Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Hats off to McCrystal! US General delivers heavy blow

Hats off to McCrystal! US General delivers heavy blow (thanks to Myra)

By Jane Burgermeister

General Stanley McChrystal, the top US and NATO comamnder in Afghanistan, has detonated the equivalent of a bomb in the White House by publishing criticism of President Barack Obama’s leadership of the campaign.

In our era of communication and infowars, McChrystal has done the equivalent of what Claus von Stauffenberg did in 1944 when he nearly assassianted Hitler using a briefcase bomb before trying launch a coup against the Nazis.

McChrystal even wrote a fictional story as a West Point cadet in which an unnamed narrator tries to assassinate the President.

“The President strode in smiling. From the right coat pocket of the raincoat I carried, I slowly drew forth my 32-caliber pistol. In Brinkman’s failure, I had succeeded,” says the report.

Great minds think alike.

Credited with reducing the number of civilian casualties, he is just the latest of countless US generals to resign over the Afghanistan war fraud and quagmire, but his resignation after such deadly crticism will send schockwaves through out the military-industrial as well as the drug laundering Wall Street operation.

Read more from Kurt Nimmo at:

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