work trying to foment WWlll with Iran and that has them busy , causing this lull in their evil-doings, even chemtrails, I hear from , you’all. Before it’s NEWS, Sorch Faal’s site discusses the murder of Matt Simmons by SIS,or, MI6.
I still say we need to get help from the Avazz worldwide grassroots action organization and get BP in receivership for ecological and physical damages to the world’s enviorment, and many other injured parties.This was an epic catastophe due to negelct and poor management by BP. Methane is 20 times worse than carbondioxide,as having the greenhouse gas effect on the planet.Let them pay for their carnage. Over a quarter of a million maritime creatures died an oily death too. Deadly Corexit in the sea, acid rain in the skies.
Matt was a good steward on the earth blessing both mankind and our planet. Please see the uplink below regarding Matt Simmon’s( of Rockport,Maine)assasination.
And at this same time remember, the murder of Chris Story , and the attempts on Ben’s life.
One every post we call for the necessary intervention of the WDS,BDS,Red and Green warriors, and The Pentagon Chiefs to remove this bain of sociopathic murderers from be world society.
Comment by wbstreck on August 25, 2010 @ 11:36 am
Rumormill News
Restore America Plan (RAP) Update 08/23/10 – Changes Big Time, Have Faith!
Executive Summary – Tim Turner the Interim president of the Republic of the united States has resigned from what we know. It appears that Regan Reedy and Tom Schulz have also resigned but for different reasons. The de jure grand juries have been told to go dormant and no longer function. There is a new plan being worked with a better lawful constitutional format in that RAP was actually defective legally although not really known to the RAP Guardian elders at the time. We will go through some of the points below.
The new structure will be bottom up managed and led. Those at the top will not be dictating. There will be no more secrets. It looks like there is military support transferring over. The military is in a bad way now with the unqualified muslim Kenyan president leading them to their deaths in wars for the bankers and industrialists.
The Defect – The original constitution was never really ratified correctly. Thus, one cannot have a de jure constitutional government. Oh, what a web they wove! That is why the freemason, Benjamin Franklin, said, “You have a constitutional government, if you can keep it.” Remember that the founding fathers were by and large members of secret societies, Masons. The secret society people have been tormenting the people of the country for centuries. Almost every president was a member of one of these secret societies. These secret society members are in numerous secret societies; the names of these societies are not important and many of the political leaders are members of several of these secret societies. This was a serious constitutional defect.
Members of secret societies have an allegiance to the society, and the members of that society, that supersedes any allegiance, or oath, taken to any other entity. Members of secret societies should not be allowed to hold public offices, or serve as jury members, due to these blood oaths they take that supersede any other allegiances. They are not trustworthy. This is where the problem was at onset, and is still there today. The people were led to believe that there is a Constitution in place when it was never really ratified; thus, just a piece of paper as George Bush said, since it is not ratified correctly by the Congress back then. Rather than try to explain this to you in great detail I will give you the link to hear Dr. Livingston discuss this on a talkshoe call:
RAP was told about the defect, but they did not all really grasp the fullness of it. RAP was told by a knowledgeable person in Australia that all they were doing was funding the de facto government. The legal basis of what they were doing was faulty. The de facto government would have had to take a few steps back, but was worth it to them to get funded for another run at trying to take over the world and bring doom and gloom on the world. Maybe a few years down the road, they would have eroded things back to the terrorist de facto government. The de facto government really has no lawful standing, but RAP did not either. The de facto government has no real power except de facto power.
Was RAP being used by the de facto Government? – This is possibly true. You should listen to the recording done by Regan, link follows:
Some interesting points Regan makes was that, he and Turner, were involved with getting funding from foreign sources. The sources were private parties, not official government sources. In some countries, the two are the same thing. Tim chose to say governments; Regan has no idea why since he negotiated with these sources for some six weeks. Tim said these sources wanted to see an interim government in place before funding. Regan said – in six weeks of negotiations he heard nothing of this? So, it seems Tim created this for some reason? Moving along, the theory is that they would use RAP to obtain funding for the de facto government. The only way to fix the de facto government is with an outside injection of many trillions of dollars, no other way. So along comes RAP. They create a faulty structure and then get funding. Remember, Tim was going to continue with the IRS, Homeland Security, Dept. of Education, etc. OK! Perhaps for transition sake, but now it appears he was trying to keep the de facto government around to some extent. HE talked on a continuing income tax and a transition of some eight years.
We ran an article about the illegality of the US Marshal Service since they usurp power from the States by giving their marshals the power of the sheriff in any county they happen to set foot in. Then Turner said something about incorporating the US Marshals Service into the de jure office. We tried to keep giving RAP the benefit of the doubt, because the alternative with Obama is really life-threatening for much of the world. We really bent over backwards to support RAP but enough is enough. We heard some of the Grand Juries were trying to indict Turner, and he broke up the Grand Juries. Then the Grand Jury members left, perhaps 30% to 40% of them, and started to organize on their own. I got reports of Turner promoting a government healthcare plan and was interested in a war on drugs. What, not legalizing drugs? We kept quiet hoping the Military would throw the bums out of office, and then there would be elections in six months and things could get better. We got a copy of a leaked Security Council document talking of lifetime appointments. Turner denied this was a real document; others offer differing positions. Not sure what to think, but looks more and more like the de facto government was trying to raise funding this way, or, at least, perverted Turner and were using him.
Maybe Turner was compromising too much to see RAP complete the job; I do not know for sure but suspect the dark side to be the case now. Perhaps, they grabbed onto RAP, which started innocently enough and perverted it. How? Well, they would need an agent loyal to them who would quash anyone who showed any ability to think for themselves, and not follow their man blindly. First, we saw Sam Kennedy go and he took one-third of the Grand Jurors with him. Then, State Coordinators, Grand Jurors, and others left. We heard of secret Executive Committees and knew not who was on them or where these people came from. Now, it has completely fallen apart as far as we can tell. I would be rather confident that the Military is not with any remnants of RAP at this point. The secrecy was the problem, which we said many times.
What About the Military – Well, the Military was involved. Regan says they were protected by the military, so there was military support. Regan was one of the Four Guardian Elders, by the way. Now, Regan goes on to say that the Military did not want RAP done the way it was done. They wanted State Militias to be formed. Well, there are about 13 States with State Militias, but they are barely populated, have little equipment, little training, etc., and they report to the de facto Governor of the State. These de facto Governors see fit to deploy the “other” State Militias (National Guard) overseas illegally. They are not talking about the National Guard here; they mean real State Militias reporting to a de jure Governor voted into office by the soon-to-come State Assemblies. We heard some about State Militias in the news some months ago, as RAP was just getting noticed by the people:
14 United State Governors : Reestablish State Militia Defense Forces
To Be Ready Against Federal Forces!
This was an atypical article explaining to us about the State Militias. There was a rumor that Obama was threatening to arrest any Governor using their State Militia powers.
So, they are scared of We The People.
The New Plan – The new plan really has no name yet. It is not RAP or Republic of united States. It is going to be with power coming from the bottom up. RAP was top-down dictatorial. We though the Military was imposing this on them. Not so. The new plan will have no secrecy. Gosh, we were screaming all along about the evils of secrecy that sadly proved true. Had we had full disclosure, most would have either forced RAP to change, or left it. Secrecy is evil, and never lend any support to any movement that is running dark with secrecy; in fact, run the other way. Tell them, “OK! Fine! When you have restored the Republic, let us know; until then, keep your secrets to yourself, we have no interest in you or your movement.
The idea is to form State Assemblies. Anyone in the nation that is a Sovereign can join the State Assembly for their State. The State Assemblies will then ratify the Constitution correctly in a de jure manner. The Sssemblies can be, and are expected to be, way the heck bigger than 27 people. Then, the State Assemblies will elect a de jure lawful Governor. Then the Governor will take control over the State Militia. People will apparently be recruited into the Militia. I expect the already-in-place Militias around the country will de jure, merge themselves into these State Militias, plus many others of a like mind and will to stand up for freedom, will join the Militias. The Military proper will then insert themselves under the State Militias; this means arms, equipment, training, communications, intel, etc. The State Militias will execute orders from the de jure Governors who the State Assemblies elected. Then Military will then operate under the State Militias to protect the country from enemies, within and without. This is how the Military originally wanted it to go with RAP under State Militias. Turner and RAP thought this would scare the de facto government, so they refrained from associating with the Militias. They also refrained from associating with any other groups, not good. So this should still have Military support plus Militia support. It will be massive in size compared to RAP.
Treason, Sedition, etc – It appears that Turner never recovered any assets of the bandits impersonating government. They are still running with trillions. If you want a quick look at where they probably have a lot of their money, look at Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia, being in the G-20, screaming for information-sharing for tax reasons through the OECD for other countries; Saudi Arabia itself chose to not allow any information-sharing regarding their bank accounts. Hmmm. One does not have to be a rocket scientist to figure out where their money is. See, they are stupid. The Queen of England bank accounts are, of course, another place to look, but slim chance one will ever get into those records. If they use her, then she controls their money; not all that likely, but entirely possible. Third choice is the Vatican Bank. I think this can be gotten into a lot easier than the Bank of England. As we said: the war with Iran is really to protect Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and other dictatorships from the war machine Iran has built. Iran can only provoke Israel into destroying her on many levels, and thus presents no strategic threat.
OK! So now we are being told that ONLY the State Militia can conduct trials for sedition and treason (that took place inside the country, I assume). This comes from the Military. Thus, the Military proper, wanted the State Militias there, to place themselves under. Turner wanted peace, love and never spoke about treason and sedition trials. Treason and sedition trials are an important ingredient to guard against others doing the same thing if it stays in the history books. Also, it provides a legal remedy to recover ill-gotten money. Imagine, if the kids learned about people hanged for putting the de facto government in place, instead of chopping down some stupid cherry tree. I was hoping Turner was avoiding prosecutions as a way of making it easy for the culprits to give up and surrender their ill-gotten gains. It was apparently just a ploy to keep these guys around to play again another day down the road. It appears that the Military is interested in trials. Look at 9/11, especially, the false flag attack on the Pentagon. What about an unqualified Commander in Chief from Kenya who is a Muslim with background full of lies that is so bad he could not pass a background investigation to be a toll taker.
Do We Think RAP Was a Ploy at Onset – No. RAP revealed too much vital damaging information about the de facto government, although we now see that much of it was wrong. In any event, the damage was done in that many people now see the errors. We think that the de facto government heard about it, and tried to alter the course to suit their needs. This was possibly when Tim Turner was brought in. The de facto government is running scared right now.
Do We Think this New State Assemblies Movement is a Ploy? – No, we do not. Sure, you can say we were wrong about RAP; and, on this, we admit we were wrong about RAP. The secrecy was the problem. With full, open disclosure, we would never have fallen for RAP. We want change badly, as you do. We are sorry about the error with RAP, and we are going to keep trying until freedom is attained. Doing nothing is a fatal error. The new movement is again establishing errors the de facto government made. Their findings are consistent with my thinking, regarding the founding fathers being members of secret societies. The fellow, Dr. Livingston, has been working this movement since the 1990’s. Now, combined with the former RAP people, it has legs. I expect these legs to grow hard and fast. It is said we will see the actual paperwork within one week. They know time is short. They are trying to blend this movement in with many other movements including the Militias, I understand. I would expect to see the county Grand Juries in this, as well as other groups. Remember, this is open, direct straight up.
Does This New Movement Have Military Support? – Possibly Military support will transfer over. I am not sure any of them emphatically knows where the Military is on this. RAP was a dismal failure, so they might be chomping at the bit to get a solution in place, or they might be running cautious. Time will tell, but there is going to be open disclosure. If there are any signs of running silent, the movement will be vacated by everyone in it now.
Will the New Plan Work Without Military? – We think so. We think this movement will have hundreds of thousands of sign-ups in days; eventually grow to the millions. Remember, they are going to use the State Militias big time. This will scare the de facto government people in a big way, right down to the county Court House.
Will the de facto Government Use Police and Military Against this Movement? – We, no doubt, think they would like to, but they have to be careful. There are 100 million gun owners in the USA, according to many. They say 3% of these people will do what happened in Paul Revere’s day; that is, 3,000,000. This estimate now could have tripled by now. Obama is the perfect storm, remember that. He is a gift in this regards, making it easy to get people mobilized and march down to city hall – angry, ready for fast changes.
Will the Military Attack We the People for this Movement? – Doubt it highly. The parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, brothers, sisters, children, grandchildren and spouses of the Military live in the country. Their friends live in the country. They are not going to attack the people for the sake of the banksters, especially with perfect-storm Obama at the helm. When confronted, they will procrastinate and do nothing; possibly saying they refuse, or want to investigate the legality of the circumstances. Do not buy all this nonsense about the Military using weapons of mass destruction on the populace. They would be killing their friends and families and for whom – Obama? Come on.
The mid-line officers refused to follow his deployment orders to the Middle East, preferring to stand Court Martial instead. The Federal Police Agencies should not be relied on to do the right thing for their employers, the corporation; I doubt they will. But they are not a Military. They have shotguns, pistols and a few machine guns in 9mm and 10mm, maybe an armored car or two here and there. They have no Military might. These are not valiant courageous fighters who will never stand down against overwhelming odds. They greatly outnumber and outgun their adversaries, or they wait for more forces before deploying. Bullies and, to some large extent, cowards who are afraid to get into a real fight. If they have overwhelming odds, they will bully. If say 500 of them had to confront say 60 Militia, I would lay 10-to-1 odds they disband before engaging; or; maybe; do a Mexican standoff. If there were 200 militia against 500 of them, they would probably surrender, if they could not retreat, but they would never, ever engage. They are bullies when they have the odds and think no one will resist them. When the worm turns, they will be unreliable defenders for their masters, just cashing their paychecks for as long as they can. Think of it as your tax dollars at rest. I expect few will defect.
Remember, they live in our communities. If they are going to engage the Assemblies and Militia, they will need to relocate their families to secure bases. Look for this as a warning sign. The state, county, city, sheriffs, marshals, troopers and police will probably never raise arms. They will first try to just sit tight on the sidelines and cash their paychecks. Many will defect from the de facto and come over. Many Agencies themselves may convert to de jure. They are not going to be a problem; and, expect them to be allies, maybe not the first day but very soon. They are also highly teachable, so consider outreach early on. You think the NYPD and NYFD is enjoying the Obama-endorsed mosque going up near 9/11 after all the guys they lost? Reach out to these folks early.
Do We Think This New Plan Will Lead to Fighting? – No. Resistance will be futile for them. Remember the Militias are in place already, just need to be organized under the State Assemblies-elected Governors. It is important the movement run at a very fast pace, extremely fast. Also, bear in mind numerous other organizations are joining in as a collective, so the size at onset will be massive compared to RAP. This will grow at an amazing pace. It should work with transparency, since this enables us to get people involved.
What About Funding? – OK! Let Regan and Tom deal with this, along with others. There are ways to attach the funds the de facto guys stole. Any offshore-asset-protection law firm could explain how. Basically, you get orders from a de jure court and serve them on the foreign country where their funds are kept. Cutting through anonymous corps, trusts, foundations can be done if you know how; and, it is driven by a national government on charges like treason, extortion, sedition, genocide, murder, terrorism, etc. If the country, where the money is, does not cooperate, then you break relations with them, sue them for conspiracy, start blocking their wire transfers, and even grab funds and assets they have in other nations. If the gloves are off, there is no resistance, rest assured. Instead of giving money to the de facto government, we can all contribute what we can to jumpstart the government; others will want to contribute. Let’s worry about this as we go. Let’s go from A to B before we worry about J and K.
Do We Think RAP is Over? – We do. We have not heard from RAP. We used to be contacted numerous times per week by RAP people at various levels, which has stopped. We contacted RAP for answers on things in this article – got nothing back. We are hearing Turner resigned. We think RAP has had its day. If anyone in RAP has contrary information, we wish to hear it.
Do We Think That RAP People Will Be Arrested? – Emphatically, no! If there was no new movement, this would be a strong possible. Arrests would drive a new movement fast and hard, not the opposite. Remember, merging with the Militia is not just them coming into the fold, it is many others showing support and need of them. If you think the de facto government is not afraid of you, you are wrong. They are extremely afraid of you, as evidenced by their unrelenting desire to take your guns away. They are stupid. They are lazy. They like to consume alcohol and drugs. They seem to be unfaithful in their marriages, and like to have sex with children. They like statues, secrets and symbolism. This is your enemy. Respect the propensity for extreme violence. They are cruel, and will press hard; and, be very slow to give up, but they will give up. Do not believe they are smart. Also there are very few of them, maybe two or three thousand; some say two or three hundred.
What to Do? – Don’t mourn RAP. Don’t feel sorry for yourselves as if all is lost. Regroup immediately into the new movement, and keeping pressing on for a Constitutional Government. The founding fathers sure had their struggles, until they got free, if they ever really got free, which is now the topic. March on and keep you eye on freedom.
A Word to Those in the New Movement – Contact us so we can make people aware of the movement. We tried reaching out already, and got no answer. Talk to us.
Talk Shows – If any of you wish to get updates via internet talk shows send us an email to this address. We will add your name and email you as we do voice updates.
We are seeking knowledgeable guests to appear on our talk shows. Please send us an email
Comment by hutz on August 25, 2010 @ 5:53 am
Libertarians have the right outlook for America
[5:02:08 PM] Rob: Their only protection came from operating in secrecy until measures were in place
[5:02:39 PM] Rob: Very immature outlook
[5:03:10 PM] Rob: You don’t warn the enemy before taking them down
[5:04:30 PM] Rob: This is a Plan designed by God, the world is not ready until the fields are plowed under of evil
[5:05:22 PM] Rob: Corruption runs through all of government
[5:05:33 PM] Rob: Down to the county level
[5:05:47 PM] Rob: Yep
[5:06:01 PM] Rob: Police are corrupt
[5:06:36 PM] Rob: Until they are exposed and managed the playing field cannot be leveled
[5:07:31 PM] Rob: If you unlawfully arrest someone, you are corrupt
[5:07:58 PM] Rob: Courts are completely corrupted
[5:08:16 PM] Rob: All theway up to the Supreme Court
[5:09:09 PM] Rob: Guns are why America is still free
[5:09:53 PM] Rob: Yes indeed
Comment by hutz on August 25, 2010 @ 6:14 am
Hi All
Ben posted this on his free site.
G.T. Fulford’s Asia connection and links with Japanese freemasonry
Investigating a 110-year old mystery is always difficult, and it is more so when many important archives were destroyed in a fire. Nonetheless, I have come to the conclusion my industrialist great-grandfather was involved with Asian secret societies in a battle against what he called “Babylonian tyranny.”
G.T Fulford came from a poor background in Brockville, Ontario, Canada to become one of the richest men in the world by the time he died in 1905. He sold patent medicines in over 87 countries and was the largest single shareholder in General Electric at the time of his death.
He died in the first ever fatal car crash in North America when his car was side-swiped. After his death, according to my grandmother, most of his General Electric Shares were sold off by a corrupt trust fund and ended up in the hands of the Rockefeller syndicate.
G.T. Fulford visited Asia and set up extensive operations there, some of which run to this day.
Japanese dignitaries visited Fulford place and sent a representative to watch over the family after G.T. Fulford died. He went by the name of Mr. Rayburn (real name Suzuki) and stayed with the family until he was incarcerated during World War 2. His mind was destroyed during his stay at the Canadian concentration camp and he never recovered from that ordeal.
Here is a picture of G.T.’s daughter and some female acquaintances wearing kimonos sometime around 1900:
If any reader can identify them, please contact this website.
Members of the secret society G.T. Fulford belonged to now occupy senior positions in the Japanese government hierarchy.
Comment by getem on August 25, 2010 @ 6:42 am
We would definitely know that things are on the mend if some of the Free Energy were to developed and released in mass. Unfortunately, until now, it seems as though anyone that’s been successful at developing free and/or inexpensive forms of energy have either been bought off or offed.
That’s what makes so much of this so maddening is the fact that we know this technology exists and they have purposely kept it from us.
Comment by patriotkate on August 25, 2010 @ 6:44 am
Hi All
Ben’s post refers to a picture and asks us to help identify some people. Unfortunately Ben has not included this picture in his post. Maybe he will post this later, possibly an oversite on his part?
Comment by getem on August 25, 2010 @ 6:47 am
Honeybees seem to be making a comeback where we live (near Santa Rosa, CA). In fact, there have been so many around lately that my wife thought we had a hive near our house. I’ve never seen so many in the past 5 years. I have no idea why. They just seemed to show up the last few months.
During the Bohemian Grove party not a chemtrail in the sky.
Comment by g7enn on August 25, 2010 @ 7:01 am
wbstreck, inre BEES!!!
from EW:
A friend of mine is a beekeeper. Last year he had a lot of problems with his bees and only one colony survived the winter.
In the spring of this year he bought some new bee colonies and I gave him a handful of TBs. He placed them under the hives and in the area around.
This year all the bees are very well and active and he got fine honey.
Yesterday this friend visited me and told me that he and another beekeeper who is living in the neighborhood had received an honor for the taste and quality of their honey.
it is quite a difference, if you remember that last year most of his bees died.
He is also convinced that this positive development is the result of orgonite.
(Anna and I gifted the whole area intensively during the last 9 months.)
Another gifter said he placed cone-shaped TBs under some of his hives and the bees made their own cone shape, flying around above the hives!
Comment by suncrystal on August 25, 2010 @ 7:21 am
[6:10:59 PM] Riddle Mountain Man: I woke up this morning to an absurd post on NESARA, needless to say it made my blood boil and as you might predict, I set out to rebut it via the comment function. However my comment was too long for the software to accept. Since I was not willing to shorten it and the only part of it I would have liked to change is the term “intestinal fortitude” in favor of “testicular fortitude” but couldn’t do that and remain a lady, I sent it to John MacHaffie via email and asked him to post it. The rebuttal I authored is below and I hope it is acceptable. I did not however identify myself as a juror and used my initials instead of my whole name…………………
Ok, let’s just nip this one in the bud. First, Tim Turner has not resigned. Has he left RAP? Yes, RAP was a plan, a means to an end if you will. The plan is no longer needed because the Republic has been Restored. It is now the Republic of the united States of America. The Grand Juries will not “go dormant.” The two elders who resigned have decided to go forth with their own “Revised Version” of RAP and they have every right to do that even though it is not needed the education they wish to provide is. There are some serious problems as to the basis of that education though.
While Dr. Livingston believes himself to be right he is not, there is solid documentation to prove that the original constitution was indeed ratified properly however that is a moot point. The Law of the land was not based on the Constitution but rather the Declaration of Independence. The Constitution is to that Declaration what “by laws” are to modern corporations, a set of “Rules of Engagement” or a guide to how the mutual needs of the states in commerce and defense would be carried out. I won’t go into detailed history on that point at this time but leave it to all of you to do your own due diligence and look it up.
Has there been change at the top, absolutely as it appears two of the elders did not possess the intestinal fortitude to go the distance. They have succumbed instead to the fear the elite so artfully instill in the hearts of men. They have also been successful in taking some of the executive committee with them and that too is just as well, they can certainly be replaced. For those who do not accept that there exists by default a certain level of danger in any plan to restore this nation to her people and cannot accept the reality of how that danger will affect them on a personal level, there is no place of comfort save that of retreat.
The claim that the funding will not be completed is false. The claim that the corporation is gearing up to attack is yet to be seen but I ask you, did you think they wouldn’t? Did you think that an elite group of megalomaniac criminals who have carefully crafted a decades long plan to control the world, reduce its population, collapse nations and reap the wealth of the world unto themselves would simply stand down when the people rise up and object? I highly doubt they would or will but for those who are restoring this mighty nation once again to the people, a rock solid resolve is necessary.
I listened carefully to the call referenced above and found much of it to be poppycock to put it mildly. It is pure unadulterated insanity to entertain the notion even for a moment that the elite will sit on their thumbs and afford the people the time it would take to become re-educated and empowered enough to take their country back. This nation as we know it is on the brink of destruction. The corporation is broke, flat broke and they are in the throes of panic in their frantic search for refunding in order to complete the agenda. We are being pushed from every direction to take the bait and react in violence to give them the necessary excuse for declaring martial law. That has not worked and I contend the hand of God is the only reason it hasn’t. Failing that, they go on to plan B, to incite and promote WWIII and if you think that isn’t in the works at this very moment you are indeed comatose.
The preparation for pre-determined martial law has been going on for years. This is but one illustration… That is disturbing to be sure but it’s also mild compared to some of the other measures they are prepared to take against the people of this country. The twisted groups of self styled elite at the heart of the agenda are utterly and completely morally bankrupt. They place no value on human life, human condition or divine guidance; indeed those concepts are repugnant to them. They will kill you just as easily as you might step on an ant. They will enslave you just as easily as you will bow down to their wishes out of fear. They will dictate your every action in every minute of every day for the rest of your lives and for the lifetimes of your children. This folks is the ultimate war between good and evil which has existed since time began and it is without doubt the “End Game” for the elite.
So, with the evidence everywhere you look and in every aspect of your daily lives what will you choose? For it is a choice; one that our founders also had to make, will you choose liberty and your rightful place in this great nation? Or will you bow down to fear as those who hold the leash around your neck desire? It’s that simple.
This woman will stand! Stand with the restored Republic of the united States of America!
Again, I hope this wasn’t too combative.
Comment by hutz on August 25, 2010 @ 7:37 am
Yes- on the chemtrails I agree with you on that being a factor in addition to all the other things going on.
Suncrystal- I’ve been working with the bees using some of the co-creative science principles pioneered by Machaelle Wright, Reiki energy , and in building a relationship where they are respected and “listened to” .
we’ve just started looking into the CB and TB construction principles in order to test what the results might be. I just made contact with a local crystal supplier who digs them in Arkansas, so that was a nice find! I’ll be interested to hear from the bees once we make some of the organite to spread a round.
Comment by hfloyd on August 25, 2010 @ 7:54 am
Some l-o-n-g posts are valuable.
Comment by foodrules on August 25, 2010 @ 7:55 am
To All , a great rebuttal, even more than a rebuttal, a valiant stand, and a insspiration to disclose the real truths ,and to go forth with courage and dignity.
Comment by wbstreck on August 25, 2010 @ 8:03 am
hutzman 5:53 and 7:37 am Good posts! Thanks
Comment by cfree928 on August 25, 2010 @ 8:12 am
go restored republics!!!!
Comment by hutz on August 25, 2010 @ 8:37 am
God bless an protect the grand jurors
to the highest of high we pray
Comment by hutz on August 25, 2010 @ 8:39 am
Hey there
[7:13:48 PM] Rob: I’m listening
[7:17:04 PM] Rob: Tim is the AntiChrist LOL
[7:17:32 PM] Rob: Tim was not the compromised one
[7:17:58 PM] Rob: No I avoid the RAP 1 room
[7:18:19 PM] Rob: To much conjecture and disinformation
[7:19:58 PM] Rob: RAP served honorably and well, now they need to move on and learn something
[7:20:43 PM] Rob: They issued lawful orders to the military
[7:20:48 PM] Rob: STAGE II
[7:20:58 PM] Rob: Right
[7:21:22 PM] Rob: The battlefield is being conditioned
[7:22:00 PM] Rob: White Knights are in the lead
[7:22:47 PM] Rob: Each Jury is severly compromised
[7:23:08 PM] Rob: Pray
[7:23:55 PM] Rob: Read your bible and it will all be revealed
[7:24:11 PM] Rob: This is the end times plan
[7:24:25 PM] Rob: Yes indeed
[7:25:10 PM] Rob: Trust in the Lord and the head of the White Knights St. Germaine
[7:25:43 PM] Rob: Think of the scope of ridding the earth of evil
[7:26:06 PM] Rob: No it is an illusion
[7:27:50 PM] Rob: You find yourself in a room full of mirrors waiting for a spiritual guide to lead you out
Comment by hutz on August 25, 2010 @ 8:43 am
Greg – I’ll give you my 2 cents worth on RAP – I can’t say that RAP has officially split – but Tim has removed himself with a plan only he signed and took to the state coordinators to vote on – including voting on him to be president. This happened the week of July 15th and all happened basically over the weekend of Jiuly 16-19. Tom was extremely unhappy about this – Regan tried to be a peace maker as he has been between Tim and Sam Kennedy, and between Tim and Sam Davis, then between Tom Shaultz and Tim – do you see a pattern here??? Hmmm. Tim continued to move ahead with his plan once voted in as President – not called the Republic of the United States. On the other hand, Tom Schaultz and Regan, were very quiet for weeks and weeks – meeting with the FBI to cool things down with them over the turn Tim took and the organization he was planning (offices) and accusations of jury tampering and bribery. They had to meet with the FBI numerous times in person and on the phone to try to appease them and keep the GJ members that voted out of a possible big problem for themselves. Some even signed a Writ of Divorce when they found out they’d voted for a plan not sanctioned by ALL the elders some felt deceived and very angry and are to this day. Until Sunday night we’d heard almost nothing from Tom and Regan and wondered where they were in all this. Suddenly came the message from Regan, posted on John’s blog that there would be a call and that we were all invited to attend and we’d hear from Dale Livingston. Dale is extremely well -educated in the law, our history and the constitution and did a surperb job (my opinion) in presenting his thoughts of what needed to be done to put the people back in power the way the original constitution meant it to be. Dale has a charter he wrote in the 90’s – what he shared Sunday night as part of the charter was very impressive (my opinion) I presume Tom and Regan are intending to implement the plan Dale shared – it is a bottom’s up plan — not a top down plan. Regan shared that there were publically washing their hands of anything that “might” happen to folks under Tim’s plan. The GJ members have been asked to “stand down” – as unintentional mistakes were made from the beginning with RAP and we need to go back to the roots of the constitutution and get it ratified by the states lawfully (which was never done) -and then go from there. This nation, the congress, the presidency ALL are defacto because the continental congress set these things up ignoring the law and the constitution so there are many “holes” that have to be mended and until they are – ANYTHING that is done aside from doing it correctly will only BENEFIT the current defacto government. Every thing this “new” endeavor (under Regan, Tom and Jed and ????? and Dale do will be upfront and in the open – Dale’s documents (written in the 90’s) have to be updated to 2010 and then they will be ready for ALL to view. I hope this helps. I’m not sure that any of them have officially “resigned” from RAP on paper – but I don’t know that the name RAP will continue to be associated with any of them. It is up to us to listen and decide which group we think is the one that will prevail. Right now I believe they have military “protection” – but that’s not the same as “military” support. I don’t believe either one of them have any “funds” they can lay their hands on. If anyone disagrees with what I’ve shared here – you are welcome to make it known – I can only share the knowledge I have.
Comment by hutz on August 25, 2010 @ 8:48 am
Submitted by JS – thanks
Comment by hutz on August 25, 2010 @ 8:49 am
Masterminds, Mosques and Mass Insanity: “War on Terrorism” Propaganda Ratcheted up Ahead of War Escalation
By Larry Chin
URL of this article:
Global Research, August 20, 2010
Comment by hutz on August 25, 2010 @ 8:54 am
The Long Road to The Hague: Prosecuting Former Prime Minister Tony Blair
Part I
By Lesley Docksey
URL of this article:
Global Research, August 23, 2010
Comment by hutz on August 25, 2010 @ 8:55 am
Hfloyd, thank you. I learned more about the bee situation from your post than all the articles I’ve read over the past 3 years. Good recommendation on the raw honey. I assumed most honey is pasteurized, probably unnecessarily.
For those of you who haven’t heard of Royal Bee Honey, it’s more of a health supplement. I understand it is created by the worker bees for the nourishment of the Queen Bee. Benefits of taking it are associated with energy, longevity and immune system protection. Containing 35% protein, it is a highly concentrated source of essential nutrients containing all the B vitamins, vitamins C, D, E and K, more than 12 minerals, 18 amino acids, collagen and lecithin. One tablespoon a day. It’s delicious!
Comment by joann on August 25, 2010 @ 9:00 am
[7:55:26 PM] Greatvoice: Also there was a great Article on “Did Andrew Breitbart Lay A Trap For Sherrod’s Fraud… Unbelievable!! Where there was Fraud on the part of Ms. Sherod: here is the Article. Where somehow Mistyeriously some 39,697 Black/ Negro farmers changed to 86,000 claims… How could that happen: Read ON: Did Andrew Breitbart Lay A Trap For Sherrod’s Fraud… Unbelievable!!
He proved it originally with his brilliant handling of the ACORN ‘hooker’ scandal which he skillfully manipulated so that the corrupt media was forced, against its will, to broadcast corruption in one of Obama’s most powerful political support groups. But Breitbart’s handing of that affair is nothing compared to his brilliant manipulation of the Shirley Sherrod ‘white farmer’ scandal.
Comment by hutz on August 25, 2010 @ 9:01 am
A vast solar system of seven planets orbiting a sun-like star has been discovered 127 light years from Earth.
The planetary system is believed to be the largest ever detected beyond the sun.
Astronomers have confirmed the presence of five planets and have tantalising evidence of two more.
Comment by beatbox151 on August 25, 2010 @ 9:24 am
Comment by fixthefuture on August 25, 2010 @ 9:43 am
Jordan Maxwell — Jeff Rense Interview 08-16-10 Part 1/3
Comment by beatbox151 on August 25, 2010 @ 9:44 am
[8:45:03 PM] songsofpeace:
[8:53:06 PM] J Smith- Outlaw:
Comment by hutz on August 25, 2010 @ 9:56 am
Obama’s Approval Hits All-Time Low of 39 Percent Among Men, Says Gallup
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Comment by hutz on August 25, 2010 @ 10:00 am
Message from SaLuSa from the Galactic Federation
Submitted by BM – Thanks
Messenger Mike Quinsey
Dear Ones, let it be said that before you dropped down into the lower vibrations, you were fully aware of your origin as a Spark of God. That was so long ago that it cannot be spoken of in linear terms, as initially you were not in a physical body such as you have now. However, intelligent life forms have been on Earth for millions of years during which the Earth has become a prison planet, where for various reasons souls have been sent to it. As a result you have become quite a mixture of souls, from the unmanageable who exploited the dark energies, to those who have brought the Light with them. What has ensued for millennia of time is constant battles between the dark and Light to control the Earth. Each have had periods when they have been the dominant force, and gradually the Light has emerged as the victor. However, this was not before the dark Ones virtually achieved their plan for total world control, and the slavery of Mankind.
Comment by hutz on August 25, 2010 @ 10:18 am
Vince Vance’s Musical Video Called I am New Orleans
Comment by hutz on August 25, 2010 @ 10:19 am
I think thje needs groups are being funded by the farm claims and thats different then the nasara bill
[8:58:05 PM]
David A Blodgett:
here’s another nesara link
[8:59:21 PM] David A Blodgett:
[9:13:50 PM] David A Blodgett: this was an interesting article to read and you can form your own opinion
[9:13:56 PM] David A Blodgett:
Comment by hutz on August 25, 2010 @ 10:25 am
Ray Stevens – God Save Arizona
this is an excellent song
Comment by hutz on August 25, 2010 @ 10:27 am
The Face Of Evil: BANNED INTERVIEW with George Bush Jr. Former US President
Comment by hutz on August 25, 2010 @ 10:39 am ~ Abu Ghraib Abuse Photos ~ ABU GHRAIB Torture & Prisoner Abuse ~ The Bush Administration’s Response To ABU GHRAIB ~ GEORGE SR-NEW WORLD ORDER ~ Bush Gets Caught In His Own Lie
Finding The Humor ~ 8 Years Of ‘Bushisms’ ~ george bush is funny ~Must See Hilarious Bush Bloopers! ~ George W Bush – American Idiot ~ George W. Bush screw ups
Comment by hutz on August 25, 2010 @ 10:43 am
Comment by hutz on August 25, 2010 @ 10:48 am
Hi BEN and Ya’all
We rally have it going on on this blog. Great insights, reporting and encouraging comments made by all.
But we really have to ‘take out’ the TPTB and their Assasins and genocidal projects that the NWO-cabal, PTB, Sociopathic Illuminati-Nazi Satanists have in store for four billion of us.There has been break in the various attcks on our humanity, maybe they are hard at work trying to foment WWlll with Iran and that has them busy , causing this lull in their evil-doings, even chemtrails, I hear from , you’all. Before it’s NEWS, Sorch Faal’s site discusses the murder of Matt Simmons by SIS,or, MI6.
I still say we need to get help from the Avazz worldwide grassroots action organization and get BP in receivership for ecological and physical damages to the world’s enviorment, and many other injured parties.This was an epic catastophe due to negelct and poor management by BP. Methane is 20 times worse than carbondioxide,as having the greenhouse gas effect on the planet.Let them pay for their carnage. Over a quarter of a million maritime creatures died an oily death too. Deadly Corexit in the sea, acid rain in the skies.
Matt was a good steward on the earth blessing both mankind and our planet. Please see the uplink below regarding Matt Simmon’s( of Rockport,Maine)assasination.
And at this same time remember, the murder of Chris Story , and the attempts on Ben’s life.
One every post we call for the necessary intervention of the WDS,BDS,Red and Green warriors, and The Pentagon Chiefs to remove this bain of sociopathic murderers from be world society.
Comment by wbstreck on August 25, 2010 @ 11:36 am
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