Communists, Socialists, Marxists, Maoists and Islamics are in the US Government. They all believe in a government that’s opposed to the US Constitution and, thus, the America our founders created. They want America to give up its sovereignty and to become a member of a one-world socialist government. For simplicity, let’s call them all “commies”.
We began researching Obama and other commies in US Government and Media about 18 months ago and were shocked. Here’s the high-level overview of what we learned, which is chronicled in great detail at
• America has been at war with communism for over 90 years. The Cold War with Communist Russia did not end with the collapse of the Berlin War—it just took a different form. A new war has commenced… a bloodless war aimed at taking all of our wealth and giving it to Communists, so they can rule America. This well-planned, decades-old, Communist Takeover is now in progress and we’ve been losing this war because Communists captured our media long ago and they hid this plan from us for years.
• The public code words for Communism now are “Progressive”, “Democracy” and “Social Justice”. You probably never heard these terms much until Obama took office, but you hear them now a lot these days.
• The Democratic Party is now a Socialist Party. Through its freely admitted, long term alliance and coordinated initiatives with The Party of European Socialists, the Democratic Party is openly connected to Chinese and Russian Socialists, as well as a full range of international commies and terrorists.
• Right now in the US Congress, there’s a publicly admitted Socialist, a couple of socialist Islamics, lots of criminals (assault, bribes, etc.), lots of
anti-Constitutionalists, and way too many people who are taking money from Islamic terrorist-connected organizations. But don’t let that fool you. There are over 100 US Congress Members who are commies. Most belong to and/or are associated with members of Democratic Socialists of America and the Communist
Party USA. The FBI states that the Communist Party USA and the United Nations are departments of the Russian KGB.
• Barack Hussein Obama (a.k.a. Barry Soetoro, a.k.a. Saebarkah), the 44th President of the United States of America is a communist. Obama precisely fits former FBI head, J. Edgar Hoover’s definition of a communist. He has associations with members of the Communist Party USA and Democratic Socialists of America, was raised by communists, spent his adult life with communists, was mentored by communists, supports communists, belonged to at least one communist organization, attended at least one communist rally, worked for at least two communist bosses, is
advised by communists and now, while in office, regularly meets with communists on a daily basis.
• Obama is an ideological zealot and radical. His core skill is “communist rabble-rousing”. George Soros directly
and indirectly funded Obama’s presidential campaign. Obama is George Soros’ puppet. Obama is told what to say by a teleprompter’s script that is written by a George Soros-funded group of commie writers. Obama has a PR organization of over 300 commies.
• Our research strongly suggests George Soros is the face of the USA Communist Takeover. Obama works for George Soros. Most of the media works for George Soros as his propaganda department. Hundreds of socialist, activist and union organizations work for Soros as a means to siphon government money from you, generate votes for commie Democrats and fund the Communist Takeover. Examples of the organizations Soros funds include the Democratic Party, SEIU, ACORN, Tides Foundation, National Public Radio, ACLU, Open Society Institute, and Obama’s favorite fake media outlet, the Huffington Post.
• Goldman Sachs works for George Soros. There is a strong body of evidence to suggest that George Soros, with the help of Jeffrey Sachs of Goldman Sachs, caused the 2008 US financial collapse (Soros and Sachs have done this in other countries before). “Crisis” is Phase Two in the four-phase Communist Takeover Plan. Soros and Sachs can further crash or damage our economy pretty much whenever they want.
• George Soros is a very bad dude and is a far, far greater threat to America than al Queada. George Soros is not only converting America to communism, he’s doing the same in other countries. Remember “the Domino Theory?” Soros may also be coordinating with al Queada and/or terrorists through his connections with Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and/or other radical organizations which Soros funds.
• George Soros’ “boss” is one or more of the following: Communist Russia, Communist China and/or a band of Ultra Rich Global Elites. Soros’ supporters and co-conspirators include Bill and Hillary Clinton, Bill Gates (Microsoft), Eric Schmidt (Google), Jeffrey Sachs (Goldman Sachs), NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg, David Rockefeller, Ted Turner, Warren Buffet, Oprah Winfrey and a vast group of other global elites. Their combined wealth is greater than many countries.
RESISTING THE TAKEOVER: Exposure and awareness of George Soros, Obama, commie Congress members and their international criminal conspiracy is the key to Americans winning this war. Once the conspirators are exposed, they can be researched, contained, neutralized and prosecuted. So educate yourself and tell others. Vote out all Democrats.
THE TAKEOVER PLAN’S PRIMARY WEAKNESS: There is a very substantial body of evidence that indicates Obama is ineligible to serve as US President (father’s British citizenship, multiple social security numbers, foreign student, no long form birth certificate, no hospital that will claim him, no US State certified him as constitutionally eligible to be President, tremendous efforts undertaken to prevent access to Obama’s past records, etc., etc.). If
Obama is found ineligible to serve, the Communist Takeover Plot will unravel fast. All laws signed by Obama will be nullified. Then, once unraveled, we can pursue the relationships of all of George Soros’ commie organizations and prosecute all of the related criminal conspirators to the maximum extent of US law.
So don’t you think that when the GOP takes over one or both Houses of Congress in January, they ought to immediately ask Obama for proof of his eligibility to serve? If not, what does that tell you about who may be running the Republican Party? Maybe the takeover is further along than we think?
[11:49:22 AM] CleatusJoe: So PLEASE...spare me the Obama is a good guy bit. Halloween is scary enough without the goons in DC on the prowl. Wake up light people

Mass arrests of bankers and politicians Hauge world court ( massad jews ,jesuits ,builderburg ,CFR trilateral commission,Zionists other terrorists ,and criminals ) Black opps News about satanists like in the picture above (FOLKS THE PICTURE THAT IS ABOVE IS THE PEOPLE RUNNING THE WORLD ) Welcome to my blog .We post a huge range of stuff here including any Republic news .Including global settlements .Gold and Silver and Dinars news. Email me or skype hutzie3

Sunday, October 31, 2010
republic, global settlements, dark cabal
Saturday, October 30, 2010
I’ve been lately investigating Satanism,
I’ve been lately investigating Satanism, Quick comment and go to bed, I’ve been lately investigating Satanism, and it’s quite tuff, specially the videos.
I’ve added new videos to my entry on that subject in my blog.
A french friend of mine has shown me some videos, with investigations that prove to be a hard watch, though very good in content.
And also just ended reading a digital version of David Icke’s Biggest Secret Chapter 15 dedicated to satanism.
Incredible information there, very well researched, has everything you need to know.
Comment by rafaelneville on October 31, 2010 @ 9:51 am
I’ve added new videos to my entry on that subject in my blog.
A french friend of mine has shown me some videos, with investigations that prove to be a hard watch, though very good in content.
And also just ended reading a digital version of David Icke’s Biggest Secret Chapter 15 dedicated to satanism.
Incredible information there, very well researched, has everything you need to know.
Comment by rafaelneville on October 31, 2010 @ 9:51 am
republic, global settlements, dark cabal
Hitler’s Angel, Bush, The Product of Fake Political Opposition
Hitler’s Angel, Bush, The Product of Fake Political Opposition
* Skull & Bones member Prescott Bush, in association with George Herbert Walker, whose daughter he’d married, sought to conceal his managing role in a financial alliance with German industrialist Fritz Thyssen, who’d personally funded Adolf Hitler’s rise to power. After the war, a Congressional investigation would later show that Bush’s Nazi-front banking operation had helped the Vereinigte Stahlwerke (United Steel Works Corporation or German Steel Trust) to produce 35% of Nazi Germany’s explosives and about 41% of its steel.In other words, during time of war, Prescott Bush had helped Nazi Germany to kill American soldiers.
* New York Times (complicity) mentions that Union Banking Corporation has been authorized by Congress “to change its principal place of business to 120 Broadway”. The Times fails to mention that the company had been seized by the government, or that the new business address was that of the U.S. Office of the Alien Property Custodian (the person in charge of the seized assets). The story also neglects to mention the other, UBC-related, seized companies.
* The U.S. government, rather than prosecuting Prescott Bush for giving aid and comfort to the enemy during time of war, quietly pays him $1.5 million in cash as compensation for the assets of the seized businesses.
* If you were the Democrat candidate for Senate from Connecticut in 1952, what would it have taken to have kept you quiet about what your political opponent (Prescott Bush) did during the war? The mass media again does not feel compelled to pursue the supposedly-previously-vetted candidate Bush’s war past.
* Skull & Bones member Prescott Bush was re-elected in 1956. He did not seek re-election in 1962. During this period, Senator Bush, even though he is not a senior senator, seems to hold some sway over the Executive branch of the U.S. government.
* In the 2 chambers of Congress, Democrats Lee Hamilton and John Kerry lead the impotent (Iran-Contra) investigations. That enables George Herbert Walker Bush to remain free to later, as President, pardon his fellow Iran-Contra traitors…
* Skull & Bones member Prescott Bush, in association with George Herbert Walker, whose daughter he’d married, sought to conceal his managing role in a financial alliance with German industrialist Fritz Thyssen, who’d personally funded Adolf Hitler’s rise to power. After the war, a Congressional investigation would later show that Bush’s Nazi-front banking operation had helped the Vereinigte Stahlwerke (United Steel Works Corporation or German Steel Trust) to produce 35% of Nazi Germany’s explosives and about 41% of its steel.In other words, during time of war, Prescott Bush had helped Nazi Germany to kill American soldiers.
* New York Times (complicity) mentions that Union Banking Corporation has been authorized by Congress “to change its principal place of business to 120 Broadway”. The Times fails to mention that the company had been seized by the government, or that the new business address was that of the U.S. Office of the Alien Property Custodian (the person in charge of the seized assets). The story also neglects to mention the other, UBC-related, seized companies.
* The U.S. government, rather than prosecuting Prescott Bush for giving aid and comfort to the enemy during time of war, quietly pays him $1.5 million in cash as compensation for the assets of the seized businesses.
* If you were the Democrat candidate for Senate from Connecticut in 1952, what would it have taken to have kept you quiet about what your political opponent (Prescott Bush) did during the war? The mass media again does not feel compelled to pursue the supposedly-previously-vetted candidate Bush’s war past.
* Skull & Bones member Prescott Bush was re-elected in 1956. He did not seek re-election in 1962. During this period, Senator Bush, even though he is not a senior senator, seems to hold some sway over the Executive branch of the U.S. government.
* In the 2 chambers of Congress, Democrats Lee Hamilton and John Kerry lead the impotent (Iran-Contra) investigations. That enables George Herbert Walker Bush to remain free to later, as President, pardon his fellow Iran-Contra traitors…
republic, global settlements, dark cabal
9-11 truth
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
The founders knew and understood one vital thing which today has been forgotten. There is one creator called by different names, worshiped in different ways, understood from different perspectives and spoken to in many different languages but man's inalienable rights come from that one creator. Therefore when men come together under God's Natural Law with but one common ground and that being his existence, all else is just a matter of respect for one another, tolerance for separate belief and a cooperative goal. At that point, all is possible.
This nation was built on Biblical principles and those of ancient philosophers such as Cicero who, while a Roman, often did not do as Roman's did and was eventually murdered for his propensity for the vocalization of his ideals after he recognized that the great Republic had denigrated into a Democracy. Sound familiar? Our law in this land is simple; it is God's Law, Natures Law and better known in modern times as the Golden Rule. Simply put, do unto others exactly the way in which you would like them to do unto you. Harm no man, woman or child by intent.
The founders knew we could keep our Republic or inevitably end up with an Oligarchy, a tyranny of the elite. That, my friends is exactly where we have allowed our corrupt and greedy leaders to take us. This is the most eloquent and accurate description of our form of Government I have ever seen...
Men decide far more problems by hate, love, lust, rage, sorrow, joy, hope, fear, illusion, or some other inward emotion, than by reality, authority, any legal standard, judicial precedent, or statute. Cicero
James Madison said that the House of Representatives would always be a national institution, because its members would always be directly elected by the people but the Senate he said, will derive its powers from the states hence the first check and balance on the federal level. In this way the founders intended the Senate to be the voice of the states and their interests but it seems progressives were not happy with that. Only complete federal power over the individual Republics would do. Thus the passage of the Seventeenth Amendment and direct representation for the states was abolished.
We were clearly warned not to allow this when Thomas Jefferson said;
“When all government, domestic and foreign, in little as in great things, shall be drawn to Washington as the center of all power, it will render powerless the checks provided by one government on another, and will become as venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated.”
Why would the progressives want such power in 1913; to silence the states? Remember 1913 was the same year the 16th Amendment was passed under cover of night and never properly ratified. You know that pesky one about taxes which resulted in unlawful taxation of wages, the same nasty piece of clandestine legislation which allowed the creation of the Federal Reserve and the IRS, both foreign owned corporations.
Why the Progressives just love the 17th Amendment today is abundantly clear. Obama’s health care bill would never have come crawling out from the woodwork without it. It would not be in the best interest of the states and would therefore never stand a chance of passing if the states and by extension, the people had any say in the matter. The same is true for any of the other outrageous bills being shoved on us from this administration. You see there are no more checks and no more balances. There is only a corrupt thugocracy of centralized power run amok.
James Madison felt there was one fatal flaw in our Republic, what he called “factions”, we call them special interests. Everything Madison did in the design of the government was an attempt to curtail the possibility of factions or groups of them to take over and influence leaders of government.
Once the individual state’s voices were silenced there remained two major road blocks to the progressive’s Socio Communist agenda, the media and the nation’s churches. I will leave the total takeover of the media to another article. What the progressives knew and utterly understood about the founding of this nation is the fact that the quest for freedom began from the pulpit. They knew without a single doubt that the pulpit was the most powerful influence on the people ever devised and therefore the most formidable of enemies to the completion of their plans. From there, a long and dedicated effort began to silence and then to control and corrupt the pulpit.
In 1954 a disgruntled newly elected senator, Lyndon Baines Johnson, angry over campaign attention from the opposition pointing out his being an atheist, set out to settle the score. Under the cover of innocent benevolence he introduced, pushed and ultimately succeeded in the passing of The Revenue Act of 1954 which established the tax codes as we know them today in regard to the pulpit. Section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code stated that in order to enjoy tax-exempt status a nonprofit institution must be organized and operated purely for nonprofit reasons with none of its earnings going to any member of the organization. The law under Section 170 provided for tax-deductible contributions to a 501(c) organization.
“For a 501c3 church to openly speak out, or organize in opposition to, anything that the government declares ‘legal,’ even if it is immoral (e.g. abortion, homosexuality, same sex marriages, etc.), that church will jeopardize its tax exempt status. The 501c3 has had a ‘chilling effect’ upon the free speech rights of the church. LBJ was a shrewd and cunning politician who seemed to well-appreciate how easily many of the clergy would sell out.” Peter Kershaw, In Ceasar’s Grip
Once the pulpit was successfully silenced simply by waving a carrot under the noses of the clergy the gates barring corruption in God’s house were quite literally, “blown to hell”. God’s word was effectively drowned out by greed in the simple act of selling the sermon for the price of a tax deduction.
In order to collapse the pulpit altogether the people must be convinced first that the nation was not built on Christian principles, that the founders were basically evil slave owning atheists and had no faith save that of their own lust for power and wealth. It wasn’t really that hard to accomplish once the Department of Education was established in 1979, the absolute power to corrupt was granted the federal government. The rest is history. Or is it?
This past year the Progressive Tides Foundation funded by George Soros launched a massive indoctrination campaign against the nation’s children through the use of the schools and a twisted little work of globalist evil in the form of a video called “The Story of Stuff”, brought to you by your favorite dim witted teacher. Had it not been for the internet and opinion show hosts such as Glenn Beck, this insidious attack on our children would have gone unnoticed and parents everywhere would eventually be wondering where in the world their children were getting these twisted ideas.
True to form Mr. Beck wasted no time in alerting the nation to the latest assault on our youth by the Progressive Globalist Agenda when last week he exposed the Tides Foundation’s latest evil, another far more subtle video abomination for the purpose of dissemination through the churches called “Let There Be Stuff” containing a deliberate twisting of Christian teaching and principles. Throughout the seemingly harmless (on the surface) video is a healthy dose of extreme left ideology such as Pantheism (the belief that God is the Universe as opposed to God made the Universe), instructing us to worship the earth rather than rule over the earth, go forth and multiply as the Bible teaches in Genesis 128. The video attempts to convince us that all things man has ever created have poisoned us and our environment. The fact that as man advanced, our living environments have become cleaner, healthier and happier is ignored. As we acquire wealth, so too do we improve our living standards and thus our health. Proof of this is simple when looking at the life expectancy rates in comparison to earlier societies. 200 years ago life expectancy in this country was under 35 years. Around 1800, when industry became prevalent that number began to rise until now it is somewhere around 80 years of age. How then has man’s industrialization, creativity and advancement been a detriment to longevity and survival? In the same chapter they start pushing the unproven and in fact trashed notion of Global Warming changed and referred to as Climate Change. I won’t go into the absurdity of the notion in the first place but suffice it to say that the “Greatest Scam” in history for the purpose of massive wealth for the few even when exposed is not going to stop. Quite to the contrary, when we object to our children being brain washed in school the progressives go after them in our churches.
Nowhere in the Bible are we told to serve the earth, to worship or become subservient to our environment. In point of fact it tells us just the opposite. Of course God is ordering benevolent rule the earth and it’s creatures and God never says that man is to rule over man.
Look back to ancient Babylon for the first instance of Socialism and Totalitarianism where weather was God and used to control the people…. Seems the scam is as “Old as the hills”. All Christians need to speak with their church leaders and ban this publication from being used. If those church leaders refuse and insist upon disseminating this Progressive Propaganda to your children, you are attending the wrong church. Here’s a refreshing idea, demand your church abandon its compliance with the IRS 501c-3! Bring your church out of Babylon and back to God!
Mr. Soros is definitely not happy with Mr. Beck or his ilk and in his usual nasty manner has begun a major boycott effort against him with an attack on the sponsors of the radio and television shows Mr. Beck hosts.
As America begins to stir from her long nap and wipes the sleep from her eyes shaking her head to eliminate the fog of disuse she is shocked. Suddenly she finds that she has traded her freedom and liberty for a false sense of security, her children for future monetary gain by signing birth certificates and obtaining SSI numbers, her wealth for runaway social entitlement programs, her precious ingenuity and creativity for foreign favor and begins to panic. Tea Parties start organizing populated by the still sleepy masses convinced they can fix things and all will be well by a simple house cleaning via the November elections not stopping to think, ask vital questions and demand answers. Questions which if not asked and answered destine them to repeat same long sleep. Instead they ready themselves to rush dutifully to the polls in November, express their outrage in the form of a vote and then march home in righteous indignation at what they have perceived as the cause of the evil never facing the fact that all they have done is change actors on the same stage in the same play using the same script and nothing has truly been accomplished. The progressives and their Globalist Agenda ARE THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT and they have managed to infect the entire nation with sick twisted thinking. They are not Elephants or Donkeys, they are simply masquerading as such. While many of them could certainly be referred to as “asses”, they don’t have four legs and swishy tails or big ears and the feet the size of Texas.
It is now common knowledge that the federal government under which we have been governed for 134 years is a corporation and therefore is not our government operating under our Constitution but under a set of “executive orders” devised for their own purposes but we continue playing the game. Voting as if it made on iota of difference when it not only doesn’t it can’t.
We pay no attention to news stories like this one and others like it… ACORN has changed its name. They have "re-invented" themselves...just in time to support Barack Hussein Obama's allies in the next election --- less than 15 days away. ACORN still has a chance to ONCE AGAIN steal an election by using dead people on the election rolls. ACORN still has the opportunity to misuse YOUR taxpayer dollars!
Americans go about their daily lives in abject ignorance while the current corrupt administration hammers away on the nation’s coffin paying no attention whatsoever to the blatantly absurd power grab going on or where it will lead. Why is there no nationwide outrage over some of these issues:
Obama will push for $50 billion infrastructure package in lame-duck session
By Jackie Calmes
The New York Times
Posted: 10/12/2010 01:00:00 AM MDT
WASHINGTON — The Obama administration said Monday that it would ask the lame-duck Congress next month to approve a $50 billion down payment on the president's long-range initiative to improve the nation's roads, railways and air systems and to find savings to offset that cost, suggesting a new urgency to create jobs after last week's disappointing unemployment report.
President Barack Obama met at the White House with mayors, governors and current and former transportation secretaries of both parties to promote the infrastructure initiative, which he first proposed in September. Afterward, Ray LaHood, his transportation secretary and a former Republican congressman, told reporters that the lame-duck session would present an "upfront opportunity" to pass the $50 billion measure.
During an off-camera press gaggle Wednesday morning, Press Secretary Robert Gibbs enumerated the Democrats’ lame-duck agenda. On it are the ratification of the START II treaty Obama signed earlier this year with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, the Child Nutrition Reauthorization package addressing school-meal funding, and an impending solution to the summer-long debate over extending tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans before they expire in January. Gibbs also expressed interest in Jacob Lew being confirmed as head of the Office of Management and Budget.
While the list may not be exhaustive, it’s missing several marquee items that Democrats have publicly considered squeezing into the two-month session. Revising off-shore drilling regulations had been a priority for Democrats, although bickering late in the summer killed the prospect, taking down with it a larger set of environmental and energy regulations. A renewable-energy standard designed to give a boost to solar and wind energy was also rumored to be set for November or early December because of fear of enhanced Republican opposition in the new year. And a legislative package of immigration reforms, including the DREAM Act, which would provide a path to citizenship for undocumented college students, was tentatively scheduled for the end of the year.
By Dr. Laurie Roth Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Hidden Real Estate Sales tax in Health care bill – Surprise!There are already at least 20 hidden taxes in the Obama Health care plan coming down upon us the next few years. So, along with rationed care for seniors and forced health insurance, we now find there is a Real Estate Tax snuck into the Health care plan. You may ask, what in God’s green earth does health care have to do with Real Estate taxes??? Absolutely nothing, that is precisely why one got snuck in there.
New Civilian Army Hidden Within The Healthcare Bill?
Knowledge is power, and Kelly Wolf’s recent editorial at Right Side News deserves review by American citizens. Although Wolf couches the editorial as speculation and conjecture, it looks as if the “progressive” Left may have established a variation of Barack Obama’s private army. It all depends on how nefarious their intent is. On page 1,311 of the healthcare legislation passed last Sunday and signed into law by President Obama a new army, a Commissioned Corps and Ready Reserve Corps, is created. Wolf contends,
“The bill contains all the elements to allow this hostile administration all the power it needs to completely control and eventually destroy every freedom and liberty of Americans. It gives the government total power over the health and well-being of each citizen, making us supplicants to their throne of Government controlled HealthCare.”
Black Panther Investigation Broadens, Could Ensnare Obama
The federal investigation into the Justice Department’s handling of the Black Panther voter intimidation case has widened its scope in ways that increase the chances the president will be impeached in the new year.
In a letter delivered today to Attorney General Eric Holder, the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights indicated its investigation has shifted from a narrow focus on dropping the Philadelphia case to the broader question of whether the DoJ – and the Obama administration – is systematically discriminating against white victims.
Commission members voted 5-1 to send the new letter, which notes their “original aim was to determine the reasons for and implications of DOJ’s dismissal of most of the New Black Panther Party voter intimidation lawsuit.” It adds, “Our current focus is on the following systemic issue: the growing evidence of a culture of hostility in the Civil Rights Division to the race-neutral enforcement of the civil rights laws that may involve both supervisory attorneys and some of your political appointees.”
OBAMA refuses to disclose identity documents and proof of eligiblility
Shock video: Top Dem, socialists plot '1-world' scheme
Plan calls for unions, clergy, civil rights leaders to 'strengthen' Obama
The Democratic chairman of the powerful House Judiciary Committee has been caught on tape meeting with a U.S.-based, Marxist-oriented socialist organization to discuss how the group can cooperate to strengthen President Obama and advance their "one-world" plans.
Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., who has a long history with the Democratic Socialists of America, or DSA, was recorded promoting a "one-world" government, while asking the socialist group to organize against the war in Afghanistan and in support of Obama's policies.
1 of the 2 Administrative Judges at the Commodity Futures Trading Commission Vowed NEVER to Let a Complainant Win. He's Kept His Promise for 20 Years
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) is an important agency. It is largely responsible for regulating derivatives and other important instruments.
It is supposed to prevent and prosecute fraud.
So it is stunning that one of the two administrative judges for the CFTC has written and filed a "Notice and Order" saying:
There are two administrative law judges at the Commodity Futures Trading Commission: myself and the Honorable Bruce Levine. On Judge Levine's first week on the job, nearly twenty years ago, he came into my office and stated that he had promised Wendy Gramm, then Chairwoman of the Commission, that we would never rule in a complainant's favor. A review of his rulings will confirm that he has fulfilled his vow. Judge Levine, in the cynical guise of enforcing the rules, forces pro se complaints to run a hostile procedural gauntlet until they lose hope, and either withdraw their complaint or settle for a pittance, regardless of the merits of the case.
Those are but a few of the crimes being committed against us. Are we so lazy and ignorant that we now behave like a bunch of 60’s teenagers on LSD watching in drugged hallucinogenic amazement at the show? It would seem so.
This nation is dying, her feeble tears unseen, her voice reduced to a bare whisper as she succumbs to the infection of “Original Sin”. Her once proud people have lost all direction, moral fiber, uniquely American ingenuity and creativity, charity and common sense but much more important, her people have relinquished the Grace of God to graven images and false idols in the form of politicians.
While ungodly individuals seek to transform this great country into a third world poverty stricken land inhabited by the hopeless we See No Evil, Hear No Evil and Speak No Evil just as we have been carefully taught to do. Am I the only one hearing America’s desperate whisper, feeling the fall of her tears on my shoulders? Is a lone woman the only one who sees what has to be done? No. Thankfully I do not go forth to right this wrong alone. There are hundreds of thousands across the nation finally standing and pledging to re-inhabit the Republic but hundreds of thousands are not enough. There are roughly 380 million people in this country and to thwart the angel of death’s plan it will require a massive move to educate, inspire and call to action a majority of them.
Where do we start? Well the obvious answer is to march your behind right over to the Republic web site and get yourself signed up to support your country. In the interest of a crisis of time there is a procedure there to download, sign and submit your documents to declare yourself free however I must stress that is only the first step. Those documents will not stand in a court of law should they ever need to having been done by digital or electronic means but they will officially place you under the protective umbrella of your Restored Republic until you take the next step. You must take it upon yourself to contact your local Grand Jury or Ambassador to have your documents done in person and by wet ink signature so that you will have in your possession a lawful indisputable record of your sovereign rights under your true Constitutional Republic. If you need help with that email us here and we will help you contact the proper individual in your Republic (state).
This restored Republic is yours! As it was designed to be from the beginning it is a government of the people, for the people and by the people. With it comes great responsibility. Start asking questions and demanding answers! Never again allow your leaders to direct you, you direct them! Tell the government what you want and how you want them to do it! From your villages, cities, counties and states to the federal level do not allow a single compromise to the framework laid out in the Constitution. Never even consider trading a liberty for a promise, a right for a handout, a principle for a dollar or a tax break for God’s word!
Watch, take notice and allow no secrecy, no back door deals, no special interests, no silly notions like “political correctness” or “for your own good in the interest of National Security”. This is your country. TAKE CARE OF IT!
When you hear outrageous claims like “this is not a Christian based nation”, or “our founders were largely slave owning atheists”, don’t just ignore and shrug your shoulders. CALL THEM ON IT! LOUDLY!
If for instance it were true that George Washington was not Christian as school children and adults alike are told by tour guides at our nation’s historical monuments, why would he have said this……….
It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of almighty god, to obey his will to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor… George Washington October 3, 1789
The next time you are told you must hold your tongue or your pen because the so called “law” says you will be held accountable for “offending” someone who can’t act like an adult and respect your right to speak read your Bill of Rights!
The next time you see your flag disrespected, disregarded or desecrated in any way, remember this above all else. America is the last bastion of freedom on earth!
Take heed America, these words by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow from his ageless poem “The Building Of The Ship”…
“Humanity with all its fears, with all its hopes of future years, is hanging breathless on thy fate.”
There is still a chance though it be a last one to turn “Original Sin” back to righteousness but not if you read this and do nothing………..
The ball is in your court America!
The Restored Republic of the united States of America…
The founders knew and understood one vital thing which today has been forgotten. There is one creator called by different names, worshiped in different ways, understood from different perspectives and spoken to in many different languages but man's inalienable rights come from that one creator. Therefore when men come together under God's Natural Law with but one common ground and that being his existence, all else is just a matter of respect for one another, tolerance for separate belief and a cooperative goal. At that point, all is possible.
This nation was built on Biblical principles and those of ancient philosophers such as Cicero who, while a Roman, often did not do as Roman's did and was eventually murdered for his propensity for the vocalization of his ideals after he recognized that the great Republic had denigrated into a Democracy. Sound familiar? Our law in this land is simple; it is God's Law, Natures Law and better known in modern times as the Golden Rule. Simply put, do unto others exactly the way in which you would like them to do unto you. Harm no man, woman or child by intent.
The founders knew we could keep our Republic or inevitably end up with an Oligarchy, a tyranny of the elite. That, my friends is exactly where we have allowed our corrupt and greedy leaders to take us. This is the most eloquent and accurate description of our form of Government I have ever seen...
Men decide far more problems by hate, love, lust, rage, sorrow, joy, hope, fear, illusion, or some other inward emotion, than by reality, authority, any legal standard, judicial precedent, or statute. Cicero
James Madison said that the House of Representatives would always be a national institution, because its members would always be directly elected by the people but the Senate he said, will derive its powers from the states hence the first check and balance on the federal level. In this way the founders intended the Senate to be the voice of the states and their interests but it seems progressives were not happy with that. Only complete federal power over the individual Republics would do. Thus the passage of the Seventeenth Amendment and direct representation for the states was abolished.
We were clearly warned not to allow this when Thomas Jefferson said;
“When all government, domestic and foreign, in little as in great things, shall be drawn to Washington as the center of all power, it will render powerless the checks provided by one government on another, and will become as venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated.”
Why would the progressives want such power in 1913; to silence the states? Remember 1913 was the same year the 16th Amendment was passed under cover of night and never properly ratified. You know that pesky one about taxes which resulted in unlawful taxation of wages, the same nasty piece of clandestine legislation which allowed the creation of the Federal Reserve and the IRS, both foreign owned corporations.
Why the Progressives just love the 17th Amendment today is abundantly clear. Obama’s health care bill would never have come crawling out from the woodwork without it. It would not be in the best interest of the states and would therefore never stand a chance of passing if the states and by extension, the people had any say in the matter. The same is true for any of the other outrageous bills being shoved on us from this administration. You see there are no more checks and no more balances. There is only a corrupt thugocracy of centralized power run amok.
James Madison felt there was one fatal flaw in our Republic, what he called “factions”, we call them special interests. Everything Madison did in the design of the government was an attempt to curtail the possibility of factions or groups of them to take over and influence leaders of government.
Once the individual state’s voices were silenced there remained two major road blocks to the progressive’s Socio Communist agenda, the media and the nation’s churches. I will leave the total takeover of the media to another article. What the progressives knew and utterly understood about the founding of this nation is the fact that the quest for freedom began from the pulpit. They knew without a single doubt that the pulpit was the most powerful influence on the people ever devised and therefore the most formidable of enemies to the completion of their plans. From there, a long and dedicated effort began to silence and then to control and corrupt the pulpit.
In 1954 a disgruntled newly elected senator, Lyndon Baines Johnson, angry over campaign attention from the opposition pointing out his being an atheist, set out to settle the score. Under the cover of innocent benevolence he introduced, pushed and ultimately succeeded in the passing of The Revenue Act of 1954 which established the tax codes as we know them today in regard to the pulpit. Section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code stated that in order to enjoy tax-exempt status a nonprofit institution must be organized and operated purely for nonprofit reasons with none of its earnings going to any member of the organization. The law under Section 170 provided for tax-deductible contributions to a 501(c) organization.
“For a 501c3 church to openly speak out, or organize in opposition to, anything that the government declares ‘legal,’ even if it is immoral (e.g. abortion, homosexuality, same sex marriages, etc.), that church will jeopardize its tax exempt status. The 501c3 has had a ‘chilling effect’ upon the free speech rights of the church. LBJ was a shrewd and cunning politician who seemed to well-appreciate how easily many of the clergy would sell out.” Peter Kershaw, In Ceasar’s Grip
Once the pulpit was successfully silenced simply by waving a carrot under the noses of the clergy the gates barring corruption in God’s house were quite literally, “blown to hell”. God’s word was effectively drowned out by greed in the simple act of selling the sermon for the price of a tax deduction.
In order to collapse the pulpit altogether the people must be convinced first that the nation was not built on Christian principles, that the founders were basically evil slave owning atheists and had no faith save that of their own lust for power and wealth. It wasn’t really that hard to accomplish once the Department of Education was established in 1979, the absolute power to corrupt was granted the federal government. The rest is history. Or is it?
This past year the Progressive Tides Foundation funded by George Soros launched a massive indoctrination campaign against the nation’s children through the use of the schools and a twisted little work of globalist evil in the form of a video called “The Story of Stuff”, brought to you by your favorite dim witted teacher. Had it not been for the internet and opinion show hosts such as Glenn Beck, this insidious attack on our children would have gone unnoticed and parents everywhere would eventually be wondering where in the world their children were getting these twisted ideas.
True to form Mr. Beck wasted no time in alerting the nation to the latest assault on our youth by the Progressive Globalist Agenda when last week he exposed the Tides Foundation’s latest evil, another far more subtle video abomination for the purpose of dissemination through the churches called “Let There Be Stuff” containing a deliberate twisting of Christian teaching and principles. Throughout the seemingly harmless (on the surface) video is a healthy dose of extreme left ideology such as Pantheism (the belief that God is the Universe as opposed to God made the Universe), instructing us to worship the earth rather than rule over the earth, go forth and multiply as the Bible teaches in Genesis 128. The video attempts to convince us that all things man has ever created have poisoned us and our environment. The fact that as man advanced, our living environments have become cleaner, healthier and happier is ignored. As we acquire wealth, so too do we improve our living standards and thus our health. Proof of this is simple when looking at the life expectancy rates in comparison to earlier societies. 200 years ago life expectancy in this country was under 35 years. Around 1800, when industry became prevalent that number began to rise until now it is somewhere around 80 years of age. How then has man’s industrialization, creativity and advancement been a detriment to longevity and survival? In the same chapter they start pushing the unproven and in fact trashed notion of Global Warming changed and referred to as Climate Change. I won’t go into the absurdity of the notion in the first place but suffice it to say that the “Greatest Scam” in history for the purpose of massive wealth for the few even when exposed is not going to stop. Quite to the contrary, when we object to our children being brain washed in school the progressives go after them in our churches.
Nowhere in the Bible are we told to serve the earth, to worship or become subservient to our environment. In point of fact it tells us just the opposite. Of course God is ordering benevolent rule the earth and it’s creatures and God never says that man is to rule over man.
Look back to ancient Babylon for the first instance of Socialism and Totalitarianism where weather was God and used to control the people…. Seems the scam is as “Old as the hills”. All Christians need to speak with their church leaders and ban this publication from being used. If those church leaders refuse and insist upon disseminating this Progressive Propaganda to your children, you are attending the wrong church. Here’s a refreshing idea, demand your church abandon its compliance with the IRS 501c-3! Bring your church out of Babylon and back to God!
Mr. Soros is definitely not happy with Mr. Beck or his ilk and in his usual nasty manner has begun a major boycott effort against him with an attack on the sponsors of the radio and television shows Mr. Beck hosts.
As America begins to stir from her long nap and wipes the sleep from her eyes shaking her head to eliminate the fog of disuse she is shocked. Suddenly she finds that she has traded her freedom and liberty for a false sense of security, her children for future monetary gain by signing birth certificates and obtaining SSI numbers, her wealth for runaway social entitlement programs, her precious ingenuity and creativity for foreign favor and begins to panic. Tea Parties start organizing populated by the still sleepy masses convinced they can fix things and all will be well by a simple house cleaning via the November elections not stopping to think, ask vital questions and demand answers. Questions which if not asked and answered destine them to repeat same long sleep. Instead they ready themselves to rush dutifully to the polls in November, express their outrage in the form of a vote and then march home in righteous indignation at what they have perceived as the cause of the evil never facing the fact that all they have done is change actors on the same stage in the same play using the same script and nothing has truly been accomplished. The progressives and their Globalist Agenda ARE THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT and they have managed to infect the entire nation with sick twisted thinking. They are not Elephants or Donkeys, they are simply masquerading as such. While many of them could certainly be referred to as “asses”, they don’t have four legs and swishy tails or big ears and the feet the size of Texas.
It is now common knowledge that the federal government under which we have been governed for 134 years is a corporation and therefore is not our government operating under our Constitution but under a set of “executive orders” devised for their own purposes but we continue playing the game. Voting as if it made on iota of difference when it not only doesn’t it can’t.
We pay no attention to news stories like this one and others like it… ACORN has changed its name. They have "re-invented" themselves...just in time to support Barack Hussein Obama's allies in the next election --- less than 15 days away. ACORN still has a chance to ONCE AGAIN steal an election by using dead people on the election rolls. ACORN still has the opportunity to misuse YOUR taxpayer dollars!
Americans go about their daily lives in abject ignorance while the current corrupt administration hammers away on the nation’s coffin paying no attention whatsoever to the blatantly absurd power grab going on or where it will lead. Why is there no nationwide outrage over some of these issues:
Obama will push for $50 billion infrastructure package in lame-duck session
By Jackie Calmes
The New York Times
Posted: 10/12/2010 01:00:00 AM MDT
WASHINGTON — The Obama administration said Monday that it would ask the lame-duck Congress next month to approve a $50 billion down payment on the president's long-range initiative to improve the nation's roads, railways and air systems and to find savings to offset that cost, suggesting a new urgency to create jobs after last week's disappointing unemployment report.
President Barack Obama met at the White House with mayors, governors and current and former transportation secretaries of both parties to promote the infrastructure initiative, which he first proposed in September. Afterward, Ray LaHood, his transportation secretary and a former Republican congressman, told reporters that the lame-duck session would present an "upfront opportunity" to pass the $50 billion measure.
During an off-camera press gaggle Wednesday morning, Press Secretary Robert Gibbs enumerated the Democrats’ lame-duck agenda. On it are the ratification of the START II treaty Obama signed earlier this year with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, the Child Nutrition Reauthorization package addressing school-meal funding, and an impending solution to the summer-long debate over extending tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans before they expire in January. Gibbs also expressed interest in Jacob Lew being confirmed as head of the Office of Management and Budget.
While the list may not be exhaustive, it’s missing several marquee items that Democrats have publicly considered squeezing into the two-month session. Revising off-shore drilling regulations had been a priority for Democrats, although bickering late in the summer killed the prospect, taking down with it a larger set of environmental and energy regulations. A renewable-energy standard designed to give a boost to solar and wind energy was also rumored to be set for November or early December because of fear of enhanced Republican opposition in the new year. And a legislative package of immigration reforms, including the DREAM Act, which would provide a path to citizenship for undocumented college students, was tentatively scheduled for the end of the year.
By Dr. Laurie Roth Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Hidden Real Estate Sales tax in Health care bill – Surprise!There are already at least 20 hidden taxes in the Obama Health care plan coming down upon us the next few years. So, along with rationed care for seniors and forced health insurance, we now find there is a Real Estate Tax snuck into the Health care plan. You may ask, what in God’s green earth does health care have to do with Real Estate taxes??? Absolutely nothing, that is precisely why one got snuck in there.
New Civilian Army Hidden Within The Healthcare Bill?
Knowledge is power, and Kelly Wolf’s recent editorial at Right Side News deserves review by American citizens. Although Wolf couches the editorial as speculation and conjecture, it looks as if the “progressive” Left may have established a variation of Barack Obama’s private army. It all depends on how nefarious their intent is. On page 1,311 of the healthcare legislation passed last Sunday and signed into law by President Obama a new army, a Commissioned Corps and Ready Reserve Corps, is created. Wolf contends,
“The bill contains all the elements to allow this hostile administration all the power it needs to completely control and eventually destroy every freedom and liberty of Americans. It gives the government total power over the health and well-being of each citizen, making us supplicants to their throne of Government controlled HealthCare.”
Black Panther Investigation Broadens, Could Ensnare Obama
The federal investigation into the Justice Department’s handling of the Black Panther voter intimidation case has widened its scope in ways that increase the chances the president will be impeached in the new year.
In a letter delivered today to Attorney General Eric Holder, the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights indicated its investigation has shifted from a narrow focus on dropping the Philadelphia case to the broader question of whether the DoJ – and the Obama administration – is systematically discriminating against white victims.
Commission members voted 5-1 to send the new letter, which notes their “original aim was to determine the reasons for and implications of DOJ’s dismissal of most of the New Black Panther Party voter intimidation lawsuit.” It adds, “Our current focus is on the following systemic issue: the growing evidence of a culture of hostility in the Civil Rights Division to the race-neutral enforcement of the civil rights laws that may involve both supervisory attorneys and some of your political appointees.”
OBAMA refuses to disclose identity documents and proof of eligiblility
Shock video: Top Dem, socialists plot '1-world' scheme
Plan calls for unions, clergy, civil rights leaders to 'strengthen' Obama
The Democratic chairman of the powerful House Judiciary Committee has been caught on tape meeting with a U.S.-based, Marxist-oriented socialist organization to discuss how the group can cooperate to strengthen President Obama and advance their "one-world" plans.
Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., who has a long history with the Democratic Socialists of America, or DSA, was recorded promoting a "one-world" government, while asking the socialist group to organize against the war in Afghanistan and in support of Obama's policies.
1 of the 2 Administrative Judges at the Commodity Futures Trading Commission Vowed NEVER to Let a Complainant Win. He's Kept His Promise for 20 Years
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) is an important agency. It is largely responsible for regulating derivatives and other important instruments.
It is supposed to prevent and prosecute fraud.
So it is stunning that one of the two administrative judges for the CFTC has written and filed a "Notice and Order" saying:
There are two administrative law judges at the Commodity Futures Trading Commission: myself and the Honorable Bruce Levine. On Judge Levine's first week on the job, nearly twenty years ago, he came into my office and stated that he had promised Wendy Gramm, then Chairwoman of the Commission, that we would never rule in a complainant's favor. A review of his rulings will confirm that he has fulfilled his vow. Judge Levine, in the cynical guise of enforcing the rules, forces pro se complaints to run a hostile procedural gauntlet until they lose hope, and either withdraw their complaint or settle for a pittance, regardless of the merits of the case.
Those are but a few of the crimes being committed against us. Are we so lazy and ignorant that we now behave like a bunch of 60’s teenagers on LSD watching in drugged hallucinogenic amazement at the show? It would seem so.
This nation is dying, her feeble tears unseen, her voice reduced to a bare whisper as she succumbs to the infection of “Original Sin”. Her once proud people have lost all direction, moral fiber, uniquely American ingenuity and creativity, charity and common sense but much more important, her people have relinquished the Grace of God to graven images and false idols in the form of politicians.
While ungodly individuals seek to transform this great country into a third world poverty stricken land inhabited by the hopeless we See No Evil, Hear No Evil and Speak No Evil just as we have been carefully taught to do. Am I the only one hearing America’s desperate whisper, feeling the fall of her tears on my shoulders? Is a lone woman the only one who sees what has to be done? No. Thankfully I do not go forth to right this wrong alone. There are hundreds of thousands across the nation finally standing and pledging to re-inhabit the Republic but hundreds of thousands are not enough. There are roughly 380 million people in this country and to thwart the angel of death’s plan it will require a massive move to educate, inspire and call to action a majority of them.
Where do we start? Well the obvious answer is to march your behind right over to the Republic web site and get yourself signed up to support your country. In the interest of a crisis of time there is a procedure there to download, sign and submit your documents to declare yourself free however I must stress that is only the first step. Those documents will not stand in a court of law should they ever need to having been done by digital or electronic means but they will officially place you under the protective umbrella of your Restored Republic until you take the next step. You must take it upon yourself to contact your local Grand Jury or Ambassador to have your documents done in person and by wet ink signature so that you will have in your possession a lawful indisputable record of your sovereign rights under your true Constitutional Republic. If you need help with that email us here and we will help you contact the proper individual in your Republic (state).
This restored Republic is yours! As it was designed to be from the beginning it is a government of the people, for the people and by the people. With it comes great responsibility. Start asking questions and demanding answers! Never again allow your leaders to direct you, you direct them! Tell the government what you want and how you want them to do it! From your villages, cities, counties and states to the federal level do not allow a single compromise to the framework laid out in the Constitution. Never even consider trading a liberty for a promise, a right for a handout, a principle for a dollar or a tax break for God’s word!
Watch, take notice and allow no secrecy, no back door deals, no special interests, no silly notions like “political correctness” or “for your own good in the interest of National Security”. This is your country. TAKE CARE OF IT!
When you hear outrageous claims like “this is not a Christian based nation”, or “our founders were largely slave owning atheists”, don’t just ignore and shrug your shoulders. CALL THEM ON IT! LOUDLY!
If for instance it were true that George Washington was not Christian as school children and adults alike are told by tour guides at our nation’s historical monuments, why would he have said this……….
It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of almighty god, to obey his will to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor… George Washington October 3, 1789
The next time you are told you must hold your tongue or your pen because the so called “law” says you will be held accountable for “offending” someone who can’t act like an adult and respect your right to speak read your Bill of Rights!
The next time you see your flag disrespected, disregarded or desecrated in any way, remember this above all else. America is the last bastion of freedom on earth!
Take heed America, these words by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow from his ageless poem “The Building Of The Ship”…
“Humanity with all its fears, with all its hopes of future years, is hanging breathless on thy fate.”
There is still a chance though it be a last one to turn “Original Sin” back to righteousness but not if you read this and do nothing………..
The ball is in your court America!
The Restored Republic of the united States of America…
republic, global settlements, dark cabal
RAP Restor america news updates
Restored Republic of the united States of America
Restored Republic of the united States of America
The CHANGE our Founders Believed In!
If you are visiting this blog, you probably already know something has been very seriously wrong in this country for quite some time. But did you know your country has been restored to you? Did you even know you had lost it? Did you know that everything you were taught in school in regard to your country, your history, your government and even basic facts about your rights were lies and misdirection and that those lies were deliberate? Probably not but don’t feel bad, few do.
We will attempt here to give you some basics that have been kept from you so that you can first recognize what has been done to you and why, and then understand what has been done for you to begin correcting it; paving the way for you to reclaim your life, your liberty and your pursuit of happiness. In short, to repossess that which our founding fathers guaranteed to you when they penned our founding documents, your God given, unalienable rights.
Before we begin with what went wrong, before we fill you in on how dangerously close you came not only to living out your life under a communist, socialist regime, but how close you came to selling your children and all their children into abject poverty and hopeless slavery, we will give you the good news. The good news should make the bad news much easier to digest. At least you can learn the worst from a place of relief instead of hopeless defeat, from hope not of anger.
The good news is the Republic (yes that’s right we are not and never have been a democracy) of the united States of America has been restored. Yes, we know you didn’t know it had ever been destroyed and we’ll get to that but the fact that it has in fact been restored is the reason that you can take a huge breath and let out a loud sigh of relief. Your prosperity, your rights and your futures have been restored along with it. The yoke of slavery brought down upon you by an overblown federal government stripping you of your liberties and your wealth has been unlocked. It is now up to you to choose between life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and a life of poverty and servitude. The last time the people of this nation were given that choice was 1775. We will tell you how you can stand tall, proud and free once again when you reach the end of the bad news portion of this missive.
The bad news: The last lawfully elected President of the Republic of the united States of America was Abraham Lincoln. At the outbreak of the Civil War President Lincoln declared a national emergency, placed the country under martial law and suspended the constitution for the duration of the war. After the war the country lay devastated and still hopelessly divided as the south struggled to rebuild and bitter roots of resentment took hold as the era of “reconstruction” began. The south was eventually resurrected, the Constitution was not.
In 1868 with the country still under a declared national emergency, the 41st congress allowed the federal government to incorporate and to inhabit a corporate location to be known as “The District of Columbia”. In 1871 congress unlawfully, without informing the public much less procuring the consent of the people, made it official by unconstitutionally passing the ACT of 1871, formally declaring the corporation of the United States to be the lawful government of the country with no jurisdiction outside the District of Columbia except by our consent (not asked for but gotten by insidious means which we are only now discovering) and having jurisdiction over the various territories ie; the Virgin Islands, the Maldives, Puerto Rico etc.
The corporate federal government then discarded our original constitution and began to draft their own, so similar as to escape our notice. (You cannot use the Constitution to defend yourself because you are not a party to it. (Padelford Fay & Co. v. The mayor and Alderman of the City of Savannah 14 Georgia 438, 520.) The original 13th amendment was removed in order to avoid violation of their version of the constitution from the start. The truth has been thrust before our eyes and assaulted our ears ever since. How many times have you seen in print or heard a politician refer to the constitution as “The Constitution of the United States?” There, friends and neighbors is the original lie for all to see and hear for our true original de jure Constitution was written as, “The Constitution for the united States of America. Words mean everything and the changing of one seemingly unimportant word can and did make the difference between a free republic and a corporate takeover.
With the takeover complete and the people still blissfully in the dark, the “Transformation of America” began in earnest. In order to accomplish that transformation without another war the secret had to be kept and the society of America drastically changed and “dumbed down” in the extreme. The reason for the takeover was simple. Greed, for money certainly but mostly for the acquisition of that which those who have everything cannot have; power, complete and total power, so much power as to give those who hold it, control over the entire world. The force behind this transformation was a group of powerful foreign bankers, (more details on them in a future article). They had attempted many times to take over America by capturing her monetary system and failed. With the Act of 1871 the door to obscene power and wealth was thrown wide open. America was then on a sure and certain path to destruction at the hands of a few self appointed elite.
The plan was brilliant and carefully crafted by men who had an infinite amount of patience. They knew it would take decades to accomplish but the game was on. By 1913, under Woodrow Wilson, they were able to corrupt congress enough to get the 16th and 17th amendments passed. Even though the 16th was never ratified what the people didn’t know was just fine with them. The 16th paved the way for the bankers to gain complete control over the nation’s monetary system with the creation of the Federal Reserve Debt System, (nothing federal about it, owned lock stock and barrel by a foreign corporation) designed at a weekend retreat in Georgia called Jekyll Island. Following that, the IRS, also owned by them, was created.
To further control the monetary system and place the people under permanent debt, the bankers manipulated the economy and plunged the nation into the great depression. Then their handpicked CEO, (remember the government is now a corporation not a government therefore there are no restrictions of birthright etc. to hold that office), Franklin D. Roosevelt called in all the nation’s gold leaving the population with absolutely worthless paper notes backed by nothing, created out of thin air and based on debt.
The second step was creating a way to profit even more on the greatest resource the nation possessed, her people. Have you ever stopped to wonder where the term “Human Resources” originated? How can humans be a national resource? The term itself implies ownership and that is exactly what it means. We are Human capital (Executive Order 13037. ) With the enactment of two items we were converted from a free people to corporate chattel; the Certificate of Live Birth and later the Social Security system. Both of those documents create an all capital name entity which is bonded and traded on the open market. A trust account is created in that name and from that moment on everything you do in commerce for the rest of your life is based on forcing you to borrow on your own money while creating debt from it while the elite amass wealth by stealing your sweat equity. (You own no property, slaves can’t own property. Read the Deed to the property that you think is yours. You are listed as a Tenant. (Senate Document 43, 73rd Congress 1 st. Session). Every time you sign your name on a check, a credit application, a license of any kind, a contract or check that little box “are you a U.S. Citizen”, you are granting your permission to be under the unconstitutional jurisdiction of THE CORPORATION UNITED STATES. Take out a magnifying glass and examine the line on your checks where you sign your name. Look at your SSI card, drivers license, credit and debit cards etc., and you will see your name in all capital letters indicating that corporate entity. That entity is known as your “Straw Man”. (more on this at a later time). Even worse, by signing a birth certificate for your child you have just given legal custody of that child to the state which is why the state can take that child from you if they decide that you should not have him or her.
We have not had a Treasury since 1921. In 1944 by the Breton Woods Agreement our nation’s capitol, indeed all of the District of Columbia was ceded to the IMF (owns the Federal Reserve, IRS and the various alphabet agencies which are also corporate entities, FCC, CIA, FBI, NASA etc.) The IMF is an Agency of the UN. (Black’s Law Dictionary 6th Ed. Pg 816). New York City is defined in the Federal Regulations as the United Nations. Rudolph Giuliani stated on C-Span that “New York City was the capitol of the world” and he was correct. (20 CFR chapter 111, subpart B 422.103 (b) (2) (2) (also check out Rev. 14 in reference to what happened on 9/11)
So now the elite own the country, the money and the people. Again, brilliant but not by any means a plan completed. Even up to this point if the people had been made aware of the plan behind the scenes they would have revolted. Americans are particularly covetous of their perceived freedom, regardless of the fact that their rights were slowly but surely disappearing. So what was left for the elite to do in order to accomplish total control? Well they had to change the way Americans behave, how they learn, what they believe and how they will react. That meant control over education; enter the Federal Department of Education (Have you read your children’s history books? Better yet have you ever read those your parents and grandparents were taught from and then read your children’s history books?). Naturally American politics and ideology had to be manipulated as well. This is where the emerging “progressives” excelled. The ideology of the progressives is based on Marxism and a fantasy utopian socialist society. Never mind that it has never worked in the history of the world even though it has been tried hundreds of times and continues to be the source of suffering, genocide and serfdom in many places around the world today. The elite don’t believe in this ideology but they do recognize it as a means to an end. Under progressive influence both society and political thinking were gradually and drastically changed. The concept of “political correctness” (PC), was born and slowly replaced common sense. People are just now realizing that PC has usurped and replaced the 1st of the ten “Bill of Rights”, freedom of speech.
Gradually the elite bought up every mainstream media outlet on the air waves and those in the form of the written word. Today they literally control very nearly all news, television and radio programming, major newspapers and magazines and even what you see on the “big screen” at theaters across the nation. The average American is blissfully unaware that they are presented only with what the corporation wants them to know and are deliberately kept from any information which might lead them to question. Basic American values of morality, personal responsibility and virtue were chipped away and eroded. “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters”, Benjamin Franklin. The elite are more than happy to be that master. While the educational system is used to indoctrinate, the media is used to brainwash, all the while, Americans still believe they are free.
Education and media, two out of three ain’t bad in just a few decades. The biggest obstacle to the elite’s plan was and continues to be America’s faith. Today we live in a PC soaked society where the virtuous, the moral and the faithful are vilified, especially those of the Christian faith. Even the word god is struck from our classrooms, crosses banned in public and national religious holidays reduced to generic secular celebrations. Our judicial branch of government has twisted the constitution so far that decisions are handed down based on a concept which is not anywhere mentioned in a single founding document, “Separation of Church and State.” Nowhere is that mentioned in our Constitution, Bill of Rights or Declaration of Independence. In reality it was a term used in a letter written by Thomas Jefferson which was taken out of context for the sake of expediency. By destroying America’s faith the foundation of her society is also destroyed, the family. "You don't need God anymore, you have us Democrats." - Nancy Pelosi (Quoted 2006)
If you doubt for a moment that you are under an unlawful, unconstitutional de facto government, just walk into any courtroom in the land, look at the flag. Why does it have gold braid and fringe around it? That gold fringe represents the rule of law which holds jurisdiction in that court and it’s not the common law of the land, it’s Military Maritime Law! Those of us who believe that the Yellow Fringed Flag is the 'Law of Admiralty' Flag will know all about this. For the rest of us, this will be a shocking new disclosure. President, Dwight David Eisenhower signed Executive Order No.10834 on August 21, 1959 and had printed in the Federal Register at 24 F.R. 6865, pursuant to the law, stated that: "A military flag is a flag that resembles the regular flag of the United States, except that it has a yellow fringe border on three sides." This signifies that when you enter that court you have entered and placed yourself under foreign jurisdiction. Our true Constitution and Republic form of government is the law of the land, Common Law and that law has been shoved aside, hidden and left to mold with time while the corporation marches us down the road to dictatorship and one world poverty.
Everything above is easily verified but is the bare tip of the iceberg in the corruption and deception this nation has been enveloped in for more than 134 years. We are now told that our Constitution is out dated, irrelevant and a “list” of negative rules. The founders wrote the document that way in an attempt to insure that no branch of government could over run the people. The Legislative branch was designed with two houses for a reason. The Senate was structured to be the federal arm of representation for the State Legislatures. That’s why our constitution dictates Senators be appointed by those bodies but the 17th amendment erased that and placed the Senate under the same corrupted election system the Congress is subject to. Our States now have virtually no representation on the federal level so neither, do we the people.
This is why your government does not listen to you. This is why they only appear to when campaigning for election and promptly do as they please once they reach the hill. They DO NOT WORK FOR YOU! They work for a foreign owned banking cabal better known as the International Monetary Fund.
So today we have a hopelessly bloated federal government which literally controls every single aspect of your life from the pillows you sleep on to the food on your table, there is not one thing you do from the time you rise in the morning to the time you lay your head down at night that is not regulated in one way or another from a local, state or federal government.
We have forgotten our founders and who we are. We have through apathy and indoctrination, allowed ourselves to be enslaved and dependent upon a corrupt corporation. It’s time to reverse what has been done to the greatest nation on earth. Violence and force is not the way, the corporation is now imploding as it finds itself so internally corrupt that it has lost control over its players. There have been untold numbers of crimes against humanity to be paid accounted for but that will be dealt with later. First we must restore our honor and our country, and then look to the future for our children and grandchildren.
The rightful government of our founders has been re-inhabited, quietly, peacefully and behind the scenes. It is funded and ready to pick up the broken pieces of this great society when the corporation crumbles and the economy collapses. Just like the first half of the last century both entities will exist at once for a short time. During that time measures are being taken to insure the least amount of chaos and hardship possible for the American people as the rats desert the ship. However this is America and no person can be forced to choose freedom and the Republic over slavery. If you choose to remain a slave to the collapsing nanny state, you are free to do so. If on the other hand, you are outraged at what has been done to you and ready to return to the land of our forefathers, visit the official site of the re-inhabited Republic. Read the plan, the declarations and then sign the declaration and step back into your rightful heritage as an American. You will be given the opportunity to step up to serve in different ways if you so choose but that, is not necessary. The account and password function will not work until you are sent a confirmation via email of your signature. While this time you don’t have to gather minute men, your musket and rations to fight a revolutionary war, you are still being given the same choice your ancestors made in 1775!
We will be posting articles authored by us and others on subjects touched on above and with the intention of education and enlightenment while we endeavor to help those who must learn once again what it means and how to be, a free people. Welcome to the land of our forefathers and mothers, America! The CHANGE our Founders Believed In!
The CHANGE our Founders Believed In!
If you are visiting this blog, you probably already know something has been very seriously wrong in this country for quite some time. But did you know your country has been restored to you? Did you even know you had lost it? Did you know that everything you were taught in school in regard to your country, your history, your government and even basic facts about your rights were lies and misdirection and that those lies were deliberate? Probably not but don’t feel bad, few do.
We will attempt here to give you some basics that have been kept from you so that you can first recognize what has been done to you and why, and then understand what has been done for you to begin correcting it; paving the way for you to reclaim your life, your liberty and your pursuit of happiness. In short, to repossess that which our founding fathers guaranteed to you when they penned our founding documents, your God given, unalienable rights.
Before we begin with what went wrong, before we fill you in on how dangerously close you came not only to living out your life under a communist, socialist regime, but how close you came to selling your children and all their children into abject poverty and hopeless slavery, we will give you the good news. The good news should make the bad news much easier to digest. At least you can learn the worst from a place of relief instead of hopeless defeat, from hope not of anger.
The good news is the Republic (yes that’s right we are not and never have been a democracy) of the united States of America has been restored. Yes, we know you didn’t know it had ever been destroyed and we’ll get to that but the fact that it has in fact been restored is the reason that you can take a huge breath and let out a loud sigh of relief. Your prosperity, your rights and your futures have been restored along with it. The yoke of slavery brought down upon you by an overblown federal government stripping you of your liberties and your wealth has been unlocked. It is now up to you to choose between life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and a life of poverty and servitude. The last time the people of this nation were given that choice was 1775. We will tell you how you can stand tall, proud and free once again when you reach the end of the bad news portion of this missive.
The bad news: The last lawfully elected President of the Republic of the united States of America was Abraham Lincoln. At the outbreak of the Civil War President Lincoln declared a national emergency, placed the country under martial law and suspended the constitution for the duration of the war. After the war the country lay devastated and still hopelessly divided as the south struggled to rebuild and bitter roots of resentment took hold as the era of “reconstruction” began. The south was eventually resurrected, the Constitution was not.
In 1868 with the country still under a declared national emergency, the 41st congress allowed the federal government to incorporate and to inhabit a corporate location to be known as “The District of Columbia”. In 1871 congress unlawfully, without informing the public much less procuring the consent of the people, made it official by unconstitutionally passing the ACT of 1871, formally declaring the corporation of the United States to be the lawful government of the country with no jurisdiction outside the District of Columbia except by our consent (not asked for but gotten by insidious means which we are only now discovering) and having jurisdiction over the various territories ie; the Virgin Islands, the Maldives, Puerto Rico etc.
The corporate federal government then discarded our original constitution and began to draft their own, so similar as to escape our notice. (You cannot use the Constitution to defend yourself because you are not a party to it. (Padelford Fay & Co. v. The mayor and Alderman of the City of Savannah 14 Georgia 438, 520.) The original 13th amendment was removed in order to avoid violation of their version of the constitution from the start. The truth has been thrust before our eyes and assaulted our ears ever since. How many times have you seen in print or heard a politician refer to the constitution as “The Constitution of the United States?” There, friends and neighbors is the original lie for all to see and hear for our true original de jure Constitution was written as, “The Constitution for the united States of America. Words mean everything and the changing of one seemingly unimportant word can and did make the difference between a free republic and a corporate takeover.
With the takeover complete and the people still blissfully in the dark, the “Transformation of America” began in earnest. In order to accomplish that transformation without another war the secret had to be kept and the society of America drastically changed and “dumbed down” in the extreme. The reason for the takeover was simple. Greed, for money certainly but mostly for the acquisition of that which those who have everything cannot have; power, complete and total power, so much power as to give those who hold it, control over the entire world. The force behind this transformation was a group of powerful foreign bankers, (more details on them in a future article). They had attempted many times to take over America by capturing her monetary system and failed. With the Act of 1871 the door to obscene power and wealth was thrown wide open. America was then on a sure and certain path to destruction at the hands of a few self appointed elite.
The plan was brilliant and carefully crafted by men who had an infinite amount of patience. They knew it would take decades to accomplish but the game was on. By 1913, under Woodrow Wilson, they were able to corrupt congress enough to get the 16th and 17th amendments passed. Even though the 16th was never ratified what the people didn’t know was just fine with them. The 16th paved the way for the bankers to gain complete control over the nation’s monetary system with the creation of the Federal Reserve Debt System, (nothing federal about it, owned lock stock and barrel by a foreign corporation) designed at a weekend retreat in Georgia called Jekyll Island. Following that, the IRS, also owned by them, was created.
To further control the monetary system and place the people under permanent debt, the bankers manipulated the economy and plunged the nation into the great depression. Then their handpicked CEO, (remember the government is now a corporation not a government therefore there are no restrictions of birthright etc. to hold that office), Franklin D. Roosevelt called in all the nation’s gold leaving the population with absolutely worthless paper notes backed by nothing, created out of thin air and based on debt.
The second step was creating a way to profit even more on the greatest resource the nation possessed, her people. Have you ever stopped to wonder where the term “Human Resources” originated? How can humans be a national resource? The term itself implies ownership and that is exactly what it means. We are Human capital (Executive Order 13037. ) With the enactment of two items we were converted from a free people to corporate chattel; the Certificate of Live Birth and later the Social Security system. Both of those documents create an all capital name entity which is bonded and traded on the open market. A trust account is created in that name and from that moment on everything you do in commerce for the rest of your life is based on forcing you to borrow on your own money while creating debt from it while the elite amass wealth by stealing your sweat equity. (You own no property, slaves can’t own property. Read the Deed to the property that you think is yours. You are listed as a Tenant. (Senate Document 43, 73rd Congress 1 st. Session). Every time you sign your name on a check, a credit application, a license of any kind, a contract or check that little box “are you a U.S. Citizen”, you are granting your permission to be under the unconstitutional jurisdiction of THE CORPORATION UNITED STATES. Take out a magnifying glass and examine the line on your checks where you sign your name. Look at your SSI card, drivers license, credit and debit cards etc., and you will see your name in all capital letters indicating that corporate entity. That entity is known as your “Straw Man”. (more on this at a later time). Even worse, by signing a birth certificate for your child you have just given legal custody of that child to the state which is why the state can take that child from you if they decide that you should not have him or her.
We have not had a Treasury since 1921. In 1944 by the Breton Woods Agreement our nation’s capitol, indeed all of the District of Columbia was ceded to the IMF (owns the Federal Reserve, IRS and the various alphabet agencies which are also corporate entities, FCC, CIA, FBI, NASA etc.) The IMF is an Agency of the UN. (Black’s Law Dictionary 6th Ed. Pg 816). New York City is defined in the Federal Regulations as the United Nations. Rudolph Giuliani stated on C-Span that “New York City was the capitol of the world” and he was correct. (20 CFR chapter 111, subpart B 422.103 (b) (2) (2) (also check out Rev. 14 in reference to what happened on 9/11)
So now the elite own the country, the money and the people. Again, brilliant but not by any means a plan completed. Even up to this point if the people had been made aware of the plan behind the scenes they would have revolted. Americans are particularly covetous of their perceived freedom, regardless of the fact that their rights were slowly but surely disappearing. So what was left for the elite to do in order to accomplish total control? Well they had to change the way Americans behave, how they learn, what they believe and how they will react. That meant control over education; enter the Federal Department of Education (Have you read your children’s history books? Better yet have you ever read those your parents and grandparents were taught from and then read your children’s history books?). Naturally American politics and ideology had to be manipulated as well. This is where the emerging “progressives” excelled. The ideology of the progressives is based on Marxism and a fantasy utopian socialist society. Never mind that it has never worked in the history of the world even though it has been tried hundreds of times and continues to be the source of suffering, genocide and serfdom in many places around the world today. The elite don’t believe in this ideology but they do recognize it as a means to an end. Under progressive influence both society and political thinking were gradually and drastically changed. The concept of “political correctness” (PC), was born and slowly replaced common sense. People are just now realizing that PC has usurped and replaced the 1st of the ten “Bill of Rights”, freedom of speech.
Gradually the elite bought up every mainstream media outlet on the air waves and those in the form of the written word. Today they literally control very nearly all news, television and radio programming, major newspapers and magazines and even what you see on the “big screen” at theaters across the nation. The average American is blissfully unaware that they are presented only with what the corporation wants them to know and are deliberately kept from any information which might lead them to question. Basic American values of morality, personal responsibility and virtue were chipped away and eroded. “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters”, Benjamin Franklin. The elite are more than happy to be that master. While the educational system is used to indoctrinate, the media is used to brainwash, all the while, Americans still believe they are free.
Education and media, two out of three ain’t bad in just a few decades. The biggest obstacle to the elite’s plan was and continues to be America’s faith. Today we live in a PC soaked society where the virtuous, the moral and the faithful are vilified, especially those of the Christian faith. Even the word god is struck from our classrooms, crosses banned in public and national religious holidays reduced to generic secular celebrations. Our judicial branch of government has twisted the constitution so far that decisions are handed down based on a concept which is not anywhere mentioned in a single founding document, “Separation of Church and State.” Nowhere is that mentioned in our Constitution, Bill of Rights or Declaration of Independence. In reality it was a term used in a letter written by Thomas Jefferson which was taken out of context for the sake of expediency. By destroying America’s faith the foundation of her society is also destroyed, the family. "You don't need God anymore, you have us Democrats." - Nancy Pelosi (Quoted 2006)
If you doubt for a moment that you are under an unlawful, unconstitutional de facto government, just walk into any courtroom in the land, look at the flag. Why does it have gold braid and fringe around it? That gold fringe represents the rule of law which holds jurisdiction in that court and it’s not the common law of the land, it’s Military Maritime Law! Those of us who believe that the Yellow Fringed Flag is the 'Law of Admiralty' Flag will know all about this. For the rest of us, this will be a shocking new disclosure. President, Dwight David Eisenhower signed Executive Order No.10834 on August 21, 1959 and had printed in the Federal Register at 24 F.R. 6865, pursuant to the law, stated that: "A military flag is a flag that resembles the regular flag of the United States, except that it has a yellow fringe border on three sides." This signifies that when you enter that court you have entered and placed yourself under foreign jurisdiction. Our true Constitution and Republic form of government is the law of the land, Common Law and that law has been shoved aside, hidden and left to mold with time while the corporation marches us down the road to dictatorship and one world poverty.
Everything above is easily verified but is the bare tip of the iceberg in the corruption and deception this nation has been enveloped in for more than 134 years. We are now told that our Constitution is out dated, irrelevant and a “list” of negative rules. The founders wrote the document that way in an attempt to insure that no branch of government could over run the people. The Legislative branch was designed with two houses for a reason. The Senate was structured to be the federal arm of representation for the State Legislatures. That’s why our constitution dictates Senators be appointed by those bodies but the 17th amendment erased that and placed the Senate under the same corrupted election system the Congress is subject to. Our States now have virtually no representation on the federal level so neither, do we the people.
This is why your government does not listen to you. This is why they only appear to when campaigning for election and promptly do as they please once they reach the hill. They DO NOT WORK FOR YOU! They work for a foreign owned banking cabal better known as the International Monetary Fund.
So today we have a hopelessly bloated federal government which literally controls every single aspect of your life from the pillows you sleep on to the food on your table, there is not one thing you do from the time you rise in the morning to the time you lay your head down at night that is not regulated in one way or another from a local, state or federal government.
We have forgotten our founders and who we are. We have through apathy and indoctrination, allowed ourselves to be enslaved and dependent upon a corrupt corporation. It’s time to reverse what has been done to the greatest nation on earth. Violence and force is not the way, the corporation is now imploding as it finds itself so internally corrupt that it has lost control over its players. There have been untold numbers of crimes against humanity to be paid accounted for but that will be dealt with later. First we must restore our honor and our country, and then look to the future for our children and grandchildren.
The rightful government of our founders has been re-inhabited, quietly, peacefully and behind the scenes. It is funded and ready to pick up the broken pieces of this great society when the corporation crumbles and the economy collapses. Just like the first half of the last century both entities will exist at once for a short time. During that time measures are being taken to insure the least amount of chaos and hardship possible for the American people as the rats desert the ship. However this is America and no person can be forced to choose freedom and the Republic over slavery. If you choose to remain a slave to the collapsing nanny state, you are free to do so. If on the other hand, you are outraged at what has been done to you and ready to return to the land of our forefathers, visit the official site of the re-inhabited Republic. Read the plan, the declarations and then sign the declaration and step back into your rightful heritage as an American. You will be given the opportunity to step up to serve in different ways if you so choose but that, is not necessary. The account and password function will not work until you are sent a confirmation via email of your signature. While this time you don’t have to gather minute men, your musket and rations to fight a revolutionary war, you are still being given the same choice your ancestors made in 1775!
We will be posting articles authored by us and others on subjects touched on above and with the intention of education and enlightenment while we endeavor to help those who must learn once again what it means and how to be, a free people. Welcome to the land of our forefathers and mothers, America! The CHANGE our Founders Believed In!
interesting post by fulford bloger
I have wanted to share some thoughts with all of you since I read Ben’s post and spent some time contemplating it. The current situation is extremely volatile with many parties pointing fingers at each other. Many of these same parties, particularly those associated with a small pugnacious and illegitimate country in the middle East that is filled with ersatz Jews of the Khazarian persuasion, had been PARTNERS in the wholesale theft that was going on around the world. Now that they stand a good chance of being held accountable for their intrigues, they are turning on each other.
The tectonic shifts created by this sudden disaffilation are creating new albeit tenuous detentes which may or may not last. Specifically, Obama and the military allying themselves with each other. The military needs someone who KNOWS the history of the current mess who can identify the players. They need this person for a couple of reasons: one, it will permit them to sift out the rotten from the sound timber in the current structures of state; two, it gives them a rationale for the sorting that has to take place and three, it provides them with someone recognizable as their puppet UNTIL such time as real elections can be held.
There are members of the military who are just as corrupt as the politicians. They have enriched themselves at the expense of their mens’ health and safety. They cannot be removed until a case is built against them in such a way that they can be “sorted out” without creating too much dissension in the ranks. In addition, in order for their removal to work, those among the rank and file with allegiance to these corrupted military types must be removed at the same time. The only way to do this is to monitor all levels to see who meets with whom or communicates etc.
If you go to birdflu666, you will read some disturbing information about Germany plotting against the EU and the USA. This is the Nazi remnants who are also allied with that same illegitimate middle eastern country. It created itself through the device of WWII. (yes, the Khazars used WWII to do two things: one, create their longed-for homeland and two, to reduce the population of legitimate Jews to facilitate their consolidation of power over Jewish identity, religions practices and faith.) There is additional information on alcuin bramerton that is taken from mainstream financial pages. That news reveals that Germany’s finance minister (and clandestine Nazi) accused the USA of trying to subvert the world’s currency valuation mechanisms through manipulation and covert movement of fiat dollars. Brazil had already complained of this same situation.
Lastly, if you go to Veteran’s Today, you will discover that Israel is instigating violence against the USA, England…anyone but itself. This is occurring because Israel fears that the inevitable tanking of the giant investment banks for their role in selling toilet tissue dressed up as investment (real estate derivatives) will pull her down in the undertow. This is a very accurate assessment of the likely outcome of what is being referred to in the mainstream media as the “foreclosuregate.”
Because many of the big players among the globalists have themselves played the derivative roulette and benefitted greatly, they are loathe to lose their “winnings” that is likely to occur from any investigation into the “mortgage mess.” Some of them are shifting their money into war stocks hoping to profit from a war as well as using it to distract the masses from their role in this debacle….(i.e. they shifted jobs overseas AFTER having bought large tranches of CDOs (bets that workers would default on their mortgages.)
When the public finally realizes how thoroughly they have been plucked by the machinations of those that have LIVED LARGE because of their American pedigrees and repaid this favor by sinking the ship of that nation-state, the public will have absolutely no mercy. I do not believe that they will permit themselves to be fooled this time with a sham trial as they were in Nuremberg. In Nuremberg, the financiers of Hitler received the merest of slaps for their role in that horror. This time, I do not think that they will fare as well. There are too many people who understand in some detail what has happened.
China, Brazil, India, Japan and a number of other countries are well-positioned to put their foot down on the spine of Germany and the USA both. Much as Jane B points out (and as Ben has mentioned in the past), despite Rumfilled and Cheney’s love for technological toys, wars are generally won on the ground. He who has the most troops left standing is strategically better positioned to weather a long war which WWIII would likely be. Despite the thought that HAARP provides a deciding factor, it doesn’t because there are HAARP installations owned and operated by China and many European countries. Strategically speaking, the USA might inflict a lot of early damage with HAARP, but in the long run, they would lose a war with China etc. because the troops (even the much-touted mercenaries of XE, CACI etc.) are tired and worn-out from the mess in the middle east.
Drafting the youth of this country probably won’t work as they are quite damaged from all the attempts to kill them off, make them sterile and reduce them to gibbering fools. I am very familiar with these youngsters and I do not foresee them being a malleable fighting force without their Ritalin, allergy shots etc. The conflicting agendas of the elite who have tried every wild-eyed scheme that they have come up with to reduce the population, to weaken the will and the minds of Americans etc. have repeatedly worked at cross purposes. They would be well advised to stop wasting money on chemtrails and run for cover at this juncture. Fortunately, for most of us, they have taken some of their own toxins and, from the ones that I have met, are a bit addle-pated.
We can expect to see a variety of tactics in the coming months. The neocon Nazis will push for open revoliution because they are under the misapprehension that their many Dominionist/Christian zealot troops will be able to control things and get everybody off into the appropriate camps. I frankly don’t see that happening, because the people who benefitted from the camp contracts were over greedy and made them too small. Additionally, the ranks of the zealots in the military have been being thinned by sane and really patriotic non-zealot members of the military. There are going to be fights that reflect the schisms in the military. There will be fights between the military and paramilitary police/etc. When the cash to fund the paramilitary dries up, they will probably lose their enthusiasm for the fight.
The currency wars, foreclosures and other symptoms of the bankster coup will begin to dissipate as the public attacks this situation with real zeal. Expect to see many countries do like China and demand a refund of the money that they spent on derivatives. They will base these demands on the fact that much as Christopher Story had already pointed out, the derivatives were FRAUDULENT in form and function. These FAKE INVESTMENTS that could not convey title to the underlying real estate were like EMPTY boxes of chocolates…they looked nice but ultimately had no value. Proving this fraud is not going to be difficult as there are titles and deeds lacking on most of the mortgages fed into MERS. There is no chain of title as required by law. EVEN IF CONGRESS TRIES TO REMEDY THIS SITUATION WITH A RETROACTIVE LAW, these are not looked upon favorably by the Constitution or the various countries starving while trying to pay their Goldman Sachs bookie for a rigged bet.
The tectonic shifts created by this sudden disaffilation are creating new albeit tenuous detentes which may or may not last. Specifically, Obama and the military allying themselves with each other. The military needs someone who KNOWS the history of the current mess who can identify the players. They need this person for a couple of reasons: one, it will permit them to sift out the rotten from the sound timber in the current structures of state; two, it gives them a rationale for the sorting that has to take place and three, it provides them with someone recognizable as their puppet UNTIL such time as real elections can be held.
There are members of the military who are just as corrupt as the politicians. They have enriched themselves at the expense of their mens’ health and safety. They cannot be removed until a case is built against them in such a way that they can be “sorted out” without creating too much dissension in the ranks. In addition, in order for their removal to work, those among the rank and file with allegiance to these corrupted military types must be removed at the same time. The only way to do this is to monitor all levels to see who meets with whom or communicates etc.
If you go to birdflu666, you will read some disturbing information about Germany plotting against the EU and the USA. This is the Nazi remnants who are also allied with that same illegitimate middle eastern country. It created itself through the device of WWII. (yes, the Khazars used WWII to do two things: one, create their longed-for homeland and two, to reduce the population of legitimate Jews to facilitate their consolidation of power over Jewish identity, religions practices and faith.) There is additional information on alcuin bramerton that is taken from mainstream financial pages. That news reveals that Germany’s finance minister (and clandestine Nazi) accused the USA of trying to subvert the world’s currency valuation mechanisms through manipulation and covert movement of fiat dollars. Brazil had already complained of this same situation.
Lastly, if you go to Veteran’s Today, you will discover that Israel is instigating violence against the USA, England…anyone but itself. This is occurring because Israel fears that the inevitable tanking of the giant investment banks for their role in selling toilet tissue dressed up as investment (real estate derivatives) will pull her down in the undertow. This is a very accurate assessment of the likely outcome of what is being referred to in the mainstream media as the “foreclosuregate.”
Because many of the big players among the globalists have themselves played the derivative roulette and benefitted greatly, they are loathe to lose their “winnings” that is likely to occur from any investigation into the “mortgage mess.” Some of them are shifting their money into war stocks hoping to profit from a war as well as using it to distract the masses from their role in this debacle….(i.e. they shifted jobs overseas AFTER having bought large tranches of CDOs (bets that workers would default on their mortgages.)
When the public finally realizes how thoroughly they have been plucked by the machinations of those that have LIVED LARGE because of their American pedigrees and repaid this favor by sinking the ship of that nation-state, the public will have absolutely no mercy. I do not believe that they will permit themselves to be fooled this time with a sham trial as they were in Nuremberg. In Nuremberg, the financiers of Hitler received the merest of slaps for their role in that horror. This time, I do not think that they will fare as well. There are too many people who understand in some detail what has happened.
China, Brazil, India, Japan and a number of other countries are well-positioned to put their foot down on the spine of Germany and the USA both. Much as Jane B points out (and as Ben has mentioned in the past), despite Rumfilled and Cheney’s love for technological toys, wars are generally won on the ground. He who has the most troops left standing is strategically better positioned to weather a long war which WWIII would likely be. Despite the thought that HAARP provides a deciding factor, it doesn’t because there are HAARP installations owned and operated by China and many European countries. Strategically speaking, the USA might inflict a lot of early damage with HAARP, but in the long run, they would lose a war with China etc. because the troops (even the much-touted mercenaries of XE, CACI etc.) are tired and worn-out from the mess in the middle east.
Drafting the youth of this country probably won’t work as they are quite damaged from all the attempts to kill them off, make them sterile and reduce them to gibbering fools. I am very familiar with these youngsters and I do not foresee them being a malleable fighting force without their Ritalin, allergy shots etc. The conflicting agendas of the elite who have tried every wild-eyed scheme that they have come up with to reduce the population, to weaken the will and the minds of Americans etc. have repeatedly worked at cross purposes. They would be well advised to stop wasting money on chemtrails and run for cover at this juncture. Fortunately, for most of us, they have taken some of their own toxins and, from the ones that I have met, are a bit addle-pated.
We can expect to see a variety of tactics in the coming months. The neocon Nazis will push for open revoliution because they are under the misapprehension that their many Dominionist/Christian zealot troops will be able to control things and get everybody off into the appropriate camps. I frankly don’t see that happening, because the people who benefitted from the camp contracts were over greedy and made them too small. Additionally, the ranks of the zealots in the military have been being thinned by sane and really patriotic non-zealot members of the military. There are going to be fights that reflect the schisms in the military. There will be fights between the military and paramilitary police/etc. When the cash to fund the paramilitary dries up, they will probably lose their enthusiasm for the fight.
The currency wars, foreclosures and other symptoms of the bankster coup will begin to dissipate as the public attacks this situation with real zeal. Expect to see many countries do like China and demand a refund of the money that they spent on derivatives. They will base these demands on the fact that much as Christopher Story had already pointed out, the derivatives were FRAUDULENT in form and function. These FAKE INVESTMENTS that could not convey title to the underlying real estate were like EMPTY boxes of chocolates…they looked nice but ultimately had no value. Proving this fraud is not going to be difficult as there are titles and deeds lacking on most of the mortgages fed into MERS. There is no chain of title as required by law. EVEN IF CONGRESS TRIES TO REMEDY THIS SITUATION WITH A RETROACTIVE LAW, these are not looked upon favorably by the Constitution or the various countries starving while trying to pay their Goldman Sachs bookie for a rigged bet.
republic, global settlements, dark cabal
fulford blog,
Saturday, October 23, 2010
The CHANGE our Founders Believed In!
The CHANGE our Founders Believed In!
If you are visiting this blog, you probably already know something has been very seriously wrong in this country for quite some time. But did you know your country has been restored to you? Did you even know you had lost it? Did you know that everything you were taught in school in regard to your country, your history, your government and even basic facts about your rights were lies and misdirection and that those lies were deliberate? Probably not but don’t feel bad, few do.
We will attempt here to give you some basics that have been kept from you so that you can first recognize what has been done to you and why, and then understand what has been done for you to begin correcting it; paving the way for you to reclaim your life, your liberty and your pursuit of happiness. In short, to repossess that which our founding fathers guaranteed to you when they penned our founding documents, your God given, unalienable rights.
Before we begin with what went wrong, before we fill you in on how dangerously close you came not only to living out your life under a communist, socialist regime, but how close you came to selling your children and all their children into abject poverty and hopeless slavery, we will give you the good news. The good news should make the bad news much easier to digest. At least you can learn the worst from a place of relief instead of hopeless defeat, from hope not of anger.
The good news is the Republic (yes that’s right we are not and never have been a democracy) of the united States of America has been restored. Yes, we know you didn’t know it had ever been destroyed and we’ll get to that but the fact that it has in fact been restored is the reason that you can take a huge breath and let out a loud sigh of relief. Your prosperity, your rights and your futures have been restored along with it. The yoke of slavery brought down upon you by an overblown federal government stripping you of your liberties and your wealth has been unlocked. It is now up to you to choose between life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and a life of poverty and servitude. The last time the people of this nation were given that choice was 1775. We will tell you how you can stand tall, proud and free once again when you reach the end of the bad news portion of this missive.
The bad news: The last lawfully elected President of the Republic of the united States of America was Abraham Lincoln. At the outbreak of the Civil War President Lincoln declared a national emergency, placed the country under martial law and suspended the constitution for the duration of the war. After the war the country lay devastated and still hopelessly divided as the south struggled to rebuild and bitter roots of resentment took hold as the era of “reconstruction” began. The south was eventually resurrected, the Constitution was not.
In 1868 with the country still under a declared national emergency, the 41st congress allowed the federal government to incorporate and to inhabit a corporate location to be known as “The District of Columbia”. In 1871 congress unlawfully, without informing the public much less procuring the consent of the people, made it official by unconstitutionally passing the ACT of 1871, formally declaring the corporation of the United States to be the lawful government of the country with no jurisdiction outside the District of Columbia except by our consent (not asked for but gotten by insidious means which we are only now discovering) and having jurisdiction over the various territories ie; the Virgin Islands, the Maldives, Puerto Rico etc.
The corporate federal government then discarded our original constitution and began to draft their own, so similar as to escape our notice. (You cannot use the Constitution to defend yourself because you are not a party to it. (Padelford Fay & Co. v. The mayor and Alderman of the City of Savannah 14 Georgia 438, 520.) The original 13th amendment was removed in order to avoid violation of their version of the constitution from the start. The truth has been thrust before our eyes and assaulted our ears ever since. How many times have you seen in print or heard a politician refer to the constitution as “The Constitution of the United States?” There, friends and neighbors is the original lie for all to see and hear for our true original de jure Constitution was written as, “The Constitution for the united States of America. Words mean everything and the changing of one seemingly unimportant word can and did make the difference between a free republic and a corporate takeover.
With the takeover complete and the people still blissfully in the dark, the “Transformation of America” began in earnest. In order to accomplish that transformation without another war the secret had to be kept and the society of America drastically changed and “dumbed down” in the extreme. The reason for the takeover was simple. Greed, for money certainly but mostly for the acquisition of that which those who have everything cannot have; power, complete and total power, so much power as to give those who hold it, control over the entire world. The force behind this transformation was a group of powerful foreign bankers, (more details on them in a future article). They had attempted many times to take over America by capturing her monetary system and failed. With the Act of 1871 the door to obscene power and wealth was thrown wide open. America was then on a sure and certain path to destruction at the hands of a few self appointed elite.
The plan was brilliant and carefully crafted by men who had an infinite amount of patience. They knew it would take decades to accomplish but the game was on. By 1913, under Woodrow Wilson, they were able to corrupt congress enough to get the 16th and 17th amendments passed. Even though the 16th was never ratified what the people didn’t know was just fine with them. The 16th paved the way for the bankers to gain complete control over the nation’s monetary system with the creation of the Federal Reserve Debt System, (nothing federal about it, owned lock stock and barrel by a foreign corporation) designed at a weekend retreat in Georgia called Jekyll Island. Following that, the IRS, also owned by them, was created.
To further control the monetary system and place the people under permanent debt, the bankers manipulated the economy and plunged the nation into the great depression. Then their handpicked CEO, (remember the government is now a corporation not a government therefore there are no restrictions of birthright etc. to hold that office), Franklin D. Roosevelt called in all the nation’s gold leaving the population with absolutely worthless paper notes backed by nothing, created out of thin air and based on debt.
The second step was creating a way to profit even more on the greatest resource the nation possessed, her people. Have you ever stopped to wonder where the term “Human Resources” originated? How can humans be a national resource? The term itself implies ownership and that is exactly what it means. We are Human capital (Executive Order 13037. ) With the enactment of two items we were converted from a free people to corporate chattel; the Certificate of Live Birth and later the Social Security system. Both of those documents create an all capital name entity which is bonded and traded on the open market. A trust account is created in that name and from that moment on everything you do in commerce for the rest of your life is based on forcing you to borrow on your own money while creating debt from it while the elite amass wealth by stealing your sweat equity. (You own no property, slaves can’t own property. Read the Deed to the property that you think is yours. You are listed as a Tenant. (Senate Document 43, 73rd Congress 1 st. Session). Every time you sign your name on a check, a credit application, a license of any kind, a contract or check that little box “are you a U.S. Citizen”, you are granting your permission to be under the unconstitutional jurisdiction of THE CORPORATION UNITED STATES. Take out a magnifying glass and examine the line on your checks where you sign your name. Look at your SSI card, drivers license, credit and debit cards etc., and you will see your name in all capital letters indicating that corporate entity. That entity is known as your “Straw Man”. (more on this at a later time). Even worse, by signing a birth certificate for your child you have just given legal custody of that child to the state which is why the state can take that child from you if they decide that you should not have him or her.
We have not had a Treasury since 1921. In 1944 by the Breton Woods Agreement our nation’s capitol, indeed all of the District of Columbia was ceded to the IMF (owns the Federal Reserve, IRS and the various alphabet agencies which are also corporate entities, FCC, CIA, FBI, NASA etc.) The IMF is an Agency of the UN. (Black’s Law Dictionary 6th Ed. Pg 816). New York City is defined in the Federal Regulations as the United Nations. Rudolph Giuliani stated on C-Span that “New York City was the capitol of the world” and he was correct. (20 CFR chapter 111, subpart B 422.103 (b) (2) (2) (also check out Rev. 14 in reference to what happened on 9/11)
So now the elite own the country, the money and the people. Again, brilliant but not by any means a plan completed. Even up to this point if the people had been made aware of the plan behind the scenes they would have revolted. Americans are particularly covetous of their perceived freedom, regardless of the fact that their rights were slowly but surely disappearing. So what was left for the elite to do in order to accomplish total control? Well they had to change the way Americans behave, how they learn, what they believe and how they will react. That meant control over education; enter the Federal Department of Education (Have you read your children’s history books? Better yet have you ever read those your parents and grandparents were taught from and then read your children’s history books?). Naturally American politics and ideology had to be manipulated as well. This is where the emerging “progressives” excelled. The ideology of the progressives is based on Marxism and a fantasy utopian socialist society. Never mind that it has never worked in the history of the world even though it has been tried hundreds of times and continues to be the source of suffering, genocide and serfdom in many places around the world today. The elite don’t believe in this ideology but they do recognize it as a means to an end. Under progressive influence both society and political thinking were gradually and drastically changed. The concept of “political correctness” (PC), was born and slowly replaced common sense. People are just now realizing that PC has usurped and replaced the 1st of the ten “Bill of Rights”, freedom of speech.
Gradually the elite bought up every mainstream media outlet on the air waves and those in the form of the written word. Today they literally control very nearly all news, television and radio programming, major newspapers and magazines and even what you see on the “big screen” at theaters across the nation. The average American is blissfully unaware that they are presented only with what the corporation wants them to know and are deliberately kept from any information which might lead them to question. Basic American values of morality, personal responsibility and virtue were chipped away and eroded. “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters”, Benjamin Franklin. The elite are more than happy to be that master. While the educational system is used to indoctrinate, the media is used to brainwash, all the while, Americans still believe they are free.
Education and media, two out of three ain’t bad in just a few decades. The biggest obstacle to the elite’s plan was and continues to be America’s faith. Today we live in a PC soaked society where the virtuous, the moral and the faithful are vilified, especially those of the Christian faith. Even the word god is struck from our classrooms, crosses banned in public and national religious holidays reduced to generic secular celebrations. Our judicial branch of government has twisted the constitution so far that decisions are handed down based on a concept which is not anywhere mentioned in a single founding document, “Separation of Church and State.” Nowhere is that mentioned in our Constitution, Bill of Rights or Declaration of Independence. In reality it was a term used in a letter written by Thomas Jefferson which was taken out of context for the sake of expediency. By destroying America’s faith the foundation of her society is also destroyed, the family. "You don't need God anymore, you have us Democrats." - Nancy Pelosi (Quoted 2006)
If you doubt for a moment that you are under an unlawful, unconstitutional de facto government, just walk into any courtroom in the land, look at the flag. Why does it have gold braid and fringe around it? That gold fringe represents the rule of law which holds jurisdiction in that court and it’s not the common law of the land, it’s Military Maritime Law! Those of us who believe that the Yellow Fringed Flag is the 'Law of Admiralty' Flag will know all about this. For the rest of us, this will be a shocking new disclosure. President, Dwight David Eisenhower signed Executive Order No.10834 on August 21, 1959 and had printed in the Federal Register at 24 F.R. 6865, pursuant to the law, stated that: "A military flag is a flag that resembles the regular flag of the United States, except that it has a yellow fringe border on three sides." This signifies that when you enter that court you have entered and placed yourself under foreign jurisdiction. Our true Constitution and Republic form of government is the law of the land, Common Law and that law has been shoved aside, hidden and left to mold with time while the corporation marches us down the road to dictatorship and one world poverty.
Everything above is easily verified but is the bare tip of the iceberg in the corruption and deception this nation has been enveloped in for more than 134 years. We are now told that our Constitution is out dated, irrelevant and a “list” of negative rules. The founders wrote the document that way in an attempt to insure that no branch of government could over run the people. The Legislative branch was designed with two houses for a reason. The Senate was structured to be the federal arm of representation for the State Legislatures. That’s why our constitution dictates Senators be appointed by those bodies but the 17th amendment erased that and placed the Senate under the same corrupted election system the Congress is subject to. Our States now have virtually no representation on the federal level so neither, do we the people.
This is why your government does not listen to you. This is why they only appear to when campaigning for election and promptly do as they please once they reach the hill. They DO NOT WORK FOR YOU! They work for a foreign owned banking cabal better known as the International Monetary Fund.
So today we have a hopelessly bloated federal government which literally controls every single aspect of your life from the pillows you sleep on to the food on your table, there is not one thing you do from the time you rise in the morning to the time you lay your head down at night that is not regulated in one way or another from a local, state or federal government.
We have forgotten our founders and who we are. We have through apathy and indoctrination, allowed ourselves to be enslaved and dependent upon a corrupt corporation. It’s time to reverse what has been done to the greatest nation on earth. Violence and force is not the way, the corporation is now imploding as it finds itself so internally corrupt that it has lost control over its players. There have been untold numbers of crimes against humanity to be paid accounted for but that will be dealt with later. First we must restore our honor and our country, and then look to the future for our children and grandchildren.
The rightful government of our founders has been re-inhabited, quietly, peacefully and behind the scenes. It is funded and ready to pick up the broken pieces of this great society when the corporation crumbles and the economy collapses. Just like the first half of the last century both entities will exist at once for a short time. During that time measures are being taken to insure the least amount of chaos and hardship possible for the American people as the rats desert the ship. However this is America and no person can be forced to choose freedom and the Republic over slavery. If you choose to remain a slave to the collapsing nanny state, you are free to do so. If on the other hand, you are outraged at what has been done to you and ready to return to the land of our forefathers, visit the official site of the re-inhabited Republic. Read the plan, the declarations and then sign the declaration and step back into your rightful heritage as an American. You will be given the opportunity to step up to serve in different ways if you so choose but that, is not necessary. The account and password function will not work until you are sent a confirmation via email of your signature. While this time you don’t have to gather minute men, your musket and rations to fight a revolutionary war, you are still being given the same choice your ancestors made in 1775!
We will be posting articles authored by us and others on subjects touched on above and with the intention of education and enlightenment while we endeavor to help those who must learn once again what it means and how to be, a free people. Welcome to the land of our forefathers and mothers, America! The CHANGE our Founders Believed In!
If you are visiting this blog, you probably already know something has been very seriously wrong in this country for quite some time. But did you know your country has been restored to you? Did you even know you had lost it? Did you know that everything you were taught in school in regard to your country, your history, your government and even basic facts about your rights were lies and misdirection and that those lies were deliberate? Probably not but don’t feel bad, few do.
We will attempt here to give you some basics that have been kept from you so that you can first recognize what has been done to you and why, and then understand what has been done for you to begin correcting it; paving the way for you to reclaim your life, your liberty and your pursuit of happiness. In short, to repossess that which our founding fathers guaranteed to you when they penned our founding documents, your God given, unalienable rights.
Before we begin with what went wrong, before we fill you in on how dangerously close you came not only to living out your life under a communist, socialist regime, but how close you came to selling your children and all their children into abject poverty and hopeless slavery, we will give you the good news. The good news should make the bad news much easier to digest. At least you can learn the worst from a place of relief instead of hopeless defeat, from hope not of anger.
The good news is the Republic (yes that’s right we are not and never have been a democracy) of the united States of America has been restored. Yes, we know you didn’t know it had ever been destroyed and we’ll get to that but the fact that it has in fact been restored is the reason that you can take a huge breath and let out a loud sigh of relief. Your prosperity, your rights and your futures have been restored along with it. The yoke of slavery brought down upon you by an overblown federal government stripping you of your liberties and your wealth has been unlocked. It is now up to you to choose between life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and a life of poverty and servitude. The last time the people of this nation were given that choice was 1775. We will tell you how you can stand tall, proud and free once again when you reach the end of the bad news portion of this missive.
The bad news: The last lawfully elected President of the Republic of the united States of America was Abraham Lincoln. At the outbreak of the Civil War President Lincoln declared a national emergency, placed the country under martial law and suspended the constitution for the duration of the war. After the war the country lay devastated and still hopelessly divided as the south struggled to rebuild and bitter roots of resentment took hold as the era of “reconstruction” began. The south was eventually resurrected, the Constitution was not.
In 1868 with the country still under a declared national emergency, the 41st congress allowed the federal government to incorporate and to inhabit a corporate location to be known as “The District of Columbia”. In 1871 congress unlawfully, without informing the public much less procuring the consent of the people, made it official by unconstitutionally passing the ACT of 1871, formally declaring the corporation of the United States to be the lawful government of the country with no jurisdiction outside the District of Columbia except by our consent (not asked for but gotten by insidious means which we are only now discovering) and having jurisdiction over the various territories ie; the Virgin Islands, the Maldives, Puerto Rico etc.
The corporate federal government then discarded our original constitution and began to draft their own, so similar as to escape our notice. (You cannot use the Constitution to defend yourself because you are not a party to it. (Padelford Fay & Co. v. The mayor and Alderman of the City of Savannah 14 Georgia 438, 520.) The original 13th amendment was removed in order to avoid violation of their version of the constitution from the start. The truth has been thrust before our eyes and assaulted our ears ever since. How many times have you seen in print or heard a politician refer to the constitution as “The Constitution of the United States?” There, friends and neighbors is the original lie for all to see and hear for our true original de jure Constitution was written as, “The Constitution for the united States of America. Words mean everything and the changing of one seemingly unimportant word can and did make the difference between a free republic and a corporate takeover.
With the takeover complete and the people still blissfully in the dark, the “Transformation of America” began in earnest. In order to accomplish that transformation without another war the secret had to be kept and the society of America drastically changed and “dumbed down” in the extreme. The reason for the takeover was simple. Greed, for money certainly but mostly for the acquisition of that which those who have everything cannot have; power, complete and total power, so much power as to give those who hold it, control over the entire world. The force behind this transformation was a group of powerful foreign bankers, (more details on them in a future article). They had attempted many times to take over America by capturing her monetary system and failed. With the Act of 1871 the door to obscene power and wealth was thrown wide open. America was then on a sure and certain path to destruction at the hands of a few self appointed elite.
The plan was brilliant and carefully crafted by men who had an infinite amount of patience. They knew it would take decades to accomplish but the game was on. By 1913, under Woodrow Wilson, they were able to corrupt congress enough to get the 16th and 17th amendments passed. Even though the 16th was never ratified what the people didn’t know was just fine with them. The 16th paved the way for the bankers to gain complete control over the nation’s monetary system with the creation of the Federal Reserve Debt System, (nothing federal about it, owned lock stock and barrel by a foreign corporation) designed at a weekend retreat in Georgia called Jekyll Island. Following that, the IRS, also owned by them, was created.
To further control the monetary system and place the people under permanent debt, the bankers manipulated the economy and plunged the nation into the great depression. Then their handpicked CEO, (remember the government is now a corporation not a government therefore there are no restrictions of birthright etc. to hold that office), Franklin D. Roosevelt called in all the nation’s gold leaving the population with absolutely worthless paper notes backed by nothing, created out of thin air and based on debt.
The second step was creating a way to profit even more on the greatest resource the nation possessed, her people. Have you ever stopped to wonder where the term “Human Resources” originated? How can humans be a national resource? The term itself implies ownership and that is exactly what it means. We are Human capital (Executive Order 13037. ) With the enactment of two items we were converted from a free people to corporate chattel; the Certificate of Live Birth and later the Social Security system. Both of those documents create an all capital name entity which is bonded and traded on the open market. A trust account is created in that name and from that moment on everything you do in commerce for the rest of your life is based on forcing you to borrow on your own money while creating debt from it while the elite amass wealth by stealing your sweat equity. (You own no property, slaves can’t own property. Read the Deed to the property that you think is yours. You are listed as a Tenant. (Senate Document 43, 73rd Congress 1 st. Session). Every time you sign your name on a check, a credit application, a license of any kind, a contract or check that little box “are you a U.S. Citizen”, you are granting your permission to be under the unconstitutional jurisdiction of THE CORPORATION UNITED STATES. Take out a magnifying glass and examine the line on your checks where you sign your name. Look at your SSI card, drivers license, credit and debit cards etc., and you will see your name in all capital letters indicating that corporate entity. That entity is known as your “Straw Man”. (more on this at a later time). Even worse, by signing a birth certificate for your child you have just given legal custody of that child to the state which is why the state can take that child from you if they decide that you should not have him or her.
We have not had a Treasury since 1921. In 1944 by the Breton Woods Agreement our nation’s capitol, indeed all of the District of Columbia was ceded to the IMF (owns the Federal Reserve, IRS and the various alphabet agencies which are also corporate entities, FCC, CIA, FBI, NASA etc.) The IMF is an Agency of the UN. (Black’s Law Dictionary 6th Ed. Pg 816). New York City is defined in the Federal Regulations as the United Nations. Rudolph Giuliani stated on C-Span that “New York City was the capitol of the world” and he was correct. (20 CFR chapter 111, subpart B 422.103 (b) (2) (2) (also check out Rev. 14 in reference to what happened on 9/11)
So now the elite own the country, the money and the people. Again, brilliant but not by any means a plan completed. Even up to this point if the people had been made aware of the plan behind the scenes they would have revolted. Americans are particularly covetous of their perceived freedom, regardless of the fact that their rights were slowly but surely disappearing. So what was left for the elite to do in order to accomplish total control? Well they had to change the way Americans behave, how they learn, what they believe and how they will react. That meant control over education; enter the Federal Department of Education (Have you read your children’s history books? Better yet have you ever read those your parents and grandparents were taught from and then read your children’s history books?). Naturally American politics and ideology had to be manipulated as well. This is where the emerging “progressives” excelled. The ideology of the progressives is based on Marxism and a fantasy utopian socialist society. Never mind that it has never worked in the history of the world even though it has been tried hundreds of times and continues to be the source of suffering, genocide and serfdom in many places around the world today. The elite don’t believe in this ideology but they do recognize it as a means to an end. Under progressive influence both society and political thinking were gradually and drastically changed. The concept of “political correctness” (PC), was born and slowly replaced common sense. People are just now realizing that PC has usurped and replaced the 1st of the ten “Bill of Rights”, freedom of speech.
Gradually the elite bought up every mainstream media outlet on the air waves and those in the form of the written word. Today they literally control very nearly all news, television and radio programming, major newspapers and magazines and even what you see on the “big screen” at theaters across the nation. The average American is blissfully unaware that they are presented only with what the corporation wants them to know and are deliberately kept from any information which might lead them to question. Basic American values of morality, personal responsibility and virtue were chipped away and eroded. “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters”, Benjamin Franklin. The elite are more than happy to be that master. While the educational system is used to indoctrinate, the media is used to brainwash, all the while, Americans still believe they are free.
Education and media, two out of three ain’t bad in just a few decades. The biggest obstacle to the elite’s plan was and continues to be America’s faith. Today we live in a PC soaked society where the virtuous, the moral and the faithful are vilified, especially those of the Christian faith. Even the word god is struck from our classrooms, crosses banned in public and national religious holidays reduced to generic secular celebrations. Our judicial branch of government has twisted the constitution so far that decisions are handed down based on a concept which is not anywhere mentioned in a single founding document, “Separation of Church and State.” Nowhere is that mentioned in our Constitution, Bill of Rights or Declaration of Independence. In reality it was a term used in a letter written by Thomas Jefferson which was taken out of context for the sake of expediency. By destroying America’s faith the foundation of her society is also destroyed, the family. "You don't need God anymore, you have us Democrats." - Nancy Pelosi (Quoted 2006)
If you doubt for a moment that you are under an unlawful, unconstitutional de facto government, just walk into any courtroom in the land, look at the flag. Why does it have gold braid and fringe around it? That gold fringe represents the rule of law which holds jurisdiction in that court and it’s not the common law of the land, it’s Military Maritime Law! Those of us who believe that the Yellow Fringed Flag is the 'Law of Admiralty' Flag will know all about this. For the rest of us, this will be a shocking new disclosure. President, Dwight David Eisenhower signed Executive Order No.10834 on August 21, 1959 and had printed in the Federal Register at 24 F.R. 6865, pursuant to the law, stated that: "A military flag is a flag that resembles the regular flag of the United States, except that it has a yellow fringe border on three sides." This signifies that when you enter that court you have entered and placed yourself under foreign jurisdiction. Our true Constitution and Republic form of government is the law of the land, Common Law and that law has been shoved aside, hidden and left to mold with time while the corporation marches us down the road to dictatorship and one world poverty.
Everything above is easily verified but is the bare tip of the iceberg in the corruption and deception this nation has been enveloped in for more than 134 years. We are now told that our Constitution is out dated, irrelevant and a “list” of negative rules. The founders wrote the document that way in an attempt to insure that no branch of government could over run the people. The Legislative branch was designed with two houses for a reason. The Senate was structured to be the federal arm of representation for the State Legislatures. That’s why our constitution dictates Senators be appointed by those bodies but the 17th amendment erased that and placed the Senate under the same corrupted election system the Congress is subject to. Our States now have virtually no representation on the federal level so neither, do we the people.
This is why your government does not listen to you. This is why they only appear to when campaigning for election and promptly do as they please once they reach the hill. They DO NOT WORK FOR YOU! They work for a foreign owned banking cabal better known as the International Monetary Fund.
So today we have a hopelessly bloated federal government which literally controls every single aspect of your life from the pillows you sleep on to the food on your table, there is not one thing you do from the time you rise in the morning to the time you lay your head down at night that is not regulated in one way or another from a local, state or federal government.
We have forgotten our founders and who we are. We have through apathy and indoctrination, allowed ourselves to be enslaved and dependent upon a corrupt corporation. It’s time to reverse what has been done to the greatest nation on earth. Violence and force is not the way, the corporation is now imploding as it finds itself so internally corrupt that it has lost control over its players. There have been untold numbers of crimes against humanity to be paid accounted for but that will be dealt with later. First we must restore our honor and our country, and then look to the future for our children and grandchildren.
The rightful government of our founders has been re-inhabited, quietly, peacefully and behind the scenes. It is funded and ready to pick up the broken pieces of this great society when the corporation crumbles and the economy collapses. Just like the first half of the last century both entities will exist at once for a short time. During that time measures are being taken to insure the least amount of chaos and hardship possible for the American people as the rats desert the ship. However this is America and no person can be forced to choose freedom and the Republic over slavery. If you choose to remain a slave to the collapsing nanny state, you are free to do so. If on the other hand, you are outraged at what has been done to you and ready to return to the land of our forefathers, visit the official site of the re-inhabited Republic. Read the plan, the declarations and then sign the declaration and step back into your rightful heritage as an American. You will be given the opportunity to step up to serve in different ways if you so choose but that, is not necessary. The account and password function will not work until you are sent a confirmation via email of your signature. While this time you don’t have to gather minute men, your musket and rations to fight a revolutionary war, you are still being given the same choice your ancestors made in 1775!
We will be posting articles authored by us and others on subjects touched on above and with the intention of education and enlightenment while we endeavor to help those who must learn once again what it means and how to be, a free people. Welcome to the land of our forefathers and mothers, America! The CHANGE our Founders Believed In!
republic, global settlements, dark cabal
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brief over simplified synopsis of the scam run by the federal corporation
This is a brief over simplified synopsis of the scam run by the federal corporation. End of our comment.
In 1788 (January 1), The United States was officially bankrupt.
In 1790 (August 4), Article One of the U.S. Statues at Large, pages 138-178, abolished the States of the Republic and created Federal Districts.
In the same year, the former States of the Republic reorganized as Corporations and their legislatures wrote new State Constitutions, absent defined boundaries, which they presented to the people of each state for a vote…the new State Constitutions fraudulently made the people “Citizens” of the new Corporate States. A Citizen is also defined as a “corporate fiction.”
In 1845, Congress passed legislation that would ultimately allow Common Law to be usurped by Admiralty Law. explains this change. The yellow fringe placed at the bottom of court flags shows this is still true.
Before 1845, Americans were considered sovereign individuals who governed themselves under Common Law.
In 1860 – Congress was adjourned Sine Die – Lincoln could not legally reconvene Congress.
In 1861, President Lincoln declared a National Emergency and Martial Law, which gave the President unprecedented powers and removed it from the other branches. This has NEVER been reversed.
In 1863, the Lieber Code was established taking away your property and your rights.
From 1864-1867, Several Reconstruction Acts were passed forcing the states to ratify the 14th Amendment, which made everyone slaves.
In 1865, the capital was moved to Washington, D.C., a separate country – not a part of the United States of America.
In 1871, The United States became a Corporation with a new constitution and a new corporate government, and the original constitutional government was vacated to become dormant, but it was never terminated.
The new constitution had to be ratified by the people according to the original constitution, but it never was. The whole process occurred behind closed doors. The people are the source of financing for this new government.
In 1917, the Trading with the Enemy Act (TWEA) was passed. This act was implemented to deal with the countries we were at war with during World War I.
It gave the President and the Alien Property Custodian the right to seize the assets of the people included in this act and if they wanted to do business in this country they could apply for a license to do so.
By 1921, the Federal Reserve Bank (the trustee for the Alien Property Custodian) held over $700,000,000 in trust.” Understand that this trust was based on our assets, not theirs.
In 1933, 48 Stat 1, of the TWEA was amended to include the United States Person because they wanted to take our gold away. Executive Order 6102 was created to make it illegal for a U.S. Citizen to own gold. In order for the Government to take our gold away and violate our Constitutional rights, we were reclassified as ENEMY COMBATANTS.”
In 1933, there was a second United States bankruptcy. In the first bankruptcy the United States collateralized all public lands.
In the 1933 bankruptcy, the U.S. government collateralized the private lands of the people (a lien) – they borrowed money against our private lands. They were then mortgaged. That is why we pay property taxes.
From a speech in Congress in The Bankruptcy of the United States Congressional Record, March 17, 1993, Vol. 33, page H-1303, Speaker Representative James Trafficant Jr. (Ohio) addressing the House states:
“…It is an established fact that the United States Federal Government has been dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act, March 9, 1933, 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719; declared by President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and insolvent. H.J.R. 192, 73rd Congress m session June 5, 1933 – Joint Resolution To Suspend The Gold Standard and Abrogate
The Gold Clause dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the United States and the official capacities of all United States Governmental Offices, Officers, and Departments and is further evidence that the United States Federal Government exists today in name only.
The receivers of the United States Bankruptcy are the International Bankers, via the United Nations, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.
All United States Offices, Officials, and Departments are now operating within a de facto status in name only under Emergency War Powers.
With the Constitutional Republican form of Government now dissolved, the receivers of the Bankruptcy have adopted a new form of government for the United States. This new form of government is known as a Democracy, being an established Socialist/Communist order under a new governor for America.
This act was instituted and established by transferring and/or placing the Office of the Secretary of Treasury to that of the Governor of the International Monetary Fund. Public Law 94-564, page 8, Section H.R. 13955 reads in part: “The U.S. Secretary of Treasury receives no compensation for representing the United States…
Prior to 1913, most Americans owned clear, allodial title to property, free and clear of any liens of mortgages until the Federal Reserve Act (1913) “Hypothecated” all property within the Federal United States to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, in which the Trustees (stockholders) held legal title.
The U.S. Citizen (tenant, franchisee) was registered as a “beneficiary” of the trust via his/her birth certificate.
In 1933, the Federal United States hypothecated all of the present and future properties, assets, and labor of their “subjects;” and the 14th Amendment made U.S. Citizens the corporate property of to the Federal Reserve System.
In return, the Federal Reserve System agreed to extend the federal United States Corporation all of the credit “money substitute” it needed.
Like any debtor, the Federal United States government had to assign collateral and security to their creditors as a condition of the loan.
Since the Federal United States didn’t have any assets, they assigned the private property of their “economic slaves,” the U.S. Citizens, as collateral against the federal debt.
They also pledged the unincorporated federal territories, national parks, forests, birth certificates, and nonprofit organizations as collateral against the federal debt.
All has already been transferred as payment to the international bankers.
Unwittingly, America has returned to its pre-American Revolution feudal roots whereby all land is held by a sovereign and the common people had no rights to hold allodial title to property.
Once again, We the People are the tenants and sharecroppers renting our own property from a Sovereign in the guise of the Federal Reserve Bank. We the People have exchanged one master for another.”
In 1944, Washington D.C. was deeded to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) by the Breton Woods Agreement.
The IMF is made up of wealthy people that own most of the banking industries of the world.
It is an organized group of bankers that have taken control of most governments of the world so the bankers run the world.
Congress, the IRS, and the President work for the IMF. The IRS is not a U.S. government agency. It is an agency of the IMF. (Diversified Metal Products v. IRS et al. CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I., Public Law 94-564, Senate Report 94-1148 pg. 5967, Reorganization Plan No. 26, Public Law 102-391.)
“The Supreme Court has said the De Jure Government offices still exist but the people have failed to occupy them.
Remember Downs v. Bidwell and the dissenting opinion of Justice Marshall Harlan?
He said that two national governments exist; one to be maintained under the Constitution, with all its restrictions. This is one that We the people need to force our elected public officials to occupy – De Jure rule.
We need to change that by organizing Grand Juries and putting our officials back under De jure rule and out of the Corporate (or Military) Rule that they are currently operating under.
Our elected officials will then have to operate under the limits of their Oath of office to uphold the U.S. and State Constitutions, circa 1860. When they violate the Oath it’s a capital crime.
The reason we go back to 1860 is because that is the last time we had lawful laws in this country.
Where do the people get their power to convene a Grand Jury? The Magna Carta, 1215.
Our Founding Fathers looked back to history for precedent when they decided they wanted to change their government.
What they found was the Magna Carta Liberatum, the Great Charter of Freedoms. It set a precedent that changed the face of England forever, by establishing that the King was not above the law.
King John of England signed the Magna Carta after immense pressure from the Church and his barons (the people). The King often lived above the law, violating both Feudal and Common Law, and was heavily criticized for his foreign policy and actions in England.
The Barons, with the support of the Church, pressured King John to spell out a list of their rights and guarantee that those rights would be enforced.
The Barons provided a draft, and after some negotiation, King John put his seal to the Magna Carta in Runnymede, in June of 1215.
Section 61 set rules for establishing the Grand Jury. It states: Since we have granted all these things for God, for the better ordering of our kingdom, and to allay the discord that has arisen between us and our barons (people), and since we desire that they shall be enjoyed in their entirety, with lasting strength, forever, we give and grant to the barons the following security: The barons shall elect twenty-five of their number to keep, and cause to be observed with all their might, the peace and liberties granted and confirmed to them by this charter.
If we, our chief justice, our officials, or any of our servants offend in any respect against any man, or transgress any of the articles of the peace or of this security, and the offense is made known to four of the said twenty-five barons, they shall come to us.”
A message from the interim President elect Tim Turner given to the newly formed government of the Republic of the united states of America…
Visit the Restored Republic web site and find out how to complete what we have started….
You can also send us questions here…
In 1788 (January 1), The United States was officially bankrupt.
In 1790 (August 4), Article One of the U.S. Statues at Large, pages 138-178, abolished the States of the Republic and created Federal Districts.
In the same year, the former States of the Republic reorganized as Corporations and their legislatures wrote new State Constitutions, absent defined boundaries, which they presented to the people of each state for a vote…the new State Constitutions fraudulently made the people “Citizens” of the new Corporate States. A Citizen is also defined as a “corporate fiction.”
In 1845, Congress passed legislation that would ultimately allow Common Law to be usurped by Admiralty Law. explains this change. The yellow fringe placed at the bottom of court flags shows this is still true.
Before 1845, Americans were considered sovereign individuals who governed themselves under Common Law.
In 1860 – Congress was adjourned Sine Die – Lincoln could not legally reconvene Congress.
In 1861, President Lincoln declared a National Emergency and Martial Law, which gave the President unprecedented powers and removed it from the other branches. This has NEVER been reversed.
In 1863, the Lieber Code was established taking away your property and your rights.
From 1864-1867, Several Reconstruction Acts were passed forcing the states to ratify the 14th Amendment, which made everyone slaves.
In 1865, the capital was moved to Washington, D.C., a separate country – not a part of the United States of America.
In 1871, The United States became a Corporation with a new constitution and a new corporate government, and the original constitutional government was vacated to become dormant, but it was never terminated.
The new constitution had to be ratified by the people according to the original constitution, but it never was. The whole process occurred behind closed doors. The people are the source of financing for this new government.
In 1917, the Trading with the Enemy Act (TWEA) was passed. This act was implemented to deal with the countries we were at war with during World War I.
It gave the President and the Alien Property Custodian the right to seize the assets of the people included in this act and if they wanted to do business in this country they could apply for a license to do so.
By 1921, the Federal Reserve Bank (the trustee for the Alien Property Custodian) held over $700,000,000 in trust.” Understand that this trust was based on our assets, not theirs.
In 1933, 48 Stat 1, of the TWEA was amended to include the United States Person because they wanted to take our gold away. Executive Order 6102 was created to make it illegal for a U.S. Citizen to own gold. In order for the Government to take our gold away and violate our Constitutional rights, we were reclassified as ENEMY COMBATANTS.”
In 1933, there was a second United States bankruptcy. In the first bankruptcy the United States collateralized all public lands.
In the 1933 bankruptcy, the U.S. government collateralized the private lands of the people (a lien) – they borrowed money against our private lands. They were then mortgaged. That is why we pay property taxes.
From a speech in Congress in The Bankruptcy of the United States Congressional Record, March 17, 1993, Vol. 33, page H-1303, Speaker Representative James Trafficant Jr. (Ohio) addressing the House states:
“…It is an established fact that the United States Federal Government has been dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act, March 9, 1933, 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719; declared by President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and insolvent. H.J.R. 192, 73rd Congress m session June 5, 1933 – Joint Resolution To Suspend The Gold Standard and Abrogate
The Gold Clause dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the United States and the official capacities of all United States Governmental Offices, Officers, and Departments and is further evidence that the United States Federal Government exists today in name only.
The receivers of the United States Bankruptcy are the International Bankers, via the United Nations, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.
All United States Offices, Officials, and Departments are now operating within a de facto status in name only under Emergency War Powers.
With the Constitutional Republican form of Government now dissolved, the receivers of the Bankruptcy have adopted a new form of government for the United States. This new form of government is known as a Democracy, being an established Socialist/Communist order under a new governor for America.
This act was instituted and established by transferring and/or placing the Office of the Secretary of Treasury to that of the Governor of the International Monetary Fund. Public Law 94-564, page 8, Section H.R. 13955 reads in part: “The U.S. Secretary of Treasury receives no compensation for representing the United States…
Prior to 1913, most Americans owned clear, allodial title to property, free and clear of any liens of mortgages until the Federal Reserve Act (1913) “Hypothecated” all property within the Federal United States to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, in which the Trustees (stockholders) held legal title.
The U.S. Citizen (tenant, franchisee) was registered as a “beneficiary” of the trust via his/her birth certificate.
In 1933, the Federal United States hypothecated all of the present and future properties, assets, and labor of their “subjects;” and the 14th Amendment made U.S. Citizens the corporate property of to the Federal Reserve System.
In return, the Federal Reserve System agreed to extend the federal United States Corporation all of the credit “money substitute” it needed.
Like any debtor, the Federal United States government had to assign collateral and security to their creditors as a condition of the loan.
Since the Federal United States didn’t have any assets, they assigned the private property of their “economic slaves,” the U.S. Citizens, as collateral against the federal debt.
They also pledged the unincorporated federal territories, national parks, forests, birth certificates, and nonprofit organizations as collateral against the federal debt.
All has already been transferred as payment to the international bankers.
Unwittingly, America has returned to its pre-American Revolution feudal roots whereby all land is held by a sovereign and the common people had no rights to hold allodial title to property.
Once again, We the People are the tenants and sharecroppers renting our own property from a Sovereign in the guise of the Federal Reserve Bank. We the People have exchanged one master for another.”
In 1944, Washington D.C. was deeded to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) by the Breton Woods Agreement.
The IMF is made up of wealthy people that own most of the banking industries of the world.
It is an organized group of bankers that have taken control of most governments of the world so the bankers run the world.
Congress, the IRS, and the President work for the IMF. The IRS is not a U.S. government agency. It is an agency of the IMF. (Diversified Metal Products v. IRS et al. CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I., Public Law 94-564, Senate Report 94-1148 pg. 5967, Reorganization Plan No. 26, Public Law 102-391.)
“The Supreme Court has said the De Jure Government offices still exist but the people have failed to occupy them.
Remember Downs v. Bidwell and the dissenting opinion of Justice Marshall Harlan?
He said that two national governments exist; one to be maintained under the Constitution, with all its restrictions. This is one that We the people need to force our elected public officials to occupy – De Jure rule.
We need to change that by organizing Grand Juries and putting our officials back under De jure rule and out of the Corporate (or Military) Rule that they are currently operating under.
Our elected officials will then have to operate under the limits of their Oath of office to uphold the U.S. and State Constitutions, circa 1860. When they violate the Oath it’s a capital crime.
The reason we go back to 1860 is because that is the last time we had lawful laws in this country.
Where do the people get their power to convene a Grand Jury? The Magna Carta, 1215.
Our Founding Fathers looked back to history for precedent when they decided they wanted to change their government.
What they found was the Magna Carta Liberatum, the Great Charter of Freedoms. It set a precedent that changed the face of England forever, by establishing that the King was not above the law.
King John of England signed the Magna Carta after immense pressure from the Church and his barons (the people). The King often lived above the law, violating both Feudal and Common Law, and was heavily criticized for his foreign policy and actions in England.
The Barons, with the support of the Church, pressured King John to spell out a list of their rights and guarantee that those rights would be enforced.
The Barons provided a draft, and after some negotiation, King John put his seal to the Magna Carta in Runnymede, in June of 1215.
Section 61 set rules for establishing the Grand Jury. It states: Since we have granted all these things for God, for the better ordering of our kingdom, and to allay the discord that has arisen between us and our barons (people), and since we desire that they shall be enjoyed in their entirety, with lasting strength, forever, we give and grant to the barons the following security: The barons shall elect twenty-five of their number to keep, and cause to be observed with all their might, the peace and liberties granted and confirmed to them by this charter.
If we, our chief justice, our officials, or any of our servants offend in any respect against any man, or transgress any of the articles of the peace or of this security, and the offense is made known to four of the said twenty-five barons, they shall come to us.”
A message from the interim President elect Tim Turner given to the newly formed government of the Republic of the united states of America…
Visit the Restored Republic web site and find out how to complete what we have started….
You can also send us questions here…
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Saturday, October 9, 2010
Restored Republic of the united States of America
The CHANGE our Founders Believed In!
If you are visiting this blog, you probably already know something has been very seriously wrong in this country for quite some time. But did you know your country has been restored to you? Did you even know you had lost it? Did you know that everything you were taught in school in regard to your country, your history, your government and even basic facts about your rights were lies and misdirection and that those lies were deliberate? Probably not but don’t feel bad, few do.
We will attempt here to give you some basics that have been kept from you so that you can first recognize what has been done to you and why, and then understand what has been done for you to begin correcting it; paving the way for you to reclaim your life, your liberty and your pursuit of happiness. In short, to repossess that which our founding fathers guaranteed to you when they penned our founding documents, your God given, unalienable rights.
Before we begin with what went wrong, before we fill you in on how dangerously close you came not only to living out your life under a communist, socialist regime, but how close you came to selling your children and all their children into abject poverty and hopeless slavery, we will give you the good news. The good news should make the bad news much easier to digest. At least you can learn the worst from a place of relief instead of hopeless defeat, from hope not of anger.
The good news is the Republic (yes that’s right we are not and never have been a democracy) of the united States of America has been restored. Yes, we know you didn’t know it had ever been destroyed and we’ll get to that but the fact that it has in fact been restored is the reason that you can take a huge breath and let out a loud sigh of relief. Your prosperity, your rights and your futures have been restored along with it. The yoke of slavery brought down upon you by an overblown federal government stripping you of your liberties and your wealth has been unlocked. It is now up to you to choose between life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and a life of poverty and servitude. The last time the people of this nation were given that choice was 1775. We will tell you how you can stand tall, proud and free once again when you reach the end of the bad news portion of this missive.
The bad news: The last lawfully elected President of the Republic of the united States of America was Abraham Lincoln. At the outbreak of the Civil War President Lincoln declared a national emergency, placed the country under martial law and suspended the constitution for the duration of the war. After the war the country lay devastated and still hopelessly divided as the south struggled to rebuild and bitter roots of resentment took hold as the era of “reconstruction” began. The south was eventually resurrected, the Constitution was not.
In 1868 with the country still under a declared national emergency, the 41st congress allowed the federal government to incorporate and to inhabit a corporate location to be known as “The District of Columbia”. In 1871 congress unlawfully, without informing the public much less procuring the consent of the people, made it official by unconstitutionally passing the ACT of 1871, formally declaring the corporation of the United States to be the lawful government of the country with no jurisdiction outside the District of Columbia except by our consent (not asked for but gotten by insidious means which we are only now discovering) and having jurisdiction over the various territories ie; the Virgin Islands, the Maldives, Puerto Rico etc.
The corporate federal government then discarded our original constitution and began to draft their own, so similar as to escape our notice. (You cannot use the Constitution to defend yourself because you are not a party to it. (Padelford Fay & Co. v. The mayor and Alderman of the City of Savannah 14 Georgia 438, 520.) The original 13th amendment was removed in order to avoid violation of their version of the constitution from the start. The truth has been thrust before our eyes and assaulted our ears ever since. How many times have you seen in print or heard a politician refer to the constitution as “The Constitution of the United States?” There, friends and neighbors is the original lie for all to see and hear for our true original de jure Constitution was written as, “The Constitution for the united States of America. Words mean everything and the changing of one seemingly unimportant word can and did make the difference between a free republic and a corporate takeover.
With the takeover complete and the people still blissfully in the dark, the “Transformation of America” began in earnest. In order to accomplish that transformation without another war the secret had to be kept and the society of America drastically changed and “dumbed down” in the extreme. The reason for the takeover was simple. Greed, for money certainly but mostly for the acquisition of that which those who have everything cannot have; power, complete and total power, so much power as to give those who hold it, control over the entire world. The force behind this transformation was a group of powerful foreign bankers, (more details on them in a future article). They had attempted many times to take over America by capturing her monetary system and failed. With the Act of 1871 the door to obscene power and wealth was thrown wide open. America was then on a sure and certain path to destruction at the hands of a few self appointed elite.
The plan was brilliant and carefully crafted by men who had an infinite amount of patience. They knew it would take decades to accomplish but the game was on. By 1913, under Woodrow Wilson, they were able to corrupt congress enough to get the 16th and 17th amendments passed. Even though the 16th was never ratified what the people didn’t know was just fine with them. The 16thpaved the way for the bankers to gain complete control over the nation’s monetary system with the creation of the Federal Reserve Debt System, (nothing federal about it, owned lock stock and barrel by a foreign corporation) designed at a weekend retreat in Georgia called Jekyll Island. Following that, the IRS, also owned by them, was created.
To further control the monetary system and place the people under permanent debt, the bankers manipulated the economy and plunged the nation into the great depression. Then their handpicked CEO, (remember the government is now a corporation not a government therefore there are no restrictions of birthright etc. to hold that office), Franklin D. Roosevelt called in all the nation’s gold leaving the population with absolutely worthless paper notes backed by nothing, created out of thin air and based on debt.
The second step was creating a way to profit even more on the greatest resource the nation possessed, her people. Have you ever stopped to wonder where the term “Human Resources” originated? How can humans be a national resource? The term itself implies ownership and that is exactly what it means. We are Human capital (Executive Order 13037. ) With the enactment of two items we were converted from a free people to corporate chattel; the Certificate of Live Birth and later the Social Security system. Both of those documents create an all capital name entity which is bonded and traded on the open market. A trust account is created in that name and from that moment on everything you do in commerce for the rest of your life is based on forcing you to borrow on your own money while creating debt from it while the elite amass wealth by stealing your sweat equity. (You own no property, slaves can’t own property. Read the Deed to the property that you think is yours. You are listed as a Tenant. (Senate Document 43, 73rd Congress 1 st. Session).Every time you sign your name on a check, a credit application, a license of any kind, a contract or check that little box “are you a U.S. Citizen”, you are granting your permission to be under the unconstitutional jurisdiction of THE CORPORATION UNITED STATES. Take out a magnifying glass and examine the line on your checks where you sign your name. Look at your SSI card, drivers license, credit and debit cards etc., and you will see your name in all capital letters indicating that corporate entity. That entity is known as your “Straw Man”. (more on this at a later time). Even worse, by signing a birth certificate for your child you have just given legal custody of that child to the state which is why the state can take that child from you if they decide that you should not have him or her.
We have not had a Treasury since 1921. In 1944 by the Breton Woods Agreement our nation’s capitol, indeed all of the District of Columbia was ceded to the IMF (owns the Federal Reserve, IRS and the various alphabet agencies which are also corporate entities, FCC, CIA, FBI, NASA etc.) The IMF is an Agency of the UN. (Black’s Law Dictionary 6th Ed. Pg 816). New York City is defined in the Federal Regulations as the United Nations. Rudolph Giuliani stated on C-Span that “New York City was the capitol of the world” and he was correct. (20 CFR chapter 111, subpart B 422.103 (b) (2) (2) (also check out Rev. 14 in reference to what happened on 9/11)
So now the elite own the country, the money and the people. Again, brilliant but not by any means a plan completed. Even up to this point if the people had been made aware of the plan behind the scenes they would have revolted. Americans are particularly covetous of their perceived freedom, regardless of the fact that their rights were slowly but surely disappearing. So what was left for the elite to do in order to accomplish total control? Well they had to change the way Americans behave, how they learn, what they believe and how they will react. That meant control over education; enter the Federal Department of Education (Have you read your children’s history books? Better yet have you ever read those your parents and grandparents were taught from and then read your children’s history books?). Naturally American politics and ideology had to be manipulated as well. This is where the emerging “progressives” excelled. The ideology of the progressives is based on Marxism and a fantasy utopian socialist society. Never mind that it has never worked in the history of the world even though it has been tried hundreds of times and continues to be the source of suffering, genocide and serfdom in many places around the world today. The elite don’t believe in this ideology but they do recognize it as a means to an end. Under progressive influence both society and political thinking were gradually and drastically changed. The concept of “political correctness” (PC), was born and slowly replaced common sense. People are just now realizing that PC has usurped and replaced the 1st of the ten “Bill of Rights”, freedom of speech.
Gradually the elite bought up every mainstream media outlet on the air waves and those in the form of the written word. Today they literally control very nearly all news, television and radio programming, major newspapers and magazines and even what you see on the “big screen” at theaters across the nation. The average American is blissfully unaware that they are presented only with what the corporation wants them to know and are deliberately kept from any information which might lead them to question. Basic American values of morality, personal responsibility and virtue were chipped away and eroded. “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters”, Benjamin Franklin. The elite are more than happy to be that master. While the educational system is used to indoctrinate, the media is used to brainwash, all the while, Americans still believe they are free.
Education and media, two out of three ain’t bad in just a few decades. The biggest obstacle to the elite’s plan was and continues to be America’s faith. Today we live in a PC soaked society where the virtuous, the moral and the faithful are vilified, especially those of the Christian faith. Even the word god is struck from our classrooms, crosses banned in public and national religious holidays reduced to generic secular celebrations. Our judicial branch of government has twisted the constitution so far that decisions are handed down based on a concept which is not anywhere mentioned in a single founding document, “Separation of Church and State.” Nowhere is that mentioned in our Constitution, Bill of Rights or Declaration of Independence. In reality it was a term used in a letter written by Thomas Jefferson which was taken out of context for the sake of expediency. By destroying America’s faith the foundation of her society is also destroyed, the family. "You don't need God anymore, you have us Democrats." - Nancy Pelosi (Quoted 2006)
If you doubt for a moment that you are under an unlawful, unconstitutional de facto government, just walk into any courtroom in the land, look at the flag. Why does it have gold braid and fringe around it? That gold fringe represents the rule of law which holds jurisdiction in that court and it’s not the common law of the land, it’s Military Maritime Law! Those of us who believe that the Yellow Fringed Flag is the 'Law of Admiralty' Flag will know all about this. For the rest of us, this will be a shocking new disclosure. President, Dwight David Eisenhower signed Executive Order No.10834 on August 21, 1959 and had printed in the Federal Register at 24 F.R. 6865, pursuant to the law, stated that: "A military flag is a flag that resembles the regular flag of the United States, except that it has a yellow fringe border on three sides." This signifies that when you enter that court you have entered and placed yourself under foreign jurisdiction. Our true Constitution and Republic form of government is the law of the land, Common Law and that law has been shoved aside, hidden and left to mold with time while the corporation marches us down the road to dictatorship and one world poverty.
Everything above is easily verified but is the bare tip of the iceberg in the corruption and deception this nation has been enveloped in for more than 134 years. We are now told that our Constitution is out dated, irrelevant and a “list” of negative rules. The founders wrote the document that way in an attempt to insure that no branch of government could over run the people. The Legislative branch was designed with two houses for a reason. The Senate was structured to be the federal arm of representation for the State Legislatures. That’s why our constitution dictates Senators be appointed by those bodies but the 17th amendment erased that and placed the Senate under the same corrupted election system the Congress is subject to. Our States now have virtually no representation on the federal level so neither, do we the people.
This is why your government does not listen to you. This is why they only appear to when campaigning for election and promptly do as they please once they reach the hill. They DO NOT WORK FOR YOU! They work for a foreign owned banking cabal better known as the International Monetary Fund.
So today we have a hopelessly bloated federal government which literally controls every single aspect of your life from the pillows you sleep on to the food on your table, there is not one thing you do from the time you rise in the morning to the time you lay your head down at night that is not regulated in one way or another from a local, state or federal government.
We have forgotten our founders and who we are. We have through apathy and indoctrination, allowed ourselves to be enslaved and dependent upon a corrupt corporation. It’s time to reverse what has been done to the greatest nation on earth. Violence and force is not the way, the corporation is now imploding as it finds itself so internally corrupt that it has lost control over its players. There have been untold numbers of crimes against humanity to be paid accounted for but that will be dealt with later. First we must restore our honor and our country, and then look to the future for our children and grandchildren.
The rightful government of our founders has been re-inhabited, quietly, peacefully and behind the scenes. It is funded and ready to pick up the broken pieces of this great society when the corporation crumbles and the economy collapses. Just like the first half of the last century both entities will exist at once for a short time. During that time measures are being taken to insure the least amount of chaos and hardship possible for the American people as the rats desert the ship. However this is America and no person can be forced to choose freedom and the Republic over slavery. If you choose to remain a slave to the collapsing nanny state, you are free to do so. If on the other hand, you are outraged at what has been done to you and ready to return to the land of our forefathers, visit the official site of the re-inhabited Republic. Read the plan, the declarations and then sign the declaration and step back into your rightful heritage as an American. You will be given the opportunity to step up to serve in different ways if you so choose but that, is not necessary. The account and password function will not work until you are sent a confirmation via email of your signature. While this time you don’t have to gather minute men, your musket and rations to fight a revolutionary war, you are still being given the same choice your ancestors made in 1775!
We will be posting articles authored by us and others on subjects touched on above and with the intention of education and enlightenment while we endeavor to help those who must learn once again what it means and how to be, a free people. Welcome to the land of our forefathers and mothers, America! The CHANGE our Founders Believed In!
If you are visiting this blog, you probably already know something has been very seriously wrong in this country for quite some time. But did you know your country has been restored to you? Did you even know you had lost it? Did you know that everything you were taught in school in regard to your country, your history, your government and even basic facts about your rights were lies and misdirection and that those lies were deliberate? Probably not but don’t feel bad, few do.
We will attempt here to give you some basics that have been kept from you so that you can first recognize what has been done to you and why, and then understand what has been done for you to begin correcting it; paving the way for you to reclaim your life, your liberty and your pursuit of happiness. In short, to repossess that which our founding fathers guaranteed to you when they penned our founding documents, your God given, unalienable rights.
Before we begin with what went wrong, before we fill you in on how dangerously close you came not only to living out your life under a communist, socialist regime, but how close you came to selling your children and all their children into abject poverty and hopeless slavery, we will give you the good news. The good news should make the bad news much easier to digest. At least you can learn the worst from a place of relief instead of hopeless defeat, from hope not of anger.
The good news is the Republic (yes that’s right we are not and never have been a democracy) of the united States of America has been restored. Yes, we know you didn’t know it had ever been destroyed and we’ll get to that but the fact that it has in fact been restored is the reason that you can take a huge breath and let out a loud sigh of relief. Your prosperity, your rights and your futures have been restored along with it. The yoke of slavery brought down upon you by an overblown federal government stripping you of your liberties and your wealth has been unlocked. It is now up to you to choose between life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and a life of poverty and servitude. The last time the people of this nation were given that choice was 1775. We will tell you how you can stand tall, proud and free once again when you reach the end of the bad news portion of this missive.
The bad news: The last lawfully elected President of the Republic of the united States of America was Abraham Lincoln. At the outbreak of the Civil War President Lincoln declared a national emergency, placed the country under martial law and suspended the constitution for the duration of the war. After the war the country lay devastated and still hopelessly divided as the south struggled to rebuild and bitter roots of resentment took hold as the era of “reconstruction” began. The south was eventually resurrected, the Constitution was not.
In 1868 with the country still under a declared national emergency, the 41st congress allowed the federal government to incorporate and to inhabit a corporate location to be known as “The District of Columbia”. In 1871 congress unlawfully, without informing the public much less procuring the consent of the people, made it official by unconstitutionally passing the ACT of 1871, formally declaring the corporation of the United States to be the lawful government of the country with no jurisdiction outside the District of Columbia except by our consent (not asked for but gotten by insidious means which we are only now discovering) and having jurisdiction over the various territories ie; the Virgin Islands, the Maldives, Puerto Rico etc.
The corporate federal government then discarded our original constitution and began to draft their own, so similar as to escape our notice. (You cannot use the Constitution to defend yourself because you are not a party to it. (Padelford Fay & Co. v. The mayor and Alderman of the City of Savannah 14 Georgia 438, 520.) The original 13th amendment was removed in order to avoid violation of their version of the constitution from the start. The truth has been thrust before our eyes and assaulted our ears ever since. How many times have you seen in print or heard a politician refer to the constitution as “The Constitution of the United States?” There, friends and neighbors is the original lie for all to see and hear for our true original de jure Constitution was written as, “The Constitution for the united States of America. Words mean everything and the changing of one seemingly unimportant word can and did make the difference between a free republic and a corporate takeover.
With the takeover complete and the people still blissfully in the dark, the “Transformation of America” began in earnest. In order to accomplish that transformation without another war the secret had to be kept and the society of America drastically changed and “dumbed down” in the extreme. The reason for the takeover was simple. Greed, for money certainly but mostly for the acquisition of that which those who have everything cannot have; power, complete and total power, so much power as to give those who hold it, control over the entire world. The force behind this transformation was a group of powerful foreign bankers, (more details on them in a future article). They had attempted many times to take over America by capturing her monetary system and failed. With the Act of 1871 the door to obscene power and wealth was thrown wide open. America was then on a sure and certain path to destruction at the hands of a few self appointed elite.
The plan was brilliant and carefully crafted by men who had an infinite amount of patience. They knew it would take decades to accomplish but the game was on. By 1913, under Woodrow Wilson, they were able to corrupt congress enough to get the 16th and 17th amendments passed. Even though the 16th was never ratified what the people didn’t know was just fine with them. The 16thpaved the way for the bankers to gain complete control over the nation’s monetary system with the creation of the Federal Reserve Debt System, (nothing federal about it, owned lock stock and barrel by a foreign corporation) designed at a weekend retreat in Georgia called Jekyll Island. Following that, the IRS, also owned by them, was created.
To further control the monetary system and place the people under permanent debt, the bankers manipulated the economy and plunged the nation into the great depression. Then their handpicked CEO, (remember the government is now a corporation not a government therefore there are no restrictions of birthright etc. to hold that office), Franklin D. Roosevelt called in all the nation’s gold leaving the population with absolutely worthless paper notes backed by nothing, created out of thin air and based on debt.
The second step was creating a way to profit even more on the greatest resource the nation possessed, her people. Have you ever stopped to wonder where the term “Human Resources” originated? How can humans be a national resource? The term itself implies ownership and that is exactly what it means. We are Human capital (Executive Order 13037. ) With the enactment of two items we were converted from a free people to corporate chattel; the Certificate of Live Birth and later the Social Security system. Both of those documents create an all capital name entity which is bonded and traded on the open market. A trust account is created in that name and from that moment on everything you do in commerce for the rest of your life is based on forcing you to borrow on your own money while creating debt from it while the elite amass wealth by stealing your sweat equity. (You own no property, slaves can’t own property. Read the Deed to the property that you think is yours. You are listed as a Tenant. (Senate Document 43, 73rd Congress 1 st. Session).Every time you sign your name on a check, a credit application, a license of any kind, a contract or check that little box “are you a U.S. Citizen”, you are granting your permission to be under the unconstitutional jurisdiction of THE CORPORATION UNITED STATES. Take out a magnifying glass and examine the line on your checks where you sign your name. Look at your SSI card, drivers license, credit and debit cards etc., and you will see your name in all capital letters indicating that corporate entity. That entity is known as your “Straw Man”. (more on this at a later time). Even worse, by signing a birth certificate for your child you have just given legal custody of that child to the state which is why the state can take that child from you if they decide that you should not have him or her.
We have not had a Treasury since 1921. In 1944 by the Breton Woods Agreement our nation’s capitol, indeed all of the District of Columbia was ceded to the IMF (owns the Federal Reserve, IRS and the various alphabet agencies which are also corporate entities, FCC, CIA, FBI, NASA etc.) The IMF is an Agency of the UN. (Black’s Law Dictionary 6th Ed. Pg 816). New York City is defined in the Federal Regulations as the United Nations. Rudolph Giuliani stated on C-Span that “New York City was the capitol of the world” and he was correct. (20 CFR chapter 111, subpart B 422.103 (b) (2) (2) (also check out Rev. 14 in reference to what happened on 9/11)
So now the elite own the country, the money and the people. Again, brilliant but not by any means a plan completed. Even up to this point if the people had been made aware of the plan behind the scenes they would have revolted. Americans are particularly covetous of their perceived freedom, regardless of the fact that their rights were slowly but surely disappearing. So what was left for the elite to do in order to accomplish total control? Well they had to change the way Americans behave, how they learn, what they believe and how they will react. That meant control over education; enter the Federal Department of Education (Have you read your children’s history books? Better yet have you ever read those your parents and grandparents were taught from and then read your children’s history books?). Naturally American politics and ideology had to be manipulated as well. This is where the emerging “progressives” excelled. The ideology of the progressives is based on Marxism and a fantasy utopian socialist society. Never mind that it has never worked in the history of the world even though it has been tried hundreds of times and continues to be the source of suffering, genocide and serfdom in many places around the world today. The elite don’t believe in this ideology but they do recognize it as a means to an end. Under progressive influence both society and political thinking were gradually and drastically changed. The concept of “political correctness” (PC), was born and slowly replaced common sense. People are just now realizing that PC has usurped and replaced the 1st of the ten “Bill of Rights”, freedom of speech.
Gradually the elite bought up every mainstream media outlet on the air waves and those in the form of the written word. Today they literally control very nearly all news, television and radio programming, major newspapers and magazines and even what you see on the “big screen” at theaters across the nation. The average American is blissfully unaware that they are presented only with what the corporation wants them to know and are deliberately kept from any information which might lead them to question. Basic American values of morality, personal responsibility and virtue were chipped away and eroded. “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters”, Benjamin Franklin. The elite are more than happy to be that master. While the educational system is used to indoctrinate, the media is used to brainwash, all the while, Americans still believe they are free.
Education and media, two out of three ain’t bad in just a few decades. The biggest obstacle to the elite’s plan was and continues to be America’s faith. Today we live in a PC soaked society where the virtuous, the moral and the faithful are vilified, especially those of the Christian faith. Even the word god is struck from our classrooms, crosses banned in public and national religious holidays reduced to generic secular celebrations. Our judicial branch of government has twisted the constitution so far that decisions are handed down based on a concept which is not anywhere mentioned in a single founding document, “Separation of Church and State.” Nowhere is that mentioned in our Constitution, Bill of Rights or Declaration of Independence. In reality it was a term used in a letter written by Thomas Jefferson which was taken out of context for the sake of expediency. By destroying America’s faith the foundation of her society is also destroyed, the family. "You don't need God anymore, you have us Democrats." - Nancy Pelosi (Quoted 2006)
If you doubt for a moment that you are under an unlawful, unconstitutional de facto government, just walk into any courtroom in the land, look at the flag. Why does it have gold braid and fringe around it? That gold fringe represents the rule of law which holds jurisdiction in that court and it’s not the common law of the land, it’s Military Maritime Law! Those of us who believe that the Yellow Fringed Flag is the 'Law of Admiralty' Flag will know all about this. For the rest of us, this will be a shocking new disclosure. President, Dwight David Eisenhower signed Executive Order No.10834 on August 21, 1959 and had printed in the Federal Register at 24 F.R. 6865, pursuant to the law, stated that: "A military flag is a flag that resembles the regular flag of the United States, except that it has a yellow fringe border on three sides." This signifies that when you enter that court you have entered and placed yourself under foreign jurisdiction. Our true Constitution and Republic form of government is the law of the land, Common Law and that law has been shoved aside, hidden and left to mold with time while the corporation marches us down the road to dictatorship and one world poverty.
Everything above is easily verified but is the bare tip of the iceberg in the corruption and deception this nation has been enveloped in for more than 134 years. We are now told that our Constitution is out dated, irrelevant and a “list” of negative rules. The founders wrote the document that way in an attempt to insure that no branch of government could over run the people. The Legislative branch was designed with two houses for a reason. The Senate was structured to be the federal arm of representation for the State Legislatures. That’s why our constitution dictates Senators be appointed by those bodies but the 17th amendment erased that and placed the Senate under the same corrupted election system the Congress is subject to. Our States now have virtually no representation on the federal level so neither, do we the people.
This is why your government does not listen to you. This is why they only appear to when campaigning for election and promptly do as they please once they reach the hill. They DO NOT WORK FOR YOU! They work for a foreign owned banking cabal better known as the International Monetary Fund.
So today we have a hopelessly bloated federal government which literally controls every single aspect of your life from the pillows you sleep on to the food on your table, there is not one thing you do from the time you rise in the morning to the time you lay your head down at night that is not regulated in one way or another from a local, state or federal government.
We have forgotten our founders and who we are. We have through apathy and indoctrination, allowed ourselves to be enslaved and dependent upon a corrupt corporation. It’s time to reverse what has been done to the greatest nation on earth. Violence and force is not the way, the corporation is now imploding as it finds itself so internally corrupt that it has lost control over its players. There have been untold numbers of crimes against humanity to be paid accounted for but that will be dealt with later. First we must restore our honor and our country, and then look to the future for our children and grandchildren.
The rightful government of our founders has been re-inhabited, quietly, peacefully and behind the scenes. It is funded and ready to pick up the broken pieces of this great society when the corporation crumbles and the economy collapses. Just like the first half of the last century both entities will exist at once for a short time. During that time measures are being taken to insure the least amount of chaos and hardship possible for the American people as the rats desert the ship. However this is America and no person can be forced to choose freedom and the Republic over slavery. If you choose to remain a slave to the collapsing nanny state, you are free to do so. If on the other hand, you are outraged at what has been done to you and ready to return to the land of our forefathers, visit the official site of the re-inhabited Republic. Read the plan, the declarations and then sign the declaration and step back into your rightful heritage as an American. You will be given the opportunity to step up to serve in different ways if you so choose but that, is not necessary. The account and password function will not work until you are sent a confirmation via email of your signature. While this time you don’t have to gather minute men, your musket and rations to fight a revolutionary war, you are still being given the same choice your ancestors made in 1775!
We will be posting articles authored by us and others on subjects touched on above and with the intention of education and enlightenment while we endeavor to help those who must learn once again what it means and how to be, a free people. Welcome to the land of our forefathers and mothers, America! The CHANGE our Founders Believed In!
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